Top 8% Own 85%

No, it's not. Not in this specific case that you are talking about. Apple and Google, and the others, did NOT attempt to control wages. They couldn't even if they tried. But that's beside the fact they were not even talking about that.

This specific discussion is about Apple and Google agreeing to not directly attempt to contact (cold-calling) high level employees of each others companies.

It made no reference to Apple and Google offering higher paying positions and if those employees applied for such jobs, offering them.

A Google employee could apply for a higher paying job at Apple, and easily get it.

This entire cry fest, is you complaining that Apple didn't specifically seek out Google Engineers, and trying to convince them to quit.

You are basically saying Apple should be "required" to target Google Engineers and offering them higher paying jobs? You are not entitled to that, anymore than I am entitled to you offering me $100 to mow your lawn. Why are you not offering me a higher paying job? Are you in collusion against higher wages? Are you anti-Capitalist?

Do you not see how absolutely MORONIC that line of thinking is? Because that's the line of thinking you are pushing right now. It is STUPID.

Poaching increases wages. Colluding to not poach holds wages down. That is why it is illegal. That is why they had to pay out 415 million. Go learn about the labor market. Moronic is you claiming colluding is good capitalism.

And it is not required of any business to poach another's employees
These people could have gotten higher paying jobs at the tens of thousands of IT companies in this country

And the plaintiffs settled for a few grand each because they knew that's all they were going to get so by settling for so little they actually tell you how much their incomes were affected basically not at all because any of those whiners could have earned a couple grand over the years it took to settle the case driving part time for Uber

You keep claiming it is little. It was over 400 million, that is the largest one I have seen. Unless you can give examples of bigger ones it was not small.

And the companies are worth over 1.3 TRILLION

the settlement split over those 4 companies is nothing to them and besides they get to write off the entire settlement AND their lawyers fees

you obviously have no grasp on proportion

And you have yet to tell me why all those people named in the suit agreed to a payout of a few grand each if their lives were so ruined by wage suppression as you say they were

Again it was over 400 million. You need to show that was a small settlement. Largest one I have heard of.

So you still can't grasp proportions can you?

I don't know how to dumb it down any more for you if you can't see that 400M spread over 4 companies worth 1.3 Trillion is proportionally less than a drop of piss in the ocean then I can't help you
and FYI that larger settlement which the judge had no right to impose was still lees than a drop of piss in the ocean for those 4 companies who are worth over 1.3 trillion collectively and the people who said they were injured proved that they only thought their "injuries" were only worth a couple grand

This was a bullshit laws suit and you want to claim it as some sort of gigantic victory

But those companies just got some big write offs and we all know how much that frosts your ass

Well we have learned you support collusion and bad capitalism.

We have stagnant wages and the rich collude to hold them down. Glad the DOJ caught them in this case. Hope they catch more soon.

If businesses want to enter non compete agreements I have no problem with that
Any of those employees were free to quit one job and take another job even with the companies with non competes the only thing is that the companies and only 4 companies agreed not to actively recruit each other's employees

Shit there are 4 other businesses just like mine in a 10 mile radius from me I don't actively recruit their employees so I suppose you think I am holding down wages

It was a bullshit claim and you have not shown me how much anyone's income was affected because none of them were

As I posted, economists disagree with you.

So what? Unlike you I can think for myself

And you think like a moron. You are wrong and don't even understand capitalism. You are just another idiot on the internet who can't back up any of your claims.

Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost
So what? Unlike you I can think for myself

That is so cool. Unfortunately your "thinking for yourself" has put you seriously out of touch with reality.

But who gives a flying fuck. Reality is overrated anyway. Right?

The reality is none of those people came up with a concrete dollar amount of the wages they allegedly lost and they settles for a few grand each so they basically admitted that a few grand was the extent of their loss

So really this "collusion" didn't hurt them at all

The reality is it was over 400 million. Until you can show that is a small amount for a case like this, it is a lot of money.
Well we have learned you support collusion and bad capitalism.

We have stagnant wages and the rich collude to hold them down. Glad the DOJ caught them in this case. Hope they catch more soon.

If businesses want to enter non compete agreements I have no problem with that
Any of those employees were free to quit one job and take another job even with the companies with non competes the only thing is that the companies and only 4 companies agreed not to actively recruit each other's employees

Shit there are 4 other businesses just like mine in a 10 mile radius from me I don't actively recruit their employees so I suppose you think I am holding down wages

It was a bullshit claim and you have not shown me how much anyone's income was affected because none of them were

As I posted, economists disagree with you.

So what? Unlike you I can think for myself

And you think like a moron. You are wrong and don't even understand capitalism. You are just another idiot on the internet who can't back up any of your claims.

Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost

Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.
If businesses want to enter non compete agreements I have no problem with that
Any of those employees were free to quit one job and take another job even with the companies with non competes the only thing is that the companies and only 4 companies agreed not to actively recruit each other's employees

Shit there are 4 other businesses just like mine in a 10 mile radius from me I don't actively recruit their employees so I suppose you think I am holding down wages

It was a bullshit claim and you have not shown me how much anyone's income was affected because none of them were

As I posted, economists disagree with you.

So what? Unlike you I can think for myself

And you think like a moron. You are wrong and don't even understand capitalism. You are just another idiot on the internet who can't back up any of your claims.

Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost

Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each
As I posted, economists disagree with you.

So what? Unlike you I can think for myself

And you think like a moron. You are wrong and don't even understand capitalism. You are just another idiot on the internet who can't back up any of your claims.

Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost

Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.
So what? Unlike you I can think for myself

And you think like a moron. You are wrong and don't even understand capitalism. You are just another idiot on the internet who can't back up any of your claims.

Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost

Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

No they THINK they were held down. There is no actual number of how much income they were denied (if any at all) it is all speculation
And you think like a moron. You are wrong and don't even understand capitalism. You are just another idiot on the internet who can't back up any of your claims.

Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost

Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

No they THINK they were held down. There is no actual number of how much income they were denied (if any at all) it is all speculation

The amount is over 400 million. That is a lot of money. Now please stop embarrassing yourself.
Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost

Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

No they THINK they were held down. There is no actual number of how much income they were denied (if any at all) it is all speculation

The amount is over 400 million. That is a lot of money. Now please stop embarrassing yourself.

Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing
Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

No they THINK they were held down. There is no actual number of how much income they were denied (if any at all) it is all speculation

The amount is over 400 million. That is a lot of money. Now please stop embarrassing yourself.

Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.
Not wrong. There is nothing wrong with saying "we're not going to poach each others employees". Nothing wrong with that. Period. End of story.

You are not capitalist. Capitalism means THEY own THEIR company, not you. You don't get to dictate how they run THEIR company, not yours. I am more capitalist than you are on this issue. You are SOCIALIST, trying to demand how they operate is SOCIALIST.

That is some impressive stupidity. Please link to any economist that says colluding to hold down wages is good capitalism.

All I have to do is read a dictionary. Capitalism is PRIVATE ownership and control. Socialism is government or social control.

When you are telling me, that we should dictate wages to a private company, which is that? Private control? Or social Control?

Use a dictionary.

You really don't understand capitalism at all do you? It isn't dictated. It is determined by the labor market. Collusion is going against the market and against capitalism.

Understanding Capitalism Part III: Wages and Labor Markets

No, it's not. Not in this specific case that you are talking about. Apple and Google, and the others, did NOT attempt to control wages. They couldn't even if they tried. But that's beside the fact they were not even talking about that.

This specific discussion is about Apple and Google agreeing to not directly attempt to contact (cold-calling) high level employees of each others companies.

It made no reference to Apple and Google offering higher paying positions and if those employees applied for such jobs, offering them.

A Google employee could apply for a higher paying job at Apple, and easily get it.

This entire cry fest, is you complaining that Apple didn't specifically seek out Google Engineers, and trying to convince them to quit.

You are basically saying Apple should be "required" to target Google Engineers and offering them higher paying jobs? You are not entitled to that, anymore than I am entitled to you offering me $100 to mow your lawn. Why are you not offering me a higher paying job? Are you in collusion against higher wages? Are you anti-Capitalist?

Do you not see how absolutely MORONIC that line of thinking is? Because that's the line of thinking you are pushing right now. It is STUPID.

Poaching increases wages. Colluding to not poach holds wages down. That is why it is illegal. That is why they had to pay out 415 million. Go learn about the labor market. Moronic is you claiming colluding is good capitalism.

You can keep repeating the same non-argument, and I'll keep repeating the counter.

Why have you not offered me a job to mow your lawn for $100?

You are complaining that companies are not offering something, as if they are 'required by law to poach". That's wrong. That is an idiotic argument, and while it may or may not be illegal, it's an immoral law if it exists.

The companies did nothing wrong. The idea that "we need to force companies to target employees of another company", is absolutely IDIOTIC. You are wrong Sir.
That is some impressive stupidity. Please link to any economist that says colluding to hold down wages is good capitalism.

All I have to do is read a dictionary. Capitalism is PRIVATE ownership and control. Socialism is government or social control.

When you are telling me, that we should dictate wages to a private company, which is that? Private control? Or social Control?

Use a dictionary.

You really don't understand capitalism at all do you? It isn't dictated. It is determined by the labor market. Collusion is going against the market and against capitalism.

Understanding Capitalism Part III: Wages and Labor Markets

No, it's not. Not in this specific case that you are talking about. Apple and Google, and the others, did NOT attempt to control wages. They couldn't even if they tried. But that's beside the fact they were not even talking about that.

