Tony Blair: We blew it

Good on him. That took some serious balls.
I've heard him admit it in front of British parliament years ago.

This proves how powerful the media is and how its no longer "liberal".

All you have to do is remember is how much the media reported on this information. Is it breaking news? Are they all reporting on this every day Is this big news? As big as bengazi? Thousands dead over " bad intelligence"? You mean a lie? But the media isn't reporting it that way so nothing is made of it.

Scott McClellan admitted stuff too but the media swept it under the rug.

In America if it ain't happening on TV it ain't happening.
I don't recall anyone claiming HIllary is Obama's boss. Link please.

You need to work on your sense of humor comrade....
Saddam was a bad guy for a lot of reasons.

So what? There are a lot of bad guys on this planet, what gives the US the right to decide which ones can stay and which ones need to be killed?


1. I don't recall anyone saying HIllary is Obama's boss. Link please.

2. What gives the US the right? The legal case for the Iraqi Invasion was discussed ad nauseam before the war. Are you very young? Was it before your time?
Good on him. That took some serious balls.
Give me a fucking break. He was party to the destruction of a country that led to the deaths of countless innocent lives. The ramifications from his decision continue today. He should be strung up by his balls.
Well, since we can't string him up by his balls, perhaps we can promote and appreciate honesty & contrition from the "leaders" who put us into that disaster.

I'll take what I can get.
How about we figure out how they did it so it can't happen again. We need to take back the media.

The Tom Brokaw kronkites, Dan Rather use to not communicate with the business side of the media. Today they are controlled by corporations.

The press is no longer free. It is no longer liberal.
So you disagreed with the rationals for the war. Got it.

Nope, those reasons were fine.

What was your point again?

Do you have short term memory issues? here let me help you out

Correll said:
Iraq was justified for numerous other reasons, and, it the Iraqis had their act together at all, should have ended up much better than under Saddam.
I asked you for the specifics of those "numerous other reasons", either you still buy the bullshit that the was being peddled to justify the war in the first place or you just wandered off into a fairy tale land of shoulda, woulda, coulda and attempted to blame all the negative consequences on the Iraqi people, which is it?

I do however respect the fact that you don't want to even attempt to back up your statement since apparently you've realized that it's an impossible position to defend.

The fact that you disagreed with those reasons doesn't mean they didn't exist or were not real.
Really? which specific reasons turned out to be real?

We freed the Iraqis from their oppressor.
And you think that justifies all the costs? If that's the case why aren't we freeing the North Koreans from their oppressors who are far worse than the Bathists? why aren't we freeing the Chinese from their oppressors? what about the Iranians? How about the Russians?

Did a majority of the Iraqi people ask us to come over and free them from the Bathists?

That they can't be a modern nation state without being oppressed from above is not our fault.
No but the fact that 10's of thousands of innocent lives were lost not to mention a mountain of American blood & treasure is OUR fault.

It is a lesson we should remember the next time we want to overthrow a Muslim DIctator, though.
Yes except for the fact that YOU apparently won't remember it since YOU are still attempting to justify it even after history has demonstrated what a colossal mistake it was, I can forgive all the citizens that were suckered into supporting that war as long as they acknowledge the fact that they were wrong, what I cannot forgive are citizens that refuse to learn from history and still seek to justify the stupidity since they're the leading contenders in the "who's going to fall for this type of idiocy again" contest.
So you disagreed with the rationals for the war. Got it.

Nope, those reasons were fine.

What was your point again?

Do you have short term memory issues? here let me help you out

Correll said:
Iraq was justified for numerous other reasons, and, it the Iraqis had their act together at all, should have ended up much better than under Saddam.
I asked you for the specifics of those "numerous other reasons", either you still buy the bullshit that the was being peddled to justify the war in the first place or you just wandered off into a fairy tale land of shoulda, woulda, coulda and attempted to blame all the negative consequences on the Iraqi people, which is it?

I do however respect the fact that you don't want to even attempt to back up your statement since apparently you've realized that it's an impossible position to defend.

The fact that you disagreed with those reasons doesn't mean they didn't exist or were not real.

We freed the Iraqis from their oppressor.

That they can't be a modern nation state without being oppressed from above is not our fault.

It is a lesson we should remember the next time we want to overthrow a Muslim DIctator, though.
We already knew this would happen. It's why Bush's daddy didn't invade Baghdad. There's a utube video of Chaney back then when he worked for hw admitting it.

So why did they spread our troops thin and start a second war before winning in Afghanistan?

Unless you believe the GOP is that stupid, you can only believe it was for haloburton and the oil companies.
I don't recall anyone claiming HIllary is Obama's boss. Link please.

You need to work on your sense of humor comrade....
Saddam was a bad guy for a lot of reasons.

So what? There are a lot of bad guys on this planet, what gives the US the right to decide which ones can stay and which ones need to be killed?


