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No they THINK they were held down. There is no actual number of how much income they were denied (if any at all) it is all speculation

The amount is over 400 million. That is a lot of money. Now please stop embarrassing yourself.

Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was

They paid it, no more proof necessary. You are a moron. You have no details. The judge who had the details insisted the number be raised. You are a joke.

"No proof necessary." he says.

Yet another hallmark of the left-wing.
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And you think like a moron. You are wrong and don't even understand capitalism. You are just another idiot on the internet who can't back up any of your claims.

Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost

Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

You are wrong, and they are wrong.

I have given many arguments to show such, and you have ignored all of them.
Yes me and all economists are wrong. You are a clown. Go be funny somewhere else, you shouldn't be talking capitalism.
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?

You are wrong. There was nothing wrong with what they did, whatsoever. The high skilled workers, were merely whiny spoiled brats. Which is why the left on this forum is now supporting their cause. Leftism = the ideology of spoiled brats.

So you are for a slow economy if you think what they did was ok. Moron.
The amount is over 400 million. That is a lot of money. Now please stop embarrassing yourself.

Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was

They paid it, no more proof necessary. You are a moron. You have no details. The judge who had the details insisted the number be raised. You are a joke.

"No proof necessary." he says.

Yet another hallmark of the left-wing.

The proof was already provided. The DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the settlement based on the facts, they paid out over 400 million, and economists have backed up that what they were doing is bad. You on the other hand have no proof of your silly claims.
Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost

Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

You are wrong, and they are wrong.

I have given many arguments to show such, and you have ignored all of them.
Yes me and all economists are wrong. You are a clown. Go be funny somewhere else, you shouldn't be talking capitalism.

Yes, you and "all the economists", meaning the very few who support your position, are wrong. You are wrong. Period. And I'm the only one here that *IS* talking about capitalism.

You still don't get it. Capitalism means you don't get to dictate to private business owners, how they conduct themselves.

The moment you drag them into court, because you 'don't like how they operate', that's socialism.

You don't have "right" to be called up randomly and offered more money. That is the exact non-right, that you are pushing in this thread.

Not a single employees actual 'rights' have been violated by anything being discussed.

So again... YOU ARE WRONG. PERIOD. You are wrong sir. You can repeating wrong, but you will be wrong, as long as you keep defending wrong.
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?

This idiot is loudly showing he doesn't even understand capitalism. He is standing behind illegal activity. He is supporting collusion that slows the economy. Amazing he isn't even alone in his stupidity.

The irony here is insane. Here you are promoting socialism, attempting to dictate to companies, that they must target high end employees of other companies, and claiming that's defending capitalism?

You are quickly becoming a joke on this forum.
I am promoting the labor market. You don't understand capitalism so you are lost.
Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

You are wrong, and they are wrong.

I have given many arguments to show such, and you have ignored all of them.
Yes me and all economists are wrong. You are a clown. Go be funny somewhere else, you shouldn't be talking capitalism.

Yes, you and "all the economists", meaning the very few who support your position, are wrong. You are wrong. Period. And I'm the only one here that *IS* talking about capitalism.

You still don't get it. Capitalism means you don't get to dictate to private business owners, how they conduct themselves.

The moment you drag them into court, because you 'don't like how they operate', that's socialism.

You don't have "right" to be called up randomly and offered more money. That is the exact non-right, that you are pushing in this thread.

Not a single employees actual 'rights' have been violated by anything being discussed.

So again... YOU ARE WRONG. PERIOD. You are wrong sir. You can repeating wrong, but you will be wrong, as long as you keep defending wrong.

You can scream and whine all you want. You don't understand capitalism. Provide a single economist that agrees with you.
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was

They paid it, no more proof necessary. You are a moron. You have no details. The judge who had the details insisted the number be raised. You are a joke.

"No proof necessary." he says.

Yet another hallmark of the left-wing.

The proof was already provided. The DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the settlement based on the facts, they paid out over 400 million, and economists have backed up that what they were doing is bad. You on the other hand have no proof of your silly claims.

No, false. I already told you, that the laws are stacked against corporations form the start. If they over price, they are price gouging. If they under price, they are engaged in predatory pricing. If they price the same, its called collusion.

Of course the DOJ can find them guilty. They can find every single corporation on the entire planet guilty, and every business, and every single person on the planet.

They found them guilty of immoral laws, that should never exist to begin with. The DOJ found them guilty, and that means nothing. They are not guilty of doing anything wrong, no matter what anyone at the DOJ says. You don't have a "right" to have someone call you and offer you more money. It's not a right granted in the constitution.

Again, if you people had to follow your own rules, you would see how insane it was. Last time you had an oil change, did you call around to mechanics and offer them $100 to change your oil? Why not? Don't they have a right to be poached by you?

Same exact argument, and just as idiotic.

You are WRONG. PERIOD. You can keep repeating wrong, but you'll still be wrong, no matter how many times you repeat wrong on this thread.
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?

