Too Clever By Half

I just wiped up the floor with you, and either you are too dumb to realize it, or too embarrassed to admit it.

Which is it, liar???
You are cretainly free to believe either of those things, or perhaps some other silly thing that might pop into that empty mayonnaise jar you call a brain. It wouldn't be the first time your reality didn't match the real world. You can, however be assured your entertainment vallue hasn't diminished. Your claims are far from new. You think restating them a million times makes you some kind of winner? What could you possibly win, dumb ass?
You could be right, I do not know. . . in this post. .

You claimed they were going into Trump's pocket. . now? You are changing your story, and say that he is soliciting funds for a Trump PAC for a presidential run, and not for his "SAVE AMERICA," PAC. . . but? I don't think you have any evidence of these claims. IMO? I don't think you have a clue, because like me, I don't think you have ever watched a single one of his rallies, been to them, or looked into which PAC's he is currently doing fund raising for. . . you are just trying to spread fear and disinformation.

Especially since you are equivocating and lying from one post to the next. Clearly, your aim here, is to make folks that might donate to Trump's fund raising efforts for the GOP, believe they are getting scammed, which, empirically, and factually, is not the case.

And? You have no proof of that, not a shred.
I'm not going to bother laying it all out for you. You've made it clear that facts don't matter to you, so you aren't worth the effort. You don't want to believe trump is scamming his supporters? Send him your money.
I'm not going to bother laying it all out for you. You've made it clear that facts don't matter to you, so you aren't worth the effort. You don't want to believe trump is scamming his supporters? Send him your money.

You haven't a shred of proof to support your lies.
That's what crazy right wingers have been claiming for a long time. Nobody believes it because right wingers can't back up their claims with any proof.
You are confused Moon Bat.

You get exposed on your lies and inability to back up your Left Wing bullshit every day on this forum.
You aren't worth the effort.
You can gas-light yourself, but you can't do that to me.

In a survey of over a hundred noted Historians, Trump was by far the worst in 150 years
LOL!! Now that's funny. We already know how worthless democrat group memos are.
Have you heard that Biden used to shower with his and Jill's daughter Ashley????
How fucked-up is that?
You are confused Moon Bat.

You get exposed on your lies and inability to back up your Left Wing bullshit every day on this forum.
Far from confused. It doesn't matter how often you repeat your silly claims, repeating them doesn't make them true.
You are cretainly free to believe either of those things, or perhaps some other silly thing that might pop into that empty mayonnaise jar you call a brain. It wouldn't be the first time your reality didn't match the real world. You can, however be assured your entertainment vallue hasn't diminished. Your claims are far from new. You think restating them a million times makes you some kind of winner? What could you possibly win, dumb ass?


I doctumented each and every one.

You're simply a scummy liar.

Bet you hear that a lot.

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