Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

You'll be dead by the time I turn 67.

You likely will be too. :lol:
Does honesty or integrity mean nothing anymore? The kinky hairdo doesn't hide complexion or something as simple as family history. WHY go to such length and lie about something superficial? This intellectual/factual dishonesty seems to be a symptom of modern American culture nowadays.

It's sick but it isn't superficial as it isn't just skin color! It is your bones, dna and probably dozens of things. I don't know how or why a white person would do such a thing. Self hater is all I will say.
Damn you white boys are incensed! :laugh:
She lives as a black woman, self-identifies as black, feels as though she is black. She gets called a loony tune bitch.

Substitute 'woman' for 'black', apply one Bruce Jenner, and that's okay, that's 'the new normal'.

It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world . . . except for Lola
My problem with Dolezal is the intent to mislead, if not out and out fraud. If she thinks she will get a leg up professionally, or has self esteem issues, I don't care. I am so tired of Americans cheating, lying, stealing, driving like idiots and the general lack of respect and lack of integrity in our culture. I am getting damned tired of this zeitgeist liberalism seems to be spreading.
The question is, did she lie on official fotms or to gain status or financial advantage? In any case, I think she hss a mental issue and needs counseling.
I don't really understand how you could support transgenderism but oppose transracialism. Liberals are going to be in quite the dilemma here. Are they mad at a white woman for being racist by appropriating blackness and being a liar or will they support her self-identifying as black? If one's gender is a social construct that can be determined by the individual, why can't one's race?
The question is, did she lie on official fotms or to gain status or financial advantage? In any case, I think she hss a mental issue and needs counseling.
what mental issue is that?

She called an unidentified black man her father. She needs help. Not sure what mental issue she has, but she has one.
Or she could just be a liar. But yes, there is a good chance she is mentally ill as well.

I am curious, do you think she would be mentally ill if she were to genuinely identify racially as black despite being born white? Do you think transracialism is a mental illness?
People that lie about being a marine cannot be taken at their word. Please provide a link where the cops busted her for fake racial incidents or we know its just more of your monkey hoots. :laugh:

Have somebody read you the link this OP came from ya dumbass. :lol:
Why would I do that you monkey? I already posted this from the OP's link. Like most monkeys you have a hard time reading I see. :cool-45:

"Dolezal has made many reports of harassment and other crimes to police. None have resulted in arrests or charges – but neither have any included direct claims that she fabricated them. In some cases, such as a report that a noose was left on her porch in Spokane, there were other witnesses."

I have no reason to believe she is telling the truth about the threats. She has already lied, I won't take her at her word.
You dont have to take her at her word. Ask the people that witnessed it.

Witnessed a noose on her porch? As if she couldn't put it there?
The question is, did she lie on official fotms or to gain status or financial advantage? In any case, I think she hss a mental issue and needs counseling.
what mental issue is that?
Being a pathological lair, for starters. If this gal seriously thinks she is black, she is deluded. Either way, something isn't right with her.
I may agree on the pathological lying part. But if one can be a woman trapped in a man's body, or vice versa, and they are not mentally ill or "deluded", why would she be mentally ill for thinking she is black?
There were forms where she identified herself as black when she was working for the city.

I'm wondering though.................if a cop suddenly pulls her over, which does she identify as, black or white?
We've been asking the black community to find better role models, so I guess they've been listening. A white girl is the new leader of the black community! :laugh:
The question is, did she lie on official fotms or to gain status or financial advantage? In any case, I think she hss a mental issue and needs counseling.
what mental issue is that?
Being a pathological lair, for starters. If this gal seriously thinks she is black, she is deluded. Either way, something isn't right with her.
I may agree on the pathological lying part. But if one can be a woman trapped in a man's body, or vice versa, and they are not mentally ill or "deluded", why would she be mentally ill for thinking she is black?
What does that to do with anything? I have a relative that is transgendered. He/she hurt and misled a lot of people, for years. Lied, mislead, subterfuge...Sore point with me, I do not tolerate liars anymore. Like the liberal media, illegal aliens, gays or Machiavellian schemers out to get their way. Sick of it all.

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