Tonight, 12 years ago

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12 years ago tonight (by Hebrew Calander) 19th of August 2003, A Palestinian from Hebron received into his hand an explosive belt, and headed towards Jerusalem.

He went on the line 2 bus in the capital, when he cried out "Allah Ackbar", and blew himself, taking out 24 civilians, 7 of them children, injuring hundreds more.

The terror attack was known as "The children massacre", because many of the hurt ones were children under the age of 10.

The Terror attack was at a time of ceasefire, broke by Hamas, and triggered a military reaction immediately

Among the dead - A Jerusalemite rabbi, an entire family, and a 3 months old baby.


"Earth, cover not thou their blood, and let their cries have no resting place":

Shalom Mordechai Reinitz, 49 years old

Yisaschar Dov Reinitz, 9 years old

Shmuel Zargri, 11 years old

Lilach Kardi, 22 years old (murdered while weeks from delivery)

Jaboc Binder, 50 years old

Eliezer Weizpis, 40 years old

Libba Shwartz, 57 years old

Shmuel Valner, 50 years old

Abraham Bar-Or, 12 years old

Binyamin Bergman, 12 years old

Miriam Aizenshtein, 20 years old

Elisheva Meshulami, 16 years old

Goldy Toibenfeld, 46 years old (American)

Shmuel Toibenfeld, 5 months old

Chava Rechnitzer, 19 years old

Chanock Segal, 65 years old

Tzipora Doshinsky, 50 years old

Rachel Weiss, 70 years old

Maria Antonia Ralas, 39 years old

Mordechai Lauper, 27 years old

Tova Lev, 37 years old

Menachem Liebel, 50 years old
That happens when you chose to invade someone's homeland and call it your own

And seeing 2,000 dead bodies is what happens when you attack the sovereign land owners on whose lane you are squatting and stealing. Time for the international courts to make a ruling based on the facts and International law, and kick the arb muslims out of Israel.

Now why would you use a BRITISH coin with HEBREW lettering on it to claim that arab muslims had Palestine after 1099.
You really are stupid you know trying to prove the lie that the arab muslims had owned Palestine before the mandate of Palestine

Now why would you use a BRITISH coin with HEBREW lettering on it to claim that arab muslims had Palestine after 1099.
You really are stupid you know trying to prove the lie that the arab muslims had owned Palestine before the mandate of Palestine
12 years ago tonight (by Hebrew Calander) 19th of August 2003, A Palestinian from Hebron received into his hand an explosive belt, and headed towards Jerusalem.

He went on the line 2 bus in the capital, when he cried out "Allah Ackbar", and blew himself, taking out 24 civilians, 7 of them children, injuring hundreds more.

The terror attack was known as "The children massacre", because many of the hurt ones were children under the age of 10.

The Terror attack was at a time of ceasefire, broke by Hamas, and triggered a military reaction immediately

Among the dead - A Jerusalemite rabbi, an entire family, and a 3 months old baby.


"Earth, cover not thou their blood, and let their cries have no resting place":

Shalom Mordechai Reinitz, 49 years old

Yisaschar Dov Reinitz, 9 years old

Shmuel Zargri, 11 years old

Lilach Kardi, 22 years old (murdered while weeks from delivery)

Jaboc Binder, 50 years old

Eliezer Weizpis, 40 years old

Libba Shwartz, 57 years old

Shmuel Valner, 50 years old

Abraham Bar-Or, 12 years old

Binyamin Bergman, 12 years old

Miriam Aizenshtein, 20 years old

Elisheva Meshulami, 16 years old

Goldy Toibenfeld, 46 years old (American)

Shmuel Toibenfeld, 5 months old

Chava Rechnitzer, 19 years old

Chanock Segal, 65 years old

Tzipora Doshinsky, 50 years old

Rachel Weiss, 70 years old

Maria Antonia Ralas, 39 years old

Mordechai Lauper, 27 years old

Tova Lev, 37 years old

Menachem Liebel, 50 years old
That happens when you chose to invade someone's homeland and call it your own
What homeland did Arab beggars and squatters have?

The one that the thieving Jews want to ethnically cleanse them from.

When did they acquire this homeland then, as until 1917 the land was ruled by the ottomans who then gave it up to the LoN as war booty. They never had any ownership or sovereignty over Palestine since 1099 when they were kicked out after being defeated.
12 years ago tonight (by Hebrew Calander) 19th of August 2003, A Palestinian from Hebron received into his hand an explosive belt, and headed towards Jerusalem.

He went on the line 2 bus in the capital, when he cried out "Allah Ackbar", and blew himself, taking out 24 civilians, 7 of them children, injuring hundreds more.

The terror attack was known as "The children massacre", because many of the hurt ones were children under the age of 10.

The Terror attack was at a time of ceasefire, broke by Hamas, and triggered a military reaction immediately

Among the dead - A Jerusalemite rabbi, an entire family, and a 3 months old baby.


