Too Much Fuss For John Lewis Funeral ?

John Lewis is a hero to many people. If not to you, thats fine. Turn the channel and move on.
How can he be anything to me. Never heard of the guy. What, is he another no-account in congress like Obama was now launched to fame out of pure racism just because he happens to be Black? And when will his first statue to commemorated? Just as the police and cities stood by as statues of many great and famous people have been toppled, I bet they sink his into 25 feet of concrete with a steel beam and station a TV camera and heat sensor on it to protect it.

Racism is alive and well in America: Too bad it isn't the racism the media claims to us.
John Lewis is a hero to many people. If not to you, thats fine. Turn the channel and move on.

Some unfortunates can't get through their day unless they're whining about how much attention somebody else is getting just because they died after a measly eighty years of dedication. Poor saps.
I'm old enough to remember when ex-PRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower died, and I don't remember as much fuss being made, especially on TV. That was a US president, a former Supreme Commander of Allied troops in Europe in World War 2, and a president who enacted one of the top civil rights actions of the past 200 years. Nothing Lewis ever did in civil rights, or anything else, compares with that. So what DID Lewis do ?
Your antenna only brings in 2 channels? Maybe the trailer next door is getting Starsky and Hutch.

So basically, you have no answer to what Lewis has done so special either? What next, a national holiday? Maybe the Nobel Committee can also award him a prize posthumously, you know, just for being Black? They can call it the Obumma Prize.

Elijah Cummings, you were RIPPED OFF!
After 50 years in public office working for the people he is only known for what he did 60 years ago?....that's nothing to be proud about.....he was a lifelong entrenched DC politician that got rich being quiet and bending to white democrats wishes all along....just another worthless do nothing swamper and the corporate globalizing media is fawning all over him....
I paid his salary for 33 years and didn't get a goddamn thing out of him except a few Cat 4 chimpouts about shit I couldn't care less about. I'd like to get my money back. Is it too late?
I’m sure John Lewis would be thrilled that a racist such as yourself was not satisfied with his public service
I like how you pretend it was "public service".... like it was real.

I'm a member of the public.... and like I just told you, I didn't get a goddamn thing from him.
Like I said, I don’t think he was concerned with the opinions of racists
After 50 years in public office working for the people he is only known for what he did 60 years ago?....that's nothing to be proud about.....he was a lifelong entrenched DC politician that got rich being quiet and bending to white democrats wishes all along....just another worthless do nothing swamper and the corporate globalizing media is fawning all over him....
As a Congressman, he fought for Civil Rights issues, gay rights, for healthcare, against the wars, for education.

He was a well respected Congressman and his reputation was well deserved
After 50 years in public office working for the people he is only known for what he did 60 years ago?....that's nothing to be proud about.....he was a lifelong entrenched DC politician that got rich being quiet and bending to white democrats wishes all along....just another worthless do nothing swamper and the corporate globalizing media is fawning all over him....

Post 22, version two.
After 50 years in public office working for the people

NO ONE should be in public office for FIFTY years. Public service was never meant to be a freaking career and anyone making a life out of it certainly isn't working "for the people." They are getting FAT off of fantastic pay for little work and benefits you can never dream of.
Right now, 2 major TV networks (ABC and CBS) are spending a ton of time airing the funeral and casket movement of the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA). Other networks are spending time talking on their shows about Lewis also. Is this excessive ?

What did Lewis do in his long political career that warrants so much attention ? I'm old enough to remember when ex-PRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower died, and I don't remember as much fuss being made, especially on TV. That was a US president, a former Supreme Commander of Allied troops in Europe in World War 2, and a president who enacted one of the top civil rights actions of the past 200 years. Eisenhower declared the Insurrection Act, and sent US troops with fixed bayonets, into Little Rock, Arkansas, to escort and protect black kids from screaming mobs, into a newly integrated high school, directly against the wishes of then Arkansas governor Orville Faubus.

Nothing Lewis ever did in civil rights, or anything else, compares with that. So what DID Lewis do ? Well, he led Democratic sit-in on the House floor to protest congressional inaction on gun control measures. Oh boy! But there WASN'T inaction on gun control measures. The same gun control that Lewis called for, was proposed earlier by 2 Senate Republicans (Grassley & Cornyn), and both were defeated by Democrat votes (because they didn't want Republicans to get the credit for it).