This specific discussion is about Apple and Google agreeing to not directly attempt to contact (cold-calling) high level employees of each others companies.

It made no reference to Apple and Google offering higher paying positions and if those employees applied for such jobs, offering them.

A Google employee could apply for a higher paying job at Apple, and easily get it.

This entire cry fest, is you complaining that Apple didn't specifically seek out Google Engineers, and trying to convince them to quit.

You are basically saying Apple should be "required" to target Google Engineers and offering them higher paying jobs? You are not entitled to that, anymore than I am entitled to you offering me $100 to mow your lawn. Why are you not offering me a higher paying job? Are you in collusion against higher wages? Are you anti-Capitalist?

Do you not see how absolutely MORONIC that line of thinking is? Because that's the line of thinking you are pushing right now. It is STUPID.

Poaching increases wages. Colluding to not poach holds wages down. That is why it is illegal. That is why they had to pay out 415 million. Go learn about the labor market. Moronic is you claiming colluding is good capitalism.

You can keep repeating the same non-argument, and I'll keep repeating the counter.

Why have you not offered me a job to mow your lawn for $100?

You are complaining that companies are not offering something, as if they are 'required by law to poach". That's wrong. That is an idiotic argument, and while it may or may not be illegal, it's an immoral law if it exists.

The companies did nothing wrong. The idea that "we need to force companies to target employees of another company", is absolutely IDIOTIC. You are wrong Sir.

My argument is the argument of economists. You are supporting bad capitalism that slows the economy. You are an embarassment. Go learn about capitalism.
No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

No they THINK they were held down. There is no actual number of how much income they were denied (if any at all) it is all speculation

The amount is over 400 million. That is a lot of money. Now please stop embarrassing yourself.

Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was
So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

No they THINK they were held down. There is no actual number of how much income they were denied (if any at all) it is all speculation

The amount is over 400 million. That is a lot of money. Now please stop embarrassing yourself.

Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

I understand that the collusion deprived workers of wages totally over 400 million. Collusion is bad capitalism and slows the economy. You should be embarrassed to defend that shit. The right doesn't even understand capitalism. Pathetic.

Now prove that. Show me the numbers and the calculations IOW the proof that that is how much money those people were deprived of

That number was an opinion that is all it was

They paid it, no more proof necessary. You are a moron. You have no details. The judge who had the details insisted the number be raised. You are a joke.
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?

This idiot is loudly showing he doesn't even understand capitalism. He is standing behind illegal activity. He is supporting collusion that slows the economy. Amazing he isn't even alone in his stupidity.
I cataloged every post you've written and I'll know within seven minutes if you're lying about what you posted.

For all your supposed education and accomplishment, seems like you have to.much time on your hands.

And why 7 minutes? Why not 6? Or 8?

Do like I do. I figure that every post I see of your contains either a lie by omission. Or just a flat out lie.

That only takes me about 15 seconds.

Why you so slow. Is your hard drive, much like your brain, full of Bullshit? Try a reboot.

Zing! Wow, I've been schooled. You're working too hard
So what? Unlike you I can think for myself

And you think like a moron. You are wrong and don't even understand capitalism. You are just another idiot on the internet who can't back up any of your claims.

Funny you can't tell me how much income any of those people lost

Well based on the settlement over 400 million. Your question is irrelevant btw.

No it's not. But I can tell you how much income those people think they lost

and the answer is a few grand each

So their wages were held down. As I have shown by the statements from actual economists, that is bad capitalism. Amazing how stupid you are.

You are wrong, and they are wrong.

I have given many arguments to show such, and you have ignored all of them.
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?

You are wrong. There was nothing wrong with what they did, whatsoever. The high skilled workers, were merely whiny spoiled brats. Which is why the left on this forum is now supporting their cause. Leftism = the ideology of spoiled brats.
Hey FUCKNUT there were something like 65,000 named plaintiffs who got an actual payout after the lawyers took their cut of a few grand each so all those people agree that they didn't lose all that much income if that's what they settled for

Once again your lack of understanding of proportions is showing

Hey fuck nut it was the PRINCIPLE of what the companies were doing that prompted the law suit. Not the money per say from a lawsuit.

But with people like you, with no principles, it will always be about the money. Greedy fuck.

High skilled technology workers already make good money. They were standing on principle.

What do you know of principled behavior?

This idiot is loudly showing he doesn't even understand capitalism. He is standing behind illegal activity. He is supporting collusion that slows the economy. Amazing he isn't even alone in his stupidity.

The irony here is insane. Here you are promoting socialism, attempting to dictate to companies, that they must target high end employees of other companies, and claiming that's defending capitalism?

You are quickly becoming a joke on this forum.

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