Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

I only have one question.

If she claimed she was a Martian, would anyone take her seriously?
I only have one question.

If she claimed she was a Martian, would anyone take her seriously?
Ya never know, if there is a ass to kiss, there is a liberal so low as to sell out ones soul to do it, if the Martians were invading, some sycophant will be there to "help". Vichy France, prime example. Sellouts, cowards, ignorant selfish twits. Liberal, in a nutshell.
I actually have zero problem with a white person identifying as black, I don't think it should be /necessary/, but to each their own. When it comes to forms and stuff though, not necessarily polls, but legal forms, I start to have a slight issue - If AA quota's didn't exist I wouldn't have a problem with it though. Still, one white chick saying she's black and getting a job reserved for a black doesn't concern me, probably because frankly I don't think race should matter in anything. A white chick saying she's black to get that extra edge on financial support or to get into college is kind of shitty imo, but again, one chick doing it is a whatever in the grand scope - and again I don't think race should be a factor. On medical forms stuff one should probably be honest, different races do have different medical concerns, but there again, the only person she could [possibly] be hurting is herself there, at least until pregnancy, so I guess whatever on that as well.

I think there is a little merit to the lies to friends and family point that's been made to varied degrees. While I don't think most folks would have a problem with a friend saying "I identify black," (and frankly if they did then you probably don't want them as friends anyway.) Thing is, I don't typically go around telling my friends "hey I'm white" so its not a lie if I don't say my race. I mean if one of my friends "presumes" I'm straight based on appearances (aka I'm married to a man), but I'm actually bisexual and happen to mention that at some point, it's not a lie, but their presumption.

It's a different line with this chick though, she's showing pictures of her ex-husband saying it's her father. That /could/ be flat out lying so her friends would have every right to be angry with her. But then again, my kids don't use prefixes like step or bio with us parents, so I can see the "god" parent argument has merit... [Edit of course that'd be some weird ass shit to call your ex-husband your god parent.]

Frankly this /should not / be an issue, you really shouldn't be giving a shit what race your friends "actually" are, nor should you particularly care what race you were born into. It's just a stupid mess all around that really doesn't need to exist, except perhaps in the doctor/patient relationship and by extension child/parent relationship. Though with all the bi-raicials in the US, doctors could get around that so even that might not matter so mcuh...

In other words: she's a confidence trickster who's made financial gains under false

THAT is the big problem, once you get any form of financial gain out of it, its fraud.

In a similar way, Obama conned the Dems. He's not an African-American who descended from slaves and overcame a disadvantaged background. He was raised by his well-off white grand parents in Hawaii and went to a prestigious prep school, and then on to a mysteriously financed Ivy League education.
Actually Obama mother is the descendant of a slave. All African-Americans arent descended from the enslaved. Typical of ignorant people to think so.

Just to add some info/clarification on this, not all African's that came to America were slaves. A good number came over as indentured servants, as a way to pay for their trip to America, after they fulfilled their work contract they were free. There was a documented free negro class in America as early as 1619, some even became wealthy tobacco and cotton farmers themselves, complete with their own slaves (blacks and whites). Somewhere around the 1660's laws were penned that enslaved the children of negros and slavery became more immoral, prior to that the children were considered free, but it seems the costs of importing "new" slaves was getting too high. By the early 1800's slavery had become a social/moral concern in the US, in response, in the early to mid-1800's, on the heels of a slew of "immoral" slavery laws, religious groups started a social movement to free the slaves, which was met with hostility by wealthy farmers. This led to the civil war.

Unfortunately, merely winning a war does not change the "slavery mentality" on either side of the battle line; bigotry, hatred, resentment, anger, all of it. One would hope that 50 years could, but apparently not yet. Hopefully, eventually, we can move past it and stop fighting with each other. Until then we do the best we can to end racism and hope that people will stop being stupid... I wish I could hold my breath, but there's a hell of a lot of stupid in this country.
.... Link?
Seriously? Were you marooned on an island or something?

Nnnnnnnope. But those who carry myths around and don't even blink when they're exposed as such... well they might have their own island. I suspect it sits right in the middle of DeNial River.