This idiot is loudly showing he doesn't even understand capitalism. He is standing behind illegal activity. He is supporting collusion that slows the economy. Amazing he isn't even alone in his stupidity.

The irony here is insane. Here you are promoting socialism, attempting to dictate to companies, that they must target high end employees of other companies, and claiming that's defending capitalism?

You are quickly becoming a joke on this forum.
I am promoting the labor market. You don't understand capitalism so you are lost.

You can keep lying... but it does not change the fact that you are pushing socialism. And you have yet to apply the standards you are demanding companies follow, to yourself.
No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

You are wrong, and they are wrong.

I have given many arguments to show such, and you have ignored all of them.
Yes me and all economists are wrong. You are a clown. Go be funny somewhere else, you shouldn't be talking capitalism.

Yes, you and "all the economists", meaning the very few who support your position, are wrong. You are wrong. Period. And I'm the only one here that *IS* talking about capitalism.

You still don't get it. Capitalism means you don't get to dictate to private business owners, how they conduct themselves.

The moment you drag them into court, because you 'don't like how they operate', that's socialism.

You don't have "right" to be called up randomly and offered more money. That is the exact non-right, that you are pushing in this thread.

Not a single employees actual 'rights' have been violated by anything being discussed.

So again... YOU ARE WRONG. PERIOD. You are wrong sir. You can repeating wrong, but you will be wrong, as long as you keep defending wrong.

You can scream and whine all you want. You don't understand capitalism. Provide a single economist that agrees with you.

And you can keep lying all you want. You don't understand capitalism. Common sense should make up for a Ph.D in this case. You people have lost your minds. Why have you not called me up and offered me $100 to mow your lawn? Are you against "labor markets"? That's the exact argument you are pushing! It's insane. You are freakin nuts if you believe that crap.
Andy andy. Let's pretend that you are highly skilled in your field and that there are ONLY a limited number of other people who have your skills and talents.

You know anything about supply and demand?

A shortage of your skills in the job market usually means that a competitor of the company you work for would pay you MORE money to change jobs. Highly skilled, highly sought after.

If the companies agree to NOT BID HIGHER WAGES for each other's employees, how is that good for the prospective employee? And how is it not wage fixing by the companies? How is that fair for the market supposedly set by supply and demand. The.companies are price fixing for labor costs. And that's illegal if they do that.

That's why they settled the suit. They were wrong.
Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

You are wrong, and they are wrong.

I have given many arguments to show such, and you have ignored all of them.
Yes me and all economists are wrong. You are a clown. Go be funny somewhere else, you shouldn't be talking capitalism.

Yes, you and "all the economists", meaning the very few who support your position, are wrong. You are wrong. Period. And I'm the only one here that *IS* talking about capitalism.

You still don't get it. Capitalism means you don't get to dictate to private business owners, how they conduct themselves.

The moment you drag them into court, because you 'don't like how they operate', that's socialism.

You don't have "right" to be called up randomly and offered more money. That is the exact non-right, that you are pushing in this thread.

Not a single employees actual 'rights' have been violated by anything being discussed.

So again... YOU ARE WRONG. PERIOD. You are wrong sir. You can repeating wrong, but you will be wrong, as long as you keep defending wrong.

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

You are wrong, and they are wrong.

I have given many arguments to show such, and you have ignored all of them.
Yes me and all economists are wrong. You are a clown. Go be funny somewhere else, you shouldn't be talking capitalism.

Yes, you and "all the economists", meaning the very few who support your position, are wrong. You are wrong. Period. And I'm the only one here that *IS* talking about capitalism.

You still don't get it. Capitalism means you don't get to dictate to private business owners, how they conduct themselves.

The moment you drag them into court, because you 'don't like how they operate', that's socialism.

You don't have "right" to be called up randomly and offered more money. That is the exact non-right, that you are pushing in this thread.

Not a single employees actual 'rights' have been violated by anything being discussed.

So again... YOU ARE WRONG. PERIOD. You are wrong sir. You can repeating wrong, but you will be wrong, as long as you keep defending wrong.

You can scream and whine all you want. You don't understand capitalism. Provide a single economist that agrees with you.

And you can keep lying all you want. You don't understand capitalism. Common sense should make up for a Ph.D in this case. You people have lost your minds. Why have you not called me up and offered me $100 to mow your lawn? Are you against "labor markets"? That's the exact argument you are pushing! It's insane. You are freakin nuts if you believe that crap.

Link to any economist that agrees with your stupidity.
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?

This idiot is loudly showing he doesn't even understand capitalism. He is standing behind illegal activity. He is supporting collusion that slows the economy. Amazing he isn't even alone in his stupidity.

The irony here is insane. Here you are promoting socialism, attempting to dictate to companies, that they must target high end employees of other companies, and claiming that's defending capitalism?

You are quickly becoming a joke on this forum.
I am promoting the labor market. You don't understand capitalism so you are lost.

