Top 15 Trump Lies

The most telling lie: It didn't rain on his inauguration
Trump began his presidency by lying about the weather.
It rained during Trump's inaugural address. Then, at a celebratory ball later that day, Trump told the crowd that the rain "just never came" until he finished talking and went inside, at which point "it poured."
This was the first lie of Trump's presidency. Like his lies that same week about his inauguration crowd, it hinted at what would come next.
The most dangerous lie: The coronavirus was under control
Trump speaks at the beginning of a new conference with members of the coronavirus task force, February 26, 2020 in Washington, DC. Trump updated the American people about what his administration's 'whole of government' response to the global coronavirus outbreak.

Trump speaks at the beginning of a new conference with members of the coronavirus task force, February 26, 2020 in Washington, DC. Trump updated the American people about what his administration's 'whole of government' response to the global coronavirus outbreak.

This was more like a family of lies than a single lie. But each one -- the lie that the virus was equivalent to the flu; the lie that the situation was "totally under control"; the lie that the virus was "disappearing" -- suggested to Americans that they didn't have to change much about their usual behavior.
The most alarming lie saga: Sharpiegate
Trump references a map held by acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan while talking to reporters about Hurricane Dorian in the Oval Office at the White House September 4, 2019 in Washington, DC.

Trump references a map held by acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan while talking to reporters about Hurricane Dorian in the Oval Office at the White House September 4, 2019 in Washington, DC.

Trump tweeted in 2019 that Alabama was one of the states at greater risk from Hurricane Dorian than had been initially forecast. The federal weather office in Birmingham then tweeted that, actually, Alabama would be unaffected by the storm.
Not great, but fixable fast with a simple White House correction. Trump, however, is so congenitally unwilling to admit error that he embarked on an increasingly farcical campaign to prove that his incorrect Alabama tweet was actually correct, eventually showcasing a hurricane map that was crudely altered with a Sharpie.
It amazes me to watch these liberals walk around with such contempt for a man that made it possible for them to get a vaccine stuck in their arms in record time that may have saved their miserable life....

Look at that fucking hag bitch Pelosi...she raced down to get her self and her staff vaccinated while she sent the rest of the house members to the chamber to prepare for the vote to impeach people are disgusting as hell....
The Trump I see today is NOT the man he “said” he was during the election

Trump admires the “ruler” of Russia and North Korea because they will remain in power for life
. He sees himself as a “ruler” & during his second term in office he will abolish the two-term limit and appoint himself as the prime master leader; for life, a power he believes he can pass on to his children,

Setting that aside for a moment I have this to refresh your memory about Trump-----------
----Donald Trump's greatest achievements---- (to date)

Trump revokes background checks to buy guns

NEWS FEB 28 2017, 8:39 PM ET
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday rejected an Obama-era plan to make automobiles more fuel efficient, opening up a long process to weaken current standards and putting California and the federal government on a collision course over vehicle emissions.

Trump sons' hunting in focus as US lifts import ban on African elephant trophies
The Trump administration’s decision to loosen restrictions around the import of elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia has turned attention back to the president’s family’s own connection to the controversial sport.

Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump are prolific big-game hunters and during the 2016 campaign, images re-emerged of the pair on a 2011 hunting trip posing with animals they had killed on safari, including an elephant, a buffalo and a leopard.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump again called for an end to the filibuster and said there will be no deal with Democrats on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA.

"Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. 'Caravans' coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

Trump’s lies
With just 10 days before he finishes his first year as president, Trump has made 2,001 false or misleading claims in 355 days, according to our database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. That’s an average of more than 5.6 claims a day.
Republicans dump trump 2021
It amazes me to watch these liberals walk around with such contempt for a man that made it possible for them to get a vaccine stuck in their arms in record time that may have saved their miserable life..

People around the globe are getting vaccines
Do they need to thank Trump?
It amazes me to watch these liberals walk around with such contempt for a man that made it possible for them to get a vaccine stuck in their arms in record time that may have saved their miserable life..

People around the globe are getting vaccines
Do they need to thank Trump?

Rump knows more than the doctors.

Believe me.

It amazes me to watch these liberals walk around with such contempt for a man that made it possible for them to get a vaccine stuck in their arms in record time that may have saved their miserable life..

People around the globe are getting vaccines
Do they need to thank Trump?

Rump knows more than the doctors.

Believe me.

Are you the most qualified poster to state so? Maybe I should see what less qualified posters state?

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