Too Much Fuss For John Lewis Funeral ?

That he later allowed himself to be used as a puppet of the race-baiting, black-hating, left doesn't undo the great good that he did in the 60s.

Can you provide some specific examples?

He voted against block grants for federal education funding because it might be used for private schools. He was a staunch supporter of the school system that is hugely responsible for crime and poverty in urban America, including black people. Charter schools and school choice would do more to elevate the living standards in poor black neighborhoods than just about anything government could do - and, yet, civil rights leader John Lewis was against it. Not that he, deep in his heart, wanted to harm black people as does the racist Democratic Party, but he allowed himself to be suckered in - choosing the reward of Democratic Party support for his continued election over what was actually best for the black community.

He supported completely open borders - a policy that, by design or by accident, keeps black Americans on the democratic plantation, and gives entry level jobs to illegal immigrants. Same thing: open borders are bad for America and bad for Black Americans. But John Lewis ignored that to support the Democratic Plantation agenda. John Lewis was a house slave to the Democratic National Committee.

It is a shame because he started out so great. I think we need to honor the great things he did and, just like in others, overlook the bad. I'm all for a statue for him - maybe right next to one for Lincoln, Jackson, Washington, Jefferson. He definitely deserves a place in Trump's Honor Garden.
John Lewis is a piece of shit. Dumber than a doorknob in addition to being a worthless scumbag. Always has been.

I wonder what his real job was for ole Marty?

Procuring White whores that Marty loved so much or being a bag man for the Soviet money that funded the assholes?

If I had been there and been of age when the Sheriff called for White men to be deputized in Selma I would have gladly volunteered and would have been on the right side.

Fuck Lewis.
After 50 years in public office working for the people

NO ONE should be in public office for FIFTY years. Public service was never meant to be a freaking career and anyone making a life out of it certainly isn't working "for the people." They are getting FAT off of fantastic pay for little work and benefits you can never dream of.
Where is it written that public service was never meant to be a career?

You are just making shit up
what he is saying is after about 7 years in they get the "DC taint" its about how much wealth they can get while making it look like they are doing something......and one hell of a lot of them are in this category....anyone with 20 years or better in certainly is...
John Lewis never got wealthy in public service.

There is no evidence that inexperience in public office is superior to decades of service
sure he wasnt......30 years with a great paying job and betting he was quit comfortable.....
John Lewis was one of the least wealthy members of Congress and one of the most respected
Right now, 2 major TV networks (ABC and CBS) are spending a ton of time airing the funeral and casket movement of the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA). Other networks are spending time talking on their shows about Lewis also. Is this excessive ?

What did Lewis do in his long political career that warrants so much attention ? I'm old enough to remember when ex-PRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower died, and I don't remember as much fuss being made, especially on TV. That was a US president, a former Supreme Commander of Allied troops in Europe in World War 2, and a president who enacted one of the top civil rights actions of the past 200 years. Eisenhower declared the Insurrection Act, and sent US troops with fixed bayonets, into Little Rock, Arkansas, to escort and protect black kids from screaming mobs, into a newly integrated high school, directly against the wishes of then Arkansas governor Orville Faubus.

Nothing Lewis ever did in civil rights, or anything else, compares with that. So what DID Lewis do ? Well, he led Democratic sit-in on the House floor to protest congressional inaction on gun control measures. Oh boy! But there WASN'T inaction on gun control measures. The same gun control that Lewis called for, was proposed earlier by 2 Senate Republicans (Grassley & Cornyn), and both were defeated by Democrat votes (because they didn't want Republicans to get the credit for it).

I'll give Lewis credit for his activity in civil rights protest (although I probably engaged in just as many demonstrations against the Vietnam War), but it just appears like Lewis' adulation might have as much political reasons behind it as anything else.

Also, while Lewis was a staunch proponent of equality for decades, and maybe he really believed in what he spoke, at the same time he voted for and supported the biggest racial discrimination and major INequality of the past 56 years, Affirmative Action.

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Guess why that guy is rubbing his arm. It's because he just got jabbed with a bayonet, that's why.
I'm so sorry you had to suffer through it.
John Lewis is a piece of shit. Dumber than a doorknob in addition to being a worthless scumbag. Always has been.

I wonder what his real job was for ole Marty?

Procuring White whores that Marty loved so much or being a bag man for the Soviet money that funded the assholes?

If I had been there and been of age when the Sheriff called for White men to be deputized in Selma I would have gladly volunteered and would have been on the right side.

Fuck Lewis.
I sure don't understand why the Right (GOP) isn't attracting black voters in DROVES.
It relates to you whining about the coverage. Why do you care so much? People wanted to express their sorrow at his passing and share the mourning. That you aren't sad or in mourning is fine. But why whine about it?

