took away the red x's and replaced them with blue circles?

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why have to hit / open "list" to see the names - seeing the names was what made "thanks" kinda fun ...

displaying the names makes it meaningful.
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This place is turning in to Sesame Street.. Give me a break.. Who actually whines about getting a redex? LIBERALISM at work.. If someone is offended , destroy the entire system.. like the Washington REDSKINS. For Gawds sake, we can't have someone offended on a political forum. Geezus you people.

Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

It's coming, no doubt.. We seem to be on a Progressively bent politically correct moronically controlled idiotic forum filled with titty babies aka LEFTISTS.
I recommend the whine above
Is the average age around here 14?

Or is this a "special" board where everyone's a winner?

Why not do what I did on my board - get rid of the ratings entirely? People post more when they have no up/down buttons to push.
No dammit! :mad::mad: I want my trophy points!!!
Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

I like how you forecast a simple policy change to an absurd end. :clap2:
Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

I like how you forecast a simple policy change to an absurd end. :clap2:
179 posts and Frank is suppose to care about what you think? LOL
Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

I like how you forecast a simple policy change to an absurd end. :clap2:
179 posts and Frank is suppose to care about what you think? LOL

I'll vouch for RiceChickie, she's good people.
All we need now is a "can i get an amen brutha" symbol for all the race pimps on the forum.
Isn't that "bruh"... I learned that during the Fergie imbroglio...
Hell I have no idea. I lost my "hipness" when my grandson was born

I didn't lose mine until the 8th grandchild came along - then I figured, "who am I kidding?".. ;)
Mine (9) range from 24 to 6.... I am the hippest of the bunch...late bloomer from those Catholic years...
Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

I like how you forecast a simple policy change to an absurd end. :clap2:
179 posts and Frank is suppose to care about what you think? LOL

I'll vouch for RiceChickie, she's good people
From her posts in the Michelle school lunch thread, I'd questioned that..
Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

I like how you forecast a simple policy change to an absurd end. :clap2:
179 posts and Frank is suppose to care about what you think? LOL

I'll vouch for RiceChickie, she's good people
From her posts in the Michelle school lunch thread, I'd questioned that..

We always say we want a well reasoned liberal, RC fits the bill.

Don't get me wrong, we never agree on anything, but she argues from a position of honesty and is reasonable.
Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

I like how you forecast a simple policy change to an absurd end. :clap2:
179 posts and Frank is suppose to care about what you think? LOL

I'll vouch for RiceChickie, she's good people
From her posts in the Michelle school lunch thread, I'd questioned that..

We always say we want a well reasoned liberal, RC fits the bill.

Don't get me wrong, we never agree on anything, but she argues from a position of honesty and is reasonable.
Ok.. Being I respect you, I will take your word on it. :) Until she proves otherwise that is.
Your post was informative and good thing I liked it otherwise I would not have been able to express my displeasure.
You can express your displeasure in the format of your responding post. It just doesn't affect the trophy points. Don't you the end we're ALL to receive trophies...lest someone's fucking feelings get hurt! Now you can either THANK ME, AGREE with me or tell me I've been INFORMATIVE here. (...but you can't do all three!)

...or use the impotent emoticons that do not make me less worthy of my collection of trophies at last to lay down.

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