My apologies. I was incorrect about you being marooned on an island. You clearly have had your head up your ass instead. Funny you mention denial as you are engaging in it.

Hey, I simply know the difference between a fact and a myth. Facts can be documented; myths -- well, you saw what happened. Messy. That's why I don't go there.

So, your contention is that Warren never claimed to have Native American ancestry? Really? Because the facts dispel your mythical belief. Google is your friend.

Nope. Learn to read.

It was claimed by Teapartysamurai, who has since conceded the myth, that Warren lied about it. I asked for proof of that, and got -- nothing. There isn't any. Ergo: myth.

As I said, not that complex. If something is real it can be documented as such. Posting "everybody knows" on the internet falls juuuuuust a wee bit short of that.

Understand now?
At one time she listed herself in the AALS directory as a minority. She later admitted to falsifying documents that she was a Native American.
At one time she listed herself in the AALS directory as a minority. She later admitted to falsifying documents that she was a Native American.

Uhhh... don't think so.

So here we go again...


Wonder how long it will take for summa y'all to figure out that I have the easy part here....
I told Al Gore back when he invented the internet that it would be a gold mine for mythbusters.
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Does honesty or integrity mean nothing anymore? The kinky hairdo doesn't hide complexion or something as simple as family history. WHY go to such length and lie about something superficial? This intellectual/factual dishonesty seems to be a symptom of modern American culture nowadays.

If you read Asclpeepee's posts in this thread, you'll see it sure the fuck doesn't matter to him.
I still dont see where she every claimed to be African American. She has been videoed saying she would refer to herself as Black which white people have a very hard time understanding so I can understand the confusion.

Oh please, we all know what the fuck she was doing here. Please stop your defense of a blatantly deceptive person.
At one time she listed herself in the AALS directory as a minority. She later admitted to falsifying documents that she was a Native American.

And here we go again...


Wonder how long it will take for summa y'all to figure out that I have the easy part here...

I haven't bothered reading any of your other posts in this thread, but based on this post, am I to assume you've been defending her ?
Does honesty or integrity mean nothing anymore? The kinky hairdo doesn't hide complexion or something as simple as family history. WHY go to such length and lie about something superficial? This intellectual/factual dishonesty seems to be a symptom of modern American culture nowadays.
Where did she lie? I'm still trying to find out where she lied.
Your post is a perfect example of what I alluded to. You know damned good and well what she did.
Actually I dont. As far as I can tell she preferred the Black culture. Whats dishonest about that? Lots of white women like Black culture. She seems particularly committed to Black people which I applaud.

Of course normal white people proud of their culture are contemptible to mindless drones like you.

Does honesty or integrity mean nothing anymore? The kinky hairdo doesn't hide complexion or something as simple as family history. WHY go to such length and lie about something superficial? This intellectual/factual dishonesty seems to be a symptom of modern American culture nowadays.
Where did she lie? I'm still trying to find out where she lied.

Oh good god, you are a walking talking delusional idiot. Why this board tolerates your constant utter nonsense is absolutely beyond me. You do nothing but drive a wedge into each and every thread you ever enter into.
At one time she listed herself in the AALS directory as a minority. She later admitted to falsifying documents that she was a Native American.

And here we go again...


Wonder how long it will take for summa y'all to figure out that I have the easy part here...

I haven't bothered reading any of your other posts in this thread, but based on this post, am I to assume you've been defending her ?

I'm just shooting down the same myth over and over.
The weird part is it keeps getting back up.
I just have too wonder...

Now that the stupid libtard has been outed, and the NAALCP has refused to reject her con artist ass, will she stop frying her hair and painting herself?

She can go back to being the dumb blond that she really is.

f AA quota's didn't exist I wouldn't have a problem with it though. Still, one white chick saying she's black and getting a job reserved for a black doesn't concern me, probably because frankly I don't think race should matter in anything. A white chick saying she's black to get that extra edge on financial support or to get into college is kind of shitty imo, but again, one chick doing it is a whatever in the grand scope - and again I don't think race should be a factor.

Just a quick observation on this ------ she's already female. Which means she wouldn't need to "pass for black" to get an AA job; she already qualifies.

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