And as far as comparing the coverage of President Eisenhower's funeral with this one, that is ridiculous. I defy you to compare ANY event, especially a funeral, from 1969 and 2020, and find that the one in 1969 received more coverage. It is the nature of the media.
Kennedy's death and funeral (1963) received more coverage. Why do you convert a report about media coverage, into use of the word "whining" ? Maybe being the # 1 protectionist responder in this forum, has something to do with it. Every time you post to my quotes, it's a whine about my posting.

As for Lewis, I'm not sad about seeing any Affirmative Action supporter kick the bucket, especially when his mourners claimed he was for social justice.
That he later allowed himself to be used as a puppet of the race-baiting, black-hating, left doesn't undo the great good that he did in the 60s.

Can you provide some specific examples?

He voted against block grants for federal education funding because it might be used for private schools. He was a staunch supporter of the school system that is hugely responsible for crime and poverty in urban America, including black people. Charter schools and school choice would do more to elevate the living standards in poor black neighborhoods than just about anything government could do - and, yet, civil rights leader John Lewis was against it. Not that he, deep in his heart, wanted to harm black people as does the racist Democratic Party, but he allowed himself to be suckered in - choosing the reward of Democratic Party support for his continued election over what was actually best for the black community.

He supported completely open borders - a policy that, by design or by accident, keeps black Americans on the democratic plantation, and gives entry level jobs to illegal immigrants. Same thing: open borders are bad for America and bad for Black Americans. But John Lewis ignored that to support the Democratic Plantation agenda. John Lewis was a house slave to the Democratic National Committee.

It is a shame because he started out so great. I think we need to honor the great things he did and, just like in others, overlook the bad. I'm all for a statue for him - maybe right next to one for Lincoln, Jackson, Washington, Jefferson. He definitely deserves a place in Trump's Honor Garden.
John Lewis rightfully opposed public money for Charter Schools because the money would come from struggling.public school systems
He did not support “completely open borders” and opposed Trumps oppressive immigration policies.
...BLACK RACE BLACK RACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...that's the big thing now
John Lewis is a piece of shit. Dumber than a doorknob in addition to being a worthless scumbag. Always has been.

I wonder what his real job was for ole Marty?

Procuring White whores that Marty loved so much or being a bag man for the Soviet money that funded the assholes?

If I had been there and been of age when the Sheriff called for White men to be deputized in Selma I would have gladly volunteered and would have been on the right side.

Fuck Lewis.
I sure don't understand why the Right (GOP) isn't attracting black voters in DROVES.
And they accuse Democrats of running a “plantation” while members like Flash flock to the Republican Party
I sure don't understand why the Right (GOP) isn't attracting black voters in DROVES.
Their blackout/boycott of all conservative speech/media has them still unaware that black unemployment is lowest in US history, while median wage is highest in US history. US liberals of all colors are the most information-deprived souls in America.

Then also, there is the sector of blacks who don't WANT a job. Instead, look to the Democrats for handouts, as long as they don't have to get up too early in the morning to get them.
John Lewis is a hero to many people. If not to you, thats fine. Turn the channel and move on.
The OP relates more to quantity, than quality.

It relates to you whining about the coverage. Why do you care so much? People wanted to express their sorrow at his passing and share the mourning. That you aren't sad or in mourning is fine. But why whine about it?

And as far as comparing the coverage of President Eisenhower's funeral with this one, that is ridiculous. I defy you to compare ANY event, especially a funeral, from 1969 and 2020, and find that the one in 1969 received more coverage. It is the nature of the media.
..because the MSM if fking over the US!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH
..super media coverage of a jackass BLACK criminal killed by a cop---but not an innocent WHITE lady killed by a cop
....whites are murdered by blacks at TEN times the rate of vice versa--but what do they cover?? BLACKS

...12 black CHILDREN murdered in 4 coverage compared to jackass criminal Floyd huge funeral for the CHILDREN
= idiocy
John Lewis is a piece of shit. Dumber than a doorknob in addition to being a worthless scumbag. Always has been.

I wonder what his real job was for ole Marty?

Procuring White whores that Marty loved so much or being a bag man for the Soviet money that funded the assholes?

If I had been there and been of age when the Sheriff called for White men to be deputized in Selma I would have gladly volunteered and would have been on the right side.

Fuck Lewis.
I sure don't understand why the Right (GOP) isn't attracting black voters in DROVES.

You pretty well have to be a piece of shit to be a Democrat. We all know that.

You are a vile despicable piece of shit if you belong to the Congressional Democrat Black Caucus. Goes without saying.

You are a traitor to this country if you were one of the traitorous lowlifes that participated in the Democrat Dirty Tricks coup against Trump.

Trifecta for the Lewis asshole. In addition he was a 17 term Congressman from a ghetto district that was absolutely worthless and dumber than a door knob.

His stupid uneducated Negro Constituents elected the sonofabitch to get them more welfare and he made things worse for them.
I'm so sorry you had to suffer through it.
I didn't . My remote control is always handy. When I start feeling sick watching MSM, I press my WatchFree button, and go to Newsmax, Blaze, the First, America's Voice, and OAN. Thank goodness for smart TV. Everybody ought to have one.

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