Tom Ridge: I Was Pressured To Raise Terror Alert To Help Bush Win Re-Election

Shit........Bush Jr. was supposed to be a pilot, yet he never showed up for work.

Tell me again how much more distinguished Air National Guard is than actually going to the front lines.

are we supposed to be surprised by this? it was really clear that every time kerry's numbers went up, there was an orange alert.

I believe one of the reasons why the terror alert should have been raised to RED is because Kerry was running for President. What a piece of work this clown is. Got that lying thing down pat too. Guess his "hero" status from Viet Nam was only in his own mind. It certainly wasn't in anybody's mind except his.

Yeah, Kerry's a piece of work alright. If Kerry would've won in 2004, we would've been out of Iraq the next year. Instead, we stayed in Iraq and thousands of more US Soldiers and untold number of Iraqi civilians lost their lives because Bush was re-elected. Our economy went down the drain, millionaires got richer and the poor got poorer and you didn't elect Kerry because of some stupid shit about a war we should've never been in?

What do you think is better? Purposfully injuring yourself to get out of a war that we should have never been in or scaring the shit out of 300 million people so Bush could be re-elected?
I thought Bush stole the election??? :lol: Which is it?? I think I'll read Ridge's book as well, cause I'm guessing that the author has mischaracterized what he said for sensationalistic purposes.
are we supposed to be surprised by this? it was really clear that every time kerry's numbers went up, there was an orange alert.

I believe one of the reasons why the terror alert should have been raised to RED is because Kerry was running for President. What a piece of work this clown is. Got that lying thing down pat too. Guess his "hero" status from Viet Nam was only in his own mind. It certainly wasn't in anybody's mind except his.

Ah yes....and the sweetness of the Republicans bashing a man who actually served in the Navy IN Viet Nam.

I really enjoyed those Purple Heart band aids at the RNC convention.

Who gives a shit what Kerry did 30 years ago? Bush did this right before the fucking election! You honestly think it's OK to lie to 300 million people about terrorists planning an imminent attack on us?

Where are the Republicans who thought Clinton should've been thrown out of office for lying under oath? The Republicans who think LYING and DECEIVING is WRONG? THE CONSERVATIVE WAY OF LIFE IS TO BE HONEST AND YET THE CONSERVATIVES OF THIS FORUM ARE EXCUSING BUSH BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKING REPUBLICAN??? Ask yourself: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Whatever happened to "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor?" Bush LIED to us and the very same conservatives who preach moral values and honest and integrity are sitting here and EXCUSING this????

This is why I left the Republican Party. Because of the conservative hypocrites who are running it.

Does any conservative here think Ronald Reagan would've done something like this? LIED to us about an urgent terrorist attack so that he could've gotten re-elected?

What if Al Gore was president and he did the exact same thing in 2004, raised the alert level to scare the shit out of people to make them think that the only way to stay safe was to re-elect Gore. What if that happened to you, conservatives? Wouldn't you be wailing on and on about how terrible Gore is and how he LIED and CHEATED to win the re-election?
I believe one of the reasons why the terror alert should have been raised to RED is because Kerry was running for President. What a piece of work this clown is. Got that lying thing down pat too. Guess his "hero" status from Viet Nam was only in his own mind. It certainly wasn't in anybody's mind except his.

so... you think that the Navy gives away Silver Stars for nothing?

Doesn't that really mean that you are denigrating any Navy veteran who won that award?

I was in the Navy for 20 years and 5 days. I know from personal experience that there are people who get medals and there are people who earn medals. I was not there when Kerry did whatever it was he was hailed to do to earn that Silver Star but I do know that there are a lot of people who spoke up and said his actions were not quite that grand.

Who gives a shit about fucking medals? They're just painted piece of metal. Your emotional connection with material goods is blinding your judgment. BUSH LIED TO US ALL TO GET RE-ELECTED AND TO KEEP THE WAR IN IRAQ GOING! Isn't that wrong???
are we supposed to be surprised by this? it was really clear that every time kerry's numbers went up, there was an orange alert.

I believe one of the reasons why the terror alert should have been raised to RED is because Kerry was running for President. What a piece of work this clown is. Got that lying thing down pat too. Guess his "hero" status from Viet Nam was only in his own mind. It certainly wasn't in anybody's mind except his.

so... you think that the Navy gives away Silver Stars for nothing?

Doesn't that really mean that you are denigrating any Navy veteran who won that award?

We have already been over this and you ran the fuck away. So let me get this right? You think over 500 Navy men of all ranks including Admirals all lied about Kerry? Is that about right?

