Top 8% Own 85%

So the Obama economy is good then?

I always found that I can improve my personal economy regardless of who is president

Good for you, millions are not.

And whose fault is that? Not some rich guy's that's for sure

The only thing for sure is that you are full of shit. The trend is undeniable.

View attachment 70644

You go ahead and live your life by some graph

But anyone can make more money any time they want they just have to want to

Just because you are incapable of taking charge of your own life don't assume everyone else is just as pathetic

Tell me why is it impossible for you to make more money
Good for you, millions are not.

And whose fault is that? Not some rich guy's that's for sure

Yes those rich guys sending jobs overseas or importing foreign workers has nothing to do with it. Those non competes are great capitalism too.

Yeah there are absolutely no opportunities to make money in this country none at all

Too few.

Says you. The possibilities are only limited by your desire and you obviously have none

Or reality if you bother to look at what is really happening.
No rich guys holding down wages here
Exclusive: Apple, Google to pay $324 million to settle conspiracy lawsuit | Reuters

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Four major tech companies including Apple and Google have agreed to pay a total of $324 million to settle a lawsuit accusing them of conspiring to hold down salaries in Silicon Valley, sources familiar with the deal said, just weeks before a high profile trial had been scheduled to begin.

You don't have to work for any of those companies do you?

Why do you think your only option to make more money is to work for someone else?
Can someone please tell me how a rich guy has ever stopped anyone of you from earning more, owning more, or anythig else?

Sure. Let me explain it to you.

A ultra rich guy owns a business in America employing Americans.

The owner/ultra rich guy comes to realize that he could become MUCH richer moving his business out of the country.

His American employees lost their jobs, their houses and their savings.

Rich got richer. Middle got poorer. Poor got some new people.

I know you won't believe this happens. All the former employee has to do is borrow 50 million dollars and start their own manufacturing company. Right?

Will you loan the 50 million? 10 million? No?
Globalization is what has screwed the Golden Goose AKA America.
It was inevitable and it's never going to stop and there's fuck-all anyone can do about it. Ever.
China and India are the new rising ships.
The US is like the kid whose father handed him a platinum credit card and said 'go for it'.
Now daddy has told the brat he'll have to spend within a certain limit. That limit is getting smaller every year.
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?

The Panama Papers offer damning proof of this: increasing concentrations of wealth and power that are free of any constraint (such as taxes) is not just the consequence of centralized money and state power--this inequality is the only possible output of centralized money and state power.

Here is a graphic portrayal of just how concentrated global wealth really is: the top .7% (less than 1%) own 45% of all global wealth, and the top 8% own 85%.

Of Two Minds - The Panama Papers: This Is the Consequence of Centralized Money and Power

How dare they be successful!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Good for you, millions are not.

And whose fault is that? Not some rich guy's that's for sure

Yes those rich guys sending jobs overseas or importing foreign workers has nothing to do with it. Those non competes are great capitalism too.

Yeah there are absolutely no opportunities to make money in this country none at all

Too few.

Says you. The possibilities are only limited by your desire and you obviously have none

Don't pretend to know me because I hold this opinion. I do just fine but I am also able to recognize a problem that affects us all. You on the other hand choose to live in a bubble of denial seeing only yourself.
And whose fault is that? Not some rich guy's that's for sure

Yes those rich guys sending jobs overseas or importing foreign workers has nothing to do with it. Those non competes are great capitalism too.

Yeah there are absolutely no opportunities to make money in this country none at all

Too few.

Says you. The possibilities are only limited by your desire and you obviously have none

Or reality if you bother to look at what is really happening.

But I do and what is happening is that people think that one 40 hour a week job is supposed to be all they need to make it

It's not true and it never was true
I know, let's give huge tax cuts to the 8%. That will surely help the problem.
It has nothing to do with taxes and everything to do with WHO IS IN CONTROL, you can raise taxes to 100% of income on the 8% and it won't make one bit of difference, what don't you guys get about the fact that THEY (i.e. the financial manipulators and rent seekers) CONTROL THE SYSTEM. You can tax them all you want on the front end, they'll get theirs on the back end, that's why they're all for the current tax & redistribute system that the gub'mint worshipers love so much, it just makes the system that they control that much more powerful. It "redistributes" wealth and power UP the ladder at a faster rate, why do you think that the more centralized the power of the state has become the greater the wealth disparity, you think that's an accident? The welfare state doesn't redistribute WEALTH it simply provides a highly inefficient and corrupt means of SUBSISTENCE.

If you want to even out the distribution of wealth then you want DECENTRALIZATION of power not further centralization, this was what the founders were going after by creating a Republic and a Constitution that explicitly limited the authority of the central government.