1. I don't recall anyone saying HIllary is Obama's boss. Link please.

2. What gives the US the right? The legal case for the Iraqi Invasion was discussed ad nauseam before the war. Are you very young? Was it before your time?
I recall them rushing us into war. They certainly sold us.

Same liars crashed the economy then sold you its was the other sides fault.

You are brainwashed on so many levels. Youve even been convinced your own government is the enemy but you can't see the GOP is your biggest foe.
1. I don't recall anyone saying HIllary is Obama's boss. Link please.

Did you miss the whole Benghazi circus? Hillary personally planned the attack on Libya and assassinated 4 americans, Obama didn't even have a say in it.
2. What gives the US the right? The legal case for the Iraqi Invasion was discussed ad nauseam before the war. Are you very young? Was it before your time?

Oh, I remember it all right. I couldn't believe the Bu$h regime would actually be so stupid but all the rightwing morons assured me it would be a cakewalk and you would be welcomed as liberators....

And there was no legal case whatsoever, there was no threat and Bu$h didn't get permission from the UNSC. That makes it a war crime by definition.

You can try to excuse it all you want but that doesn't change anything. The only reason Bu$h, Blair, Cheney etc. will never stand trial is because they're exceptional, christian, white war criminals backed by wall street and the MIC.

Good on him. That took some serious balls.
Give me a fucking break. He was party to the destruction of a country that led to the deaths of countless innocent lives. The ramifications from his decision continue today. He should be strung up by his balls.
Well, since we can't string him up by his balls, perhaps we can promote and appreciate honesty & contrition from the "leaders" who put us into that disaster.

I'll take what I can get.
How about we figure out how they did it so it can't happen again. We need to take back the media.

The Tom Brokaw kronkites, Dan Rather use to not communicate with the business side of the media. Today they are controlled by corporations.

The press is no longer free. It is no longer liberal.

The Media is liberal.

They are just incompetent.
Let history judge them

Tony Blair says he's sorry for Iraq War 'mistakes' -

(CNN)Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says he's sorry for "mistakes" made in the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, but he doesn't regret bringing down dictator Saddam Hussein.

"I can say that I apologize for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong because, even though he had used chemical weapons extensively against his own people, against others, the program in the form that we thought it was did not exist in the way that we thought," Blair said in an exclusive interview on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS that airs Sunday.

Blair was referring to the claim that Saddam's regime possessed weapons of mass destruction, which was used by the U.S. and British governments to justify launching the invasion. But the intelligence reports the claim was based on turned out to be false.

Progressives still obsessed with W and the Iraq War.

Still voting for Hillary are we?
So you disagreed with the rationals for the war. Got it.

Nope, those reasons were fine.

What was your point again?

Do you have short term memory issues? here let me help you out

Correll said:
Iraq was justified for numerous other reasons, and, it the Iraqis had their act together at all, should have ended up much better than under Saddam.
I asked you for the specifics of those "numerous other reasons", either you still buy the bullshit that the was being peddled to justify the war in the first place or you just wandered off into a fairy tale land of shoulda, woulda, coulda and attempted to blame all the negative consequences on the Iraqi people, which is it?

I do however respect the fact that you don't want to even attempt to back up your statement since apparently you've realized that it's an impossible position to defend.

The fact that you disagreed with those reasons doesn't mean they didn't exist or were not real.
Really? which specific reasons turned out to be real?

We freed the Iraqis from their oppressor.
And you think that justifies all the costs? If that's the case why aren't we freeing the North Koreans from their oppressors who are far worse than the Bathists? why aren't we freeing the Chinese from their oppressors? what about the Iranians? How about the Russians?

Did a majority of the Iraqi people ask us to come over and free them from the Bathists?

That they can't be a modern nation state without being oppressed from above is not our fault.
No but the fact that 10's of thousands of innocent lives were lost not to mention a mountain of American blood & treasure is OUR fault.

It is a lesson we should remember the next time we want to overthrow a Muslim DIctator, though.
Yes except for the fact that YOU apparently won't remember it since YOU are still attempting to justify it even after history has demonstrated what a colossal mistake it was, I can forgive all the citizens that were suckered into supporting that war as long as they acknowledge the fact that they were wrong, what I cannot forgive are citizens that refuse to learn from history and still seek to justify the stupidity since they're the leading contenders in the "who's going to fall for this type of idiocy again" contest.

1. All of them except WMDs, and the Happy Ever After.

2. Irrelevant comparisons. Lots of reasons for each one.

3. Thank you for agreeing that their failures are not our fault.

4. If you are just scoring partisan political points, then you are, by your actions, actively retarding any learning of historical lessons. INdeed, it is obvious from Obama's actions in Egypt, Libya and Syria that he is still operating from the same belief system as Bush was, ie the Oppressed Arabs are yearning to breath free and all we have to do is remove the Oppressor and Everyone can live Happily Ever After.:thanks:
So you disagreed with the rationals for the war. Got it.

