took away the red x's and replaced them with blue circles?

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There were a couple of posters that were engaging in red check abuse, and they would never be reprimanded so they just took away everybody's ability to use it.

How can it be abused? You either agree with a post, or disagree, or have no opinion either way. The red x was for disagreement. What's the abuse of red xing a post you disagree with?

What about abuse of the 'agree' buttons?

It can be abused when you compulsively attach disagrees to hundreds of a single poster's posts.
I can't get likes anymore...only fucking informatives ...I'm depressed.
This place is turning in to Sesame Street.. Give me a break.. Who actually whines about getting a redex? LIBERALISM at work.. If someone is offended , destroy the entire system.. like the Washington REDSKINS. For Gawds sake, we can't have someone offended on a political forum. Geezus you people.
Hey Gunny, I don't like when I get a red X, can you make the bad man stop handing out red x's?

Gunny replies as translated by the new filter that removes Words and Phrases Offensive to Starkey Liberals, "why don't you **** ** *** ****** *** *** *** and *** ******* you ******** ******* ** *********"
This place is turning in to Sesame Street.. Give me a break.. Who actually whines about getting a redex? LIBERALISM at work.. If someone is offended , destroy the entire system.. like the Washington REDSKINS. For Gawds sake, we can't have someone offended on a political forum. Geezus you people.

Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"
This place is turning in to Sesame Street.. Give me a break.. Who actually whines about getting a redex? LIBERALISM at work.. If someone is offended , destroy the entire system.. like the Washington REDSKINS. For Gawds sake, we can't have someone offended on a political forum. Geezus you people.

Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

It's coming, no doubt.. We seem to be on a Progressively bent politically correct moronically controlled idiotic forum filled with titty babies aka LEFTISTS.
This place is turning in to Sesame Street.. Give me a break.. Who actually whines about getting a redex? LIBERALISM at work.. If someone is offended , destroy the entire system.. like the Washington REDSKINS. For Gawds sake, we can't have someone offended on a political forum. Geezus you people.

Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

It's coming, no doubt.. We seem to be on a Progressively bent politically correct moronically controlled idiotic forum filled with titty babies aka LEFTISTS.

...have to check with Jake to see if the above post was offensive
Thanks C_K! Desired effect achieved. I think a few are worried they have to be informed now though. Back to school you hooligans! :)
I am outraged by this change in that it did not allow me to simultaneously thank, agree with, and denote that I was informed by the same post. There needs to be an option that combines the three, or the ability for us to do all three to one post.

Other than that, good going, mods. You silenced the major whiners ("BAWWWW, SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH ME, HOW AWFUL AND INHUMANE, I'M QUITTING USMB FOREVER") and have added a good third option. However, I'd say that most people used the former "like" option in the same way they'll use "Informative" now. Why not just axe the third option altogether?
Peace, tranquility and a sense of acceptance has transformed the landscape.
What's the point of having 3 positive feedbacks & 0 negative?
Apparently this is a work in progress. Since the only opinion you can express with these buttons is positive, negative opinions must be expressed in replies. If the goal is to make this a more positive experience, then that's a huge step backwards.
I am up for replying if I disagree with someone. Seems civilized to me.
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