You can keep lying... but it does not change the fact that you are pushing socialism. And you have yet to apply the standards you are demanding companies follow, to yourself.

I have backed up what I'm saying with links and economists. You just keep screaming like a child.
I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was

They paid it, no more proof necessary. You are a moron. You have no details. The judge who had the details insisted the number be raised. You are a joke.

"No proof necessary." he says.

Yet another hallmark of the left-wing.

The proof was already provided. The DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the settlement based on the facts, they paid out over 400 million, and economists have backed up that what they were doing is bad. You on the other hand have no proof of your silly claims.

No, false. I already told you, that the laws are stacked against corporations form the start. If they over price, they are price gouging. If they under price, they are engaged in predatory pricing. If they price the same, its called collusion.

Of course the DOJ can find them guilty. They can find every single corporation on the entire planet guilty, and every business, and every single person on the planet.

They found them guilty of immoral laws, that should never exist to begin with. The DOJ found them guilty, and that means nothing. They are not guilty of doing anything wrong, no matter what anyone at the DOJ says. You don't have a "right" to have someone call you and offer you more money. It's not a right granted in the constitution.

Again, if you people had to follow your own rules, you would see how insane it was. Last time you had an oil change, did you call around to mechanics and offer them $100 to change your oil? Why not? Don't they have a right to be poached by you?

Same exact argument, and just as idiotic.

You are WRONG. PERIOD. You can keep repeating wrong, but you'll still be wrong, no matter how many times you repeat wrong on this thread.

If I'm wrong link to any economist that supports your ridiculous claims.
No they THINK they were held down. There is no actual number of how much income they were denied (if any at all) it is all speculation

The amount is over 400 million. That is a lot of money. Now please stop embarrassing yourself.

Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was

They paid it, no more proof necessary. You are a moron. You have no details. The judge who had the details insisted the number be raised. You are a joke.

No proof is necessary yet how many times did you ask me to prove everything I said?

That number was either calculated or picked out of thin air if it was calculated you should be able to show me exactly how it was calculated but you can't so you say "no proof is necessary" and by saying that you are confiming that the number was plucked out of somone's ass
The amount is over 400 million. That is a lot of money. Now please stop embarrassing yourself.

Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was

They paid it, no more proof necessary. You are a moron. You have no details. The judge who had the details insisted the number be raised. You are a joke.

No proof is necessary yet how many times did you ask me to prove everything I said?

That number was either calculated or picked out of thin air if it was calculated you should be able to show me exactly how it was calculated but you can't so you say "no proof is necessary" and by saying that you are confiding that the number was plucked out of somone's ass
You don't read very well? I said no MORE proof. You have been handed lots of proof and links.
Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?

This idiot is loudly showing he doesn't even understand capitalism. He is standing behind illegal activity. He is supporting collusion that slows the economy. Amazing he isn't even alone in his stupidity.

The irony here is insane. Here you are promoting socialism, attempting to dictate to companies, that they must target high end employees of other companies, and claiming that's defending capitalism?

You are quickly becoming a joke on this forum.
I am promoting the labor market. You don't understand capitalism so you are lost.

You can keep lying... but it does not change the fact that you are pushing socialism. And you have yet to apply the standards you are demanding companies follow, to yourself.

I have backed up what I'm saying with links and economists. You just keep screaming like a child.

No you haven't since you have no proof how much money these 65000 whiners lost due to the alleged collusion
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was

They paid it, no more proof necessary. You are a moron. You have no details. The judge who had the details insisted the number be raised. You are a joke.

No proof is necessary yet how many times did you ask me to prove everything I said?

That number was either calculated or picked out of thin air if it was calculated you should be able to show me exactly how it was calculated but you can't so you say "no proof is necessary" and by saying that you are confiding that the number was plucked out of somone's ass
You don't read very well? I said no MORE proof. You have been handed lots of proof and links.
And yet in none of those did you prove how much money in salary was lost.

it should be easy to do so do it
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?

You are wrong. There was nothing wrong with what they did, whatsoever. The high skilled workers, were merely whiny spoiled brats. Which is why the left on this forum is now supporting their cause. Leftism = the ideology of spoiled brats.

So you are for a slow economy if you think what they did was ok. Moron.

It didn't slow the economy down it was 4 companies
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was

They paid it, no more proof necessary. You are a moron. You have no details. The judge who had the details insisted the number be raised. You are a joke.

"No proof necessary." he says.

Yet another hallmark of the left-wing.

The proof was already provided. The DOJ found them guilty, the judge increased the settlement based on the facts, they paid out over 400 million, and economists have backed up that what they were doing is bad. You on the other hand have no proof of your silly claims.

SO show me the calculations he based his settlement on
FYI there were no calculations it was ALL opinion

I can tell you how much money those people think they lost and it was a few thousand dollars each

I know that because that's what they accepted as a fair settlement

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