"Earth, cover not thou their blood, and let their cries have no resting place":

Shalom Mordechai Reinitz, 49 years old

Yisaschar Dov Reinitz, 9 years old

Shmuel Zargri, 11 years old

Lilach Kardi, 22 years old (murdered while weeks from delivery)

Jaboc Binder, 50 years old

Eliezer Weizpis, 40 years old

Libba Shwartz, 57 years old

Shmuel Valner, 50 years old

Abraham Bar-Or, 12 years old

Binyamin Bergman, 12 years old

Miriam Aizenshtein, 20 years old

Elisheva Meshulami, 16 years old

Goldy Toibenfeld, 46 years old (American)

Shmuel Toibenfeld, 5 months old

Chava Rechnitzer, 19 years old

Chanock Segal, 65 years old

Tzipora Doshinsky, 50 years old

Rachel Weiss, 70 years old

Maria Antonia Ralas, 39 years old

Mordechai Lauper, 27 years old

Tova Lev, 37 years old

Menachem Liebel, 50 years old

Once again the low-life tries to justify murders of civilians and especially


Aug 19, 2003 - Tehilla Nathanson, three, of Zichron Ya'acov was one of 23 persons murdered by a suicide bomber on a No. 2 Egged bus in the capital's Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood.

Tehilla Nathanson
Tell us how you justify the killing of over 500 CHILDREN and Gaza in cowardly bomb attacks on Homes, Hospitals and schools?
Tell us how you justify the killing of over 500 CHILDREN and Gaza in cowardly bomb attacks on Homes, Hospitals and schools?

Thank you for admitting that you're a low-life inhumane creature.

Have I ever justified a murder of a child? On the opposite,when asked to condemn an unsolved murder in Duma, I showed it by gathering with my brothers and sisters in a prayer for this innocent soul

And even if so you're still a disgusting lowlife for ACTUALLY OPENLY justifying the murder of INFANTS:
Will you condemn this murder Page 17 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're clearly about to loose it and something bad happens.
Tell us how you justify the killing of over 500 CHILDREN and Gaza in cowardly bomb attacks on Homes, Hospitals and schools?

Or maybe you mean condemning these low-lives who ARE RESPONSIBLE for the death of thousands in Gaza:

you said Hospitals and Schools?
Back to topic:


"Aug 19, 2003 - Shmuel Taubenfeld, three months, of New Square, New York, and his mother, Goldie, 43, were two of 23 persons murdered by a suicide bomber on a No. 2 Egged bus in the capital's Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood."

Shmuel Taubenfeld

Does Israel has to go down to the level of the savages and show the bodies of their victims around the world, for political gains?
No! Let them rest in peace.
The last resort of a low-life terrorist supporter-
Show graphic pictures so that everybody's brains shut-down.

The thing is fanger is counting on the empathy of people which he and his alike clearly lack of.
They nor care neither respect the dead on any side. Whether it's the Israelis dead whom he's happy to see slaughtered, or the balestinians whom he and his buddies blatantly use with no dignity.
Israel used pamphlets as a weapon of terror against civilians, urging them to flee, many went to UN safe zones and were bombed there anyway
12 years ago....

Aug 19, 2003 - Maria Reslas, 39, of the Philippines was one of 23 persons murdered by a suicide bomber on a No. 2 Egged bus in the capital's Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood.

The attack took place at about 9 p.m. as the bus was making its way from the Western Wall to several religious neighborhoods. The Hamas suicide bomber, apparently disguised as a religious Jew, boarded the bus and detonated his bomb shortly afterwards. Seven of those killed were children and over 130 people were wounded.
Maria Reslas
How do you know it wasnt a religious Jew, doing a bombing to blame on someone else was there ever any proof as to the identity of the Bomber?
Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack
. The European Commission also denounced what it called the "devastating terrorist attack" and called on the Palestinian Authority to intervene to bring a halt to such acts:

"The European Commission strongly condemns last night's devastating terrorist attack in Jerusalem ...

The European Commission calls on the Palestinian Authority to do everything in its powers to prevent such unacceptable and unjustified act of violence, and urges the PA and the Israeli Government to pursue their dialogue and common efforts towards peace as set out in the Road Map.[32]"

BBC NEWS Middle East Bus bomb carnage in Jerusalem

"The militant Palestinian groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad both said they carried out the attack."


"The attack tonight was claimed by members of both Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The Israeli police said the bomber was from Hamas. "
Tell us how you justify the killing of over 500 CHILDREN and Gaza in cowardly bomb attacks on Homes, Hospitals and schools?

Ask that of hamas who forced them to stay and be human shields. If hamas did not fight from behind womens skirts then the women would not get killed. But how many of those 500 children where killed by hamas to silence them after digging the terror tunnels ?

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