Why did Kerry need to have his awards reinstated? Why did Kerry never release all his records like Bush did? And ya he was a coward not a hero, he fabricated 3 purple hearts and ran away.

Remind us how it was SEARED in his brain about being in Cambodia while Nixon was President on Christmas eve when first he was no where near Cambodia and second Nixon was not President the December he was in Vietnam. Remind us how he had to bribe his old crew to lie for him.

Remind us how he violated the UCMJ and met with enemy foreign power during a time of open conflict and negotiated with them. Remind us how he openly lied about the supposed atrocities he and others saw and were a part of. Remind us how he was in a meeting when his group discussed assassinating the President of the United States. Yup some hero he was.
Yep, you are Retired. Lot of stick and no balls to drop in the pockets. The guys who were there said JK did all those good things out there. You weren't there. Your opinion doesn't count. But go ahead and yell. It's fun to watch.
Shit........Bush Jr. was supposed to be a pilot, yet he never showed up for work.

Tell me again how much more distinguished Air National Guard is than actually going to the front lines.

Straight up LYING. Bush flew more hours then he was required to in the most dangerous aircraft the Air Force had. You want to whine about lying, don't do it your self.

Kerry wrote his own awards. He is the one that claimed he was a hero and then got his command to sign off on it. He is the one that faked 3 injuries one of which he had to lie to his second commander to get after his commander at the time REFUSED to give him the award for a self inflicted wound.
Yep, you are Retired. Lot of stick and no balls to drop in the pockets. The guys who were there said JK did all those good things out there. You weren't there. Your opinion doesn't count. But go ahead and yell. It's fun to watch.

Dumb ASS those men WERE there, all of them. On the boats and in the base he served in, the boats almost never patrolled alone. And in fact every time he claimed an award there were other people there who saw his supposed heroics and said they did not deserve a medal.

He got a Silver Star for shooting an already wounded unarmed kid in the back.
Retired, your are seriously delusional.

You are the delusional one, it is a matte rof PUBLIC RECORD dumb fuck. Bush only quit flying after his aircraft was being decommissioned. He had no time left to retrain on another air craft and was allowed to go campaign for a friend. Having BEEN in the Guard I know how that works. ANYONE can request similar deferments and temporary transfers. I was in the Washington State Headquarters unit that maintained such peoples records and was the clerk that maintained them. That was in 1978 and early 79.

You may want to pull that head of yours out of your fat ass and actually look up some facts.

And I love how you retard complain about Kerry while doing the exact thing you are complaining about to Bush. FUCKING HYPOCRITES.
I wonder if there will every be a cure for Bush Derangement Syndrome, or if all of you poor souls will be infected forever. :lol:
Obviously, no one on the right cares that Ridge did this.
MORE "PROGRESSIVE" ideology that keeps pointing in the REAR VIEW MIRROR in hopes of distracting from the FUTURE? History.......what are YOU going to do for us today, besides declaring the "THE BUCK STOPPED WITH "W"......I don't need no stinking buck stopping here?" Where is the LEADERSHIP that declares.......I AM COMMANDER IN CHIEF.......I AM RESPONSIBLE for MY DECISIONS? Where are the REAL democratic the mold of JFK....or TRUMAN? The Last true example of a real DEMOCRAT was taken out for demanding LOWER TAXES, and STRONGER national security (JFK) the communists that have taken over the Democratic Party.

Tom Ridge? A progressive?

You're a nutbar, ain't ya?

Obviously, no one on the right cares that Ridge did this.

Which isn't surprising, but isn't it horrifying? To what measures are these people willing to go through to hold onto power? Does our constitution even matter to these people anymore?
Obviously, no one on the right cares that Ridge did this.

Which isn't surprising, but isn't it horrifying? To what measures are these people willing to go through to hold onto power? Does our constitution even matter to these people anymore?
Did it ever? It's also obvious that no one on the right cares that Bush did this.
Obviously, no one on the right cares that Ridge did this.

No one on the left seems to care that Obama is loaning 2 billion of tax dollar money for off shore drilling to a state owned Brazillion oil company that George Soros just happened to invest very heavily in earlier this year. And that is CURRENT news. Well, of course the Obama media won't cover it, but the WSJ had a nice article about it. Where are the anti-capitalists screaming about the rich, evil oil companies, where are the environmentalists screaming about the harm to the environment by investing tax dollars in foreign oil, where are all of the moralists screaming about an obvious move to pay back a supporter? The hypocrisy just keeps on building. I wonder what would have happened had Bush loaned an oil company 2 billion tax payer dollars? I'm sure we all know the answer to that.

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