Too Much Fuss For John Lewis Funeral ?

You seem to be complaining about our free press. If a news platform wishes to publish, air, or otherwise cover a topic, that's freedom. Of course, it's your freedom to ignore them.
Political bias isn't "freedom". It's political bias (or perhaps racial bias)

Here's a list of congressmen who died while in office over the past 5 years. None of whom the media gave as much coverage to as John Lewis >>

Alan Nunnalee, Mark Takai, Louise Slaughter, Walter B. Jones Jr., Elijah Cummings

At least I've heard of Elijah Cummings and recognize the face. Who was Lewis and what did he do so great again?
He knew MLK and other Civil Rights figures
Then who was that in the YouTube video you posted playing that hornpipe on the mandolin?

You think nobody noticed?
It was me. And it wasn't a hornpipe. It was "Rights of Man" A tune of massive historical significance from the 1699 Glorious Revolution in England, don't you know ?

And I hope people DID notice. I didn't post it so they wouldn't.
You guys know Donald will never get the respect and praise Lewis has got and received when he finally leaves the planet.
Lewis is a great American Patriot who risked his life for liberty and justice.

He deserves the credit and glad to see a new generation seeing what a great man he was
He rewarded himself for his whole life and forgot what the prize was. No one is allowed to say anything. But that is the truth.

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