I'll give Lewis credit for his activity in civil rights protest (although I probably engaged in just as many demonstrations against the Vietnam War), but it just appears like Lewis' adulation might have as much political reasons behind it as anything else.

Also, while Lewis was a staunch proponent of equality for decades, and maybe he really believed in what he spoke, at the same time he voted for and supported the biggest racial discrimination and major INequality of the past 56 years, Affirmative Action.

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Guess why that guy is rubbing his arm. It's because he just got jabbed with a bayonet, that's why.
There was more ado about George Floyd, which shows you the priority of thugs in the black community.
After 50 years in public office working for the people

NO ONE should be in public office for FIFTY years. Public service was never meant to be a freaking career and anyone making a life out of it certainly isn't working "for the people." They are getting FAT off of fantastic pay for little work and benefits you can never dream of.
Where is it written that public service was never meant to be a career?

You are just making shit up
Lewis is a great American Patriot who risked his life for liberty and justice.

He deserves the credit and glad to see a new generation seeing what a great man he was
Yea, just like John McCain became a great American over night when he came out against Trump.

Before that, when he ran against Obama he was a white supremacist racist.

The radical transformation was spell binding.
George Floyd's funeral was far too much but this is not too much for John Lewis. Keep in mind that we honor the good in men and, intentionally, overlook the bad in otherwise great men - like Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Columbus, etc. John Lewis was a hero of civil rights. That he later allowed himself to be used as a puppet of the race-baiting, black-hating, left doesn't undo the great good that he did in the 60s.
Lewis is a great American Patriot who risked his life for liberty and justice.

He deserves the credit and glad to see a new generation seeing what a great man he was
Yea, just like John McCain became a great American over night when he came out against Trump.

Before that, when he ran against Obama he was a white supremacist racist.

The radical transformation was spell binding.
I remember John McCain during Vietnam
He was always a great American hero
That he later allowed himself to be used as a puppet of the race-baiting, black-hating, left doesn't undo the great good that he did in the 60s.

Can you provide some specific examples?
After 50 years in public office working for the people

NO ONE should be in public office for FIFTY years. Public service was never meant to be a freaking career and anyone making a life out of it certainly isn't working "for the people." They are getting FAT off of fantastic pay for little work and benefits you can never dream of.
Where is it written that public service was never meant to be a career?

You are just making shit up
what he is saying is after about 7 years in they get the "DC taint" its about how much wealth they can get while making it look like they are doing something......and one hell of a lot of them are in this category....anyone with 20 years or better in certainly is...
After 50 years in public office working for the people

NO ONE should be in public office for FIFTY years. Public service was never meant to be a freaking career and anyone making a life out of it certainly isn't working "for the people." They are getting FAT off of fantastic pay for little work and benefits you can never dream of.
Where is it written that public service was never meant to be a career?

You are just making shit up
what he is saying is after about 7 years in they get the "DC taint" its about how much wealth they can get while making it look like they are doing something......and one hell of a lot of them are in this category....anyone with 20 years or better in certainly is...
John Lewis never got wealthy in public service.

There is no evidence that inexperience in public office is superior to decades of service
Your antenna only brings in 2 channels? Maybe the trailer next door is getting Starsky and Hutch.
So more stations are airing it ? That's even worse. And you got a bigotry against people who live in trailers do you ? I lived in one once. It was OK.
After 50 years in public office working for the people

NO ONE should be in public office for FIFTY years. Public service was never meant to be a freaking career and anyone making a life out of it certainly isn't working "for the people." They are getting FAT off of fantastic pay for little work and benefits you can never dream of.
Where is it written that public service was never meant to be a career?

You are just making shit up
what he is saying is after about 7 years in they get the "DC taint" its about how much wealth they can get while making it look like they are doing something......and one hell of a lot of them are in this category....anyone with 20 years or better in certainly is...
John Lewis never got wealthy in public service.

There is no evidence that inexperience in public office is superior to decades of service
sure he wasnt......30 years with a great paying job and betting he was quit comfortable.....

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