Too Many Government Workers?

Too Many Government Workers

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In light of the current Government Shutdown, this is an interesting and important topic to discuss. We all know our Government has expanded to a previously unthinkable gargantuan status. With that, so many Millions of Americans are now employed by our Government. They are solely dependent on Taxpayers for their survival. Are there too many Government Workers now. Can this trend be reversed, or should it be?

400,000 work for the Pentagon alone

See Rightwinger's helpful link within post #24.


I know it asks alot of you to read and analyze data, so I'll explain it to you:

Military Government workers are far fewer today than in the past 50 years. If any portion of government has decreased employees, it is the military.

the PO has cut 300,000 since 99....they have to be up there too...
I voted Yes, but with the following qualifier:

There are not too many government workers, there are too many people receiving government paychecks, many of whom really don't do anything remotely like productive work.
Take 10% off across the board. Evenly across every government office. Once people realize they aren't missing anything cut another 10%.

If they had done this during the shutdown,even at 18%, nobody would have noticed anything was wrong and business could have gone on as usual. The problem there is that Obama could not have inflicted the pain to punish the populace for questioning his authority.
400,000 work for the Pentagon alone

See Rightwinger's helpful link within post #24.


I know it asks alot of you to read and analyze data, so I'll explain it to you:

Military Government workers are far fewer today than in the past 50 years. If any portion of government has decreased employees, it is the military.

the PO has cut 300,000 since 99....they have to be up there too...

I just don't see much growth in the federal workforce in the last 50 years. Most agencies have gotten leaner and more efficient. The population of the US has almost doubled and our Federal Workforce has maintained the same strength

There are fewer federal workers under Obama than there were under Reagan

More Conservative mythmaking about bloated government
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I voted Yes, but with the following qualifier:

There are not too many government workers, there are too many people receiving government paychecks, many of whom really don't do anything remotely like productive work.

were i worked we called them "middle management"...
Take 10% off across the board. Evenly across every government office. Once people realize they aren't missing anything cut another 10%.

I'm on board with this. Why not start a new thread with this as a poll? I'd love to see what kind of bi-partisan support you can get for this.
I know it asks alot of you to read and analyze data, so I'll explain it to you:

Military Government workers are far fewer today than in the past 50 years. If any portion of government has decreased employees, it is the military.

And how much of that payroll has just been shifted to military contractors?
Let's get ALL the info on the table, OK?
Wow, sad to see how anti-job the republicans are.

They seem to be anti every thing that is good for America.

I'm no Republican - but even I'm on board with fewer folks on the government payroll getting a 40-hour paycheck for accomplishing maybe 10 to 15 hours of real work a week.

What we have to weigh is this:

Is this program/employee/expenditure so important that we need to sink further and further into debt to fund it?

We cannot continue at this pace idefinitely. And how many noble endeavors are we going to accomplish when our debt finally crushes us?

I don't believe we've reached that tipping point yet and who knows, we may not for another 40 or 50 years. But why wait for the crisis? Why not be proactive and avoid the crisis? It doesn't take a genius to see where this road leads. Besides, I'm embarassed over the mess we are leaving to our children to sort out.

I am convinced that we can accomplish every bit as much as we are now on a lot less money.
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One day there will have to be a reckoning. Time's running out. The burden of massive Government is becoming too much for Taxpayers. This current Warfare/Welfare State cannot be sustained.
One day there will have to be a reckoning. Time's running out. The burden of massive Government is becoming too much for Taxpayers. This current Warfare/Welfare State cannot be sustained.

Where is your data supporting "massive government"?
One day there will have to be a reckoning. Time's running out. The burden of massive Government is becoming too much for Taxpayers. This current Warfare/Welfare State cannot be sustained.

Where is your data supporting "massive government"?

Stop it, just stop. Even an ole Entitlement Moocher like you probably understands our Government has become far too big. But go on playing dumb if it makes you happy. Or maybe you're not playing? Who knows?
anti jobs
anti education
anti science
anti tech
anti infrastructure
anti government

why not just move into the back woods and leave us civilized people alone?

Careful might get your conservative card revoked.

If you'd only get over that black hating thing..I'd mint you up a liberal one. :D
One day there will have to be a reckoning. Time's running out. The burden of massive Government is becoming too much for Taxpayers. This current Warfare/Welfare State cannot be sustained.

Where is your data supporting "massive government"?

Stop it, just stop. Even an ole Entitlement Moocher like you probably understands our Government has become far too big. But go on playing dumb if it makes you happy. Or maybe you're not playing? Who knows?

If we have fewer federal employees than we had 30 years is it "bloated"?
One day there will have to be a reckoning. Time's running out. The burden of massive Government is becoming too much for Taxpayers. This current Warfare/Welfare State cannot be sustained.

Where is your data supporting "massive government"?

Stop it, just stop. Even an ole Entitlement Moocher like you probably understands our Government has become far too big. But go on playing dumb if it makes you happy. Or maybe you're not playing? Who knows?

Don't get testy.
Just provide the debt to GDP % for all countries. Show where the U.S. ranks.

That makes it clear to me that at least government spending is getting out of hand.
Where is your data supporting "massive government"?

Stop it, just stop. Even an ole Entitlement Moocher like you probably understands our Government has become far too big. But go on playing dumb if it makes you happy. Or maybe you're not playing? Who knows?

If we have fewer federal employees than we had 30 years is it "bloated"?

Yes we know, Government is just the right size for you Entitlement Moochers. What a surprise there. Hey, just heard Walmart is handing out Obama-Phones. Better hurry. Off ya go now. Bye.
I know it asks alot of you to read and analyze data, so I'll explain it to you:

Military Government workers are far fewer today than in the past 50 years. If any portion of government has decreased employees, it is the military.

And how much of that payroll has just been shifted to military contractors?
Let's get ALL the info on the table, OK?


Great idea.

Go ahead and post it.

Better yet, have whoever made the claim post the data to back it up.
Where is your data supporting "massive government"?

Stop it, just stop. Even an ole Entitlement Moocher like you probably understands our Government has become far too big. But go on playing dumb if it makes you happy. Or maybe you're not playing? Who knows?

Don't get testy.
Just provide the debt to GDP % for all countries. Show where the U.S. ranks.

That makes it clear to me that at least government spending is getting out of hand.

Our Government is too big and oppressive. Big Brother is everywhere. Everywhere you turn, a Government Henchman is in your face demanding tribute. And as Government grows more desperate for funds, the Shakedowns will become more aggressive and frequent. It's gonna get much worse.
Stop it, just stop. Even an ole Entitlement Moocher like you probably understands our Government has become far too big. But go on playing dumb if it makes you happy. Or maybe you're not playing? Who knows?

If we have fewer federal employees than we had 30 years is it "bloated"?

Yes we know, Government is just the right size for you Entitlement Moochers. What a surprise there. Hey, just heard Walmart is handing out Obama-Phones. Better hurry. Off ya go now. Bye.

What is your basis for determining the proper size of government?

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