Nice rant but I said nothing about redistribution. My point was much simpler. Giving the largest pie holders a larger share of pie does nothing for those eating crumbs.
Ya. Life's a bitch.
Top 8% Own 85%
The top 1% have given us the $19 trillion national debt. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS! And the cons solution is to put a billionaire in the White House. His plan is to declare bankruptcy, like he's already done four times before, and default on the national debt. That will make the Great Depression look like a picnic.
No rich guys holding down wages here
Exclusive: Apple, Google to pay $324 million to settle conspiracy lawsuit | Reuters

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Four major tech companies including Apple and Google have agreed to pay a total of $324 million to settle a lawsuit accusing them of conspiring to hold down salaries in Silicon Valley, sources familiar with the deal said, just weeks before a high profile trial had been scheduled to begin.

You don't have to work for any of those companies do you?

Why do you think your only option to make more money is to work for someone else?

I'm showing you rich guys holding down wages. You said it is not happening. This is where you admit to being wrong.
And whose fault is that? Not some rich guy's that's for sure

Yes those rich guys sending jobs overseas or importing foreign workers has nothing to do with it. Those non competes are great capitalism too.

Yeah there are absolutely no opportunities to make money in this country none at all

Too few.

Says you. The possibilities are only limited by your desire and you obviously have none

Don't pretend to know me because I hold this opinion. I do just fine but I am also able to recognize a problem that affects us all. You on the other hand choose to live in a bubble of denial seeing only yourself.

It's not affecting me nor my ability to earn

I have never been held down by some rich guy. The fact that some rich guy made a billion dollars last year had absolutely no effect on my income

Anyone can make more money if they want to. It's as easy as getting a second part time job or starting a side business

no rich guy is stopping you or anyone else from doing that
Yes those rich guys sending jobs overseas or importing foreign workers has nothing to do with it. Those non competes are great capitalism too.

Yeah there are absolutely no opportunities to make money in this country none at all

Too few.

Says you. The possibilities are only limited by your desire and you obviously have none

Or reality if you bother to look at what is really happening.

But I do and what is happening is that people think that one 40 hour a week job is supposed to be all they need to make it

It's not true and it never was true

Yes it was true and should be true. Much of Europe is fine working much less.
This is really screwed up...and we Americans fight among ourselves over stupid things. All the while the elites are screwing us. When will we wake up and take action?
Take action..... and use the government to seize property, without compensation, from people that have committed no crime?
How do you suppose that is in any way constitutional?
Top 8% Own 85%
The top 1% have given us the $19 trillion national debt. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS! And the cons solution is to put a billionaire in the White House. His plan is to declare bankruptcy, like he's already done four times before, and default on the national debt. That will make the Great Depression look like a picnic.
More mindless nonsense.
I really don't understand what you are pointing out other than the fact rich people are rich.
The current political structure creates an unnatural concentration of wealth by legislatively tilting the playing field to the advantage of a few and to the disadvantage of the many. To argue "there is nothing wrong with being rich" is to either be ignorant of the problem and its evils, or to be complicit in the evil.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with building a better mousetrap and becoming fabulously rich from your efforts. Such innovation and entrepreneurial spirit should be encouraged and a friendly economic environment should be provided for it.

However, if you are getting rich through political machinations which steal money instead of earn it, then there is a serious problem.

And we have that problem. Big time.
It's not affecting me nor my ability to earn
Ummm.. yeah it is, it's devaluing the buying power of what you earn tremendously, not to mention increasing the risk of you not being able to earn at all or having an ever increasing amount of what you earn siphoned off by government. Not to mention what's it's going to end up doing to your children and their children, they're going to be stuck with all the bills.

I have never been held down by some rich guy. The fact that some rich guy made a billion dollars last year had absolutely no effect on my income
It ain't the "rich guy" that's the problem, a rich guy that got rich by providing value that was superior to his competitors (i.e. a Steve Jobs) should be applauded and emulated after all they are enriching society. It's the rich guys that get (and stay) rich by manipulating the financial system and using the power of the state to tilt the playing field and exploit rent that are.
A federal lawsuit that goes to trial next month could have eight-figure stakes for Detroit Medical Center— if the hospital system continues to contest allegations that it colluded with other hospitals to suppress wages among more than 20,000 local nurses.

The hospital is the sole remaining defendant in a 2006 class-action lawsuit before Chief U.S. District Judge Gerald Rosen, since co-defendants Beaumont Health of Troy, Henry Ford Health System of Detroit, Livonia-based Trinity Health and four others have settled for more than a combined $48 million.

Crain's Detroit Business : Subscription Center
Yes those rich guys sending jobs overseas or importing foreign workers has nothing to do with it. Those non competes are great capitalism too.

Yeah there are absolutely no opportunities to make money in this country none at all

Too few.

Says you. The possibilities are only limited by your desire and you obviously have none

Don't pretend to know me because I hold this opinion. I do just fine but I am also able to recognize a problem that affects us all. You on the other hand choose to live in a bubble of denial seeing only yourself.

It's not affecting me nor my ability to earn
Yes it is. You are just ignorant of how it is.

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