Tony Blair: We blew it

They had bad intel, but it's not like they attacked Canada.

There's always a Boogeyman to be bombed. That's how the NWO Globalist Elites continue their Permanent War. If there isn't a Boogeyman, you can bet they'll invent one.

Except for 10 years there wasn't one.

And they didn't invent Osama. He invented himself.

Sooooooooo, your theory doesn't hold up.

Actually, he was invented. He was heavily funded, armed, and trained by the CIA in Afghanistan. But regardless, Bin Laden had nothing to do with Iraq.

No, he wasn't.

That is a mistake made by people who think all arabs look alike.

9-11 vastly lowered, temporarily the threshold for War in the American People.

Thus, Iraq, which had been hovering close to that line anyways, suddenly found itself over the line, without realizing the change.

Al Qaeda and the Taliban were heavily funded and armed by the CIA in Afghanistan. The goal was to remove the Soviets. And of course, it led to something much worse.

And Hussein despised the radicals. There are far more terrorists in the Middle East since we killed him. In fact, Al Qaeda and ISIS are probably the biggest winners of the Iraq War nightmare.

The Taliban came out of Pakistan later. Al Qaeda was one of many Arab groups fighting the Soviets.

The Taliban is a mainly Pakistani Intelligence creation. Which in effect, is a U.S. Intelligence creation. Nothing gets done in Pakistan without U.S. consultation. We own em.

And Al Qaeda wouldn't have been possible without U.S. support. The world would have been much better off if the Soviets had been allowed to take Afghanistan.
Except for 10 years there wasn't one.

And they didn't invent Osama. He invented himself.

Sooooooooo, your theory doesn't hold up.

Which 10 years?

Late 80s to 9-11.

Pretty sure there were a couple of major wars during that time. Lots of bombing & killing.

What? THe 100 Hour War? Hardly enough to feed the MIC in your scenario.

Major Arms manufacturers went bankrupt and folded.

That is not what happens in an oligarchy as you describe.

Hell, avoiding that would have been super easy to explain.

"We just want to build the stuff we did the R&d for, because with the Long Peace coming, American soldiers are going to be using this stuff for generations".

Hell, it would have been a very easy policy to defend.

Still don't see your 10yr break from war.

Fall of SU, peace dividend until 9-11.
Which 10 years?

Late 80s to 9-11.

Pretty sure there were a couple of major wars during that time. Lots of bombing & killing.

What? THe 100 Hour War? Hardly enough to feed the MIC in your scenario.

Major Arms manufacturers went bankrupt and folded.

That is not what happens in an oligarchy as you describe.

Hell, avoiding that would have been super easy to explain.

"We just want to build the stuff we did the R&d for, because with the Long Peace coming, American soldiers are going to be using this stuff for generations".

Hell, it would have been a very easy policy to defend.

Still don't see your 10yr break from war.

Fall of SU, peace dividend until 9-11.

What 'Peace?'
The lesson to be learned is that absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence.
Um. In this case it was.

Really? The WMDs were not destroyed?

They did not exist.

Err, you are aware that Saddam was known for using gas to commit Genocide against his own people and War Crimes against invading Iranians, right?

Do you need a link?

The lack of evidence of their destruction was presented as evidence they still existed.

That this is news to you, demonstrates that we learned nothing from this error.

Thank you for validating my opinion.
So who were the biggest winners in the Iraq War nightmare?...

A few Western Corporate Fatcats, Iran, Russia, Al Qaeda, ISIS...

Anyone wanna add to the list, feel free.
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Judge: "Mr Smith, to the Charge of Murder, how to you Plead?"
Mr. Smith: "Guilty your Honor. I relied on information to carry out a killing that later turned out to be false. And for that I apologize."
Judge: "I hereby Order that you be released immediately and Let History Judge You".
Judge: "Mr Smith, to the Charge of Murder, how to you Plead?"
Mr. Smith: "Guilty your Honor. I relied on information to carry out a killing that later turned out to be false. And for that I apologize."
Judge: "I hereby Order that you be released immediately and Let History Judge You".

Spot On. If the U.S. didn't own the UN and International Justice System, many of its leaders would have stood trial for War Crimes.
Judge: "Mr Smith, to the Charge of Murder, how to you Plead?"
Mr. Smith: "Guilty your Honor. I relied on information to carry out a killing that later turned out to be false. And for that I apologize."
Judge: "I hereby Order that you be released immediately and Let History Judge You".

Spot On. If the U.S. didn't own the UN and International Justice System, many of its leaders would have stood trial for War Crimes.

If we own the UN how come we didn't get a resolution specifically authorizing military action against Iraq? How did the Iraqis use the UN to force President Bush to re-negotiate the SOFA before the end of 2008?
Judge: "Mr Smith, to the Charge of Murder, how to you Plead?"
Mr. Smith: "Guilty your Honor. I relied on information to carry out a killing that later turned out to be false. And for that I apologize."
Judge: "I hereby Order that you be released immediately and Let History Judge You".

Spot On. If the U.S. didn't own the UN and International Justice System, many of its leaders would have stood trial for War Crimes.

If we own the UN how come we didn't get a resolution specifically authorizing military action against Iraq? How did the Iraqis use the UN to force President Bush to re-negotiate the SOFA before the end of 2008?

In the end the West, especially the U.S. and Great Britain, own the UN and International Justice System. How many Americans and Brits have you ever seen stand trial? They've routinely committed awful atrocities, yet they've never been held accountable. They do all the horrible things they accuse others of doing. And they get away with it.

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