Nope, those reasons were fine.

What was your point again?

Do you have short term memory issues? here let me help you out

Correll said:
Iraq was justified for numerous other reasons, and, it the Iraqis had their act together at all, should have ended up much better than under Saddam.
I asked you for the specifics of those "numerous other reasons", either you still buy the bullshit that the was being peddled to justify the war in the first place or you just wandered off into a fairy tale land of shoulda, woulda, coulda and attempted to blame all the negative consequences on the Iraqi people, which is it?

I do however respect the fact that you don't want to even attempt to back up your statement since apparently you've realized that it's an impossible position to defend.

The fact that you disagreed with those reasons doesn't mean they didn't exist or were not real.

We freed the Iraqis from their oppressor.

That they can't be a modern nation state without being oppressed from above is not our fault.

It is a lesson we should remember the next time we want to overthrow a Muslim DIctator, though.
We already knew this would happen. It's why Bush's daddy didn't invade Baghdad. There's a utube video of Chaney back then when he worked for hw admitting it.

So why did they spread our troops thin and start a second war before winning in Afghanistan?

Unless you believe the GOP is that stupid, you can only believe it was for haloburton and the oil companies.


Obviously GW believed differently than his Father.

The reasons for the invasion were discussed ad nauseam. It is not credible for you to ask what they are. Try to be less dishonest.
1. I don't recall anyone saying HIllary is Obama's boss. Link please.

Did you miss the whole Benghazi circus? Hillary personally planned the attack on Libya and assassinated 4 americans, Obama didn't even have a say in it.
2. What gives the US the right? The legal case for the Iraqi Invasion was discussed ad nauseam before the war. Are you very young? Was it before your time?

Oh, I remember it all right. I couldn't believe the Bu$h regime would actually be so stupid but all the rightwing morons assured me it would be a cakewalk and you would be welcomed as liberators....

And there was no legal case whatsoever, there was no threat and Bu$h didn't get permission from the UNSC. That makes it a war crime by definition.

You can try to excuse it all you want but that doesn't change anything. The only reason Bu$h, Blair, Cheney etc. will never stand trial is because they're exceptional, christian, white war criminals backed by wall street and the MIC.


1. Link please. With a cut and paste where any Republican of note claims that Hillary is Obama's boss. Simple request. NOt sure why you are hesitating.

2. YOur disagreement with the reasons is noted. The Iraqi violations of the Cease FIre alone was legal cause for resumption of hostilities. Please stop with the dramatics.
Good on him. That took some serious balls.
Give me a fucking break. He was party to the destruction of a country that led to the deaths of countless innocent lives. The ramifications from his decision continue today. He should be strung up by his balls.
Well, since we can't string him up by his balls, perhaps we can promote and appreciate honesty & contrition from the "leaders" who put us into that disaster.

I'll take what I can get.
How about we figure out how they did it so it can't happen again. We need to take back the media.

The Tom Brokaw kronkites, Dan Rather use to not communicate with the business side of the media. Today they are controlled by corporations.

The press is no longer free. It is no longer liberal.

The Media is liberal.

They are just incompetent.
Same mind fuck they pulled on you with bush! You're arguing that he wasn't incompetent and the truth is, it all went exactly as planned.

They got away with it, right?

You're so far gone and don't even see you.

We all say American voters are dumb but never think it's us.
Good on him. That took some serious balls.
Give me a fucking break. He was party to the destruction of a country that led to the deaths of countless innocent lives. The ramifications from his decision continue today. He should be strung up by his balls.
Well, since we can't string him up by his balls, perhaps we can promote and appreciate honesty & contrition from the "leaders" who put us into that disaster.

I'll take what I can get.
How about we figure out how they did it so it can't happen again. We need to take back the media.

The Tom Brokaw kronkites, Dan Rather use to not communicate with the business side of the media. Today they are controlled by corporations.

The press is no longer free. It is no longer liberal.

The Media is liberal.

They are just incompetent.
Same mind fuck they pulled on you with bush! You're arguing that he wasn't incompetent and the truth is, it all went exactly as planned.

They got away with it, right?

You're so far gone and don't even see you.

We all say American voters are dumb but never think it's us.

It obviously did not go as planned.

There was a serious flaw in Bush's reading of the situation, ie that the Iraqi People were yearning to breath Free and all we had to do was remove their Oppressor and they could live Happily Ever After.

And be a Bastion of Democracy and Freedom in the Middle East.

What we needed was someone to point out the Arabs don't do that.
A true liberal progressive sees both sides of every argument. Only problem is our opponents don't.

Liberals have been shown to be the WORST at understanding people different than themselves in an peer reviewed academic study.

Would you like a link?

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