Top GOP Strategist Admits He’s ‘Scared’ Of Occupy Wall Street

Mr. Peepers

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2009
Because It’s ‘Having An Impact'. Hmmm...

Oh, this must the "updates" to the righty talking point manual. Keep it classy, corporatists... I can't believe you guys actually make this stuff public. Have you NO shame???

Top GOP Strategist Admits He's 'Scared' Of Occupy Wall Street Because It's 'Having An Impact' | ThinkProgress
Luntz 'Frightened to Death' of OWS | Drudge Retort

Frank Luntz a top GOP strategist?

Damn you are one stupid fuck!!

Frank luntz is a pollster you numbnutted idiot!
One thing to be sacred about with OWSers around... communicable diseases

Have you been down there? No? Didn't think so. I have, and there is nothing wrong with the people there. All ages, races, socio-economic groups. Moron.
Do you realize the Wall Street is in Chuck Shumer's district? Do you realize he is a Democrat? Do you realize corporatism is rampant in both parties? You hate the crony corporations while you continue to support politicians that insist on meddling in business, thereby securing the required government intervention that makes cronyism possible. Amazing...
It's like citing the Onion.

Did he or did he not say these things? He did? Awesome! How about addressing what he is saying to this instead of picking at the sources. Mmmkay?
Because It’s ‘Having An Impact'. Hmmm...

Oh, this must the "updates" to the righty talking point manual. Keep it classy, corporatists... I can't believe you guys actually make this stuff public. Have you NO shame???

Top GOP Strategist Admits He's 'Scared' Of Occupy Wall Street Because It's 'Having An Impact' | ThinkProgress
Luntz 'Frightened to Death' of OWS | Drudge Retort

Why be frightened? All they are is a bunch of lazy, out of work criminals that average Americans don't agree with. :eusa_hand:

I did, however, like the following talking points from the link.......

Don’t Mention The Middle Class Because Americans Don’t Trust Republicans To Defend It: “They cannot win if the fight is on hardworking taxpayers,” Luntz instructed the audience. “We can say we defend the ‘middle class’ and the public will say, I’m not sure about that. But defending ‘hardworking taxpayers’ and Republicans have the advantage.”

Don’t Talk About Taxing The Rich: Luntz reminded Republicans that Americans actually do want to tax the rich, so he reccommended they instead say that the government “takes from the rich.”

Why does Luntz even need to give the GOP Governors their "talking points"? They sound like a bunch of fucking sheep.

Oh....and about the pollster, Frank Luntz.............

Frank Luntz is no minor pollster. He is considered to be one of the top political communications experts in the world, having provided consulting to many of the world’s top corporations, politicians, and special interest groups. That Luntz is admitting the impact of Occupy Wall Street and the 99 Percent and telling closed-door meetings of Republicans that it frightens him is a huge victory for the movement.
One thing to be sacred about with OWSers around... communicable diseases

Have you been down there? No? Didn't think so. I have, and there is nothing wrong with the people there. All ages, races, socio-economic groups. Moron.

I've been down there and there is something definitely wrong with the people there. They bemoan bailouts and government favoritism...while calling for bailouts and government favoritism directed their way. That's pretty fucked up.
If we had some MAD SHITTERS running around loose in our little beach town, I would be frightened too. SAVE THE TURTLES!
Do you realize the Wall Street is in Chuck Shumer's district?

Do you realize he is a Democrat?
Of course. I live in NYC.

Do you realize corporatism is rampant in both parties?
Yes, of course. OWS wants ALL corporate money out of our polical process & legislation via bribery. This is bi-partisan.

You hate the crony corporations while you continue to support politicians that insist on meddling in business, thereby securing the required government intervention that makes cronyism possible.

I hate both, which is why I support OWS. Are you suggesting that they don't look just as unfavorably on our government taking bribes from lobbyists? This is EXACTLY what OWS is protesting.
One thing to be sacred about with OWSers around... communicable diseases

Have you been down there? No? Didn't think so. I have, and there is nothing wrong with the people there. All ages, races, socio-economic groups. Moron.

Yes I have at the ODC.... right across the street from where my fiancee works.... they are disgusting, whacko, slobs
Why be frightened? All they are is a bunch of lazy, out of work criminals that average Americans don't agree with.

I've been down there and there is something definitely wrong with the people there. They bemoan bailouts and government favoritism...while calling for bailouts and government favoritism directed their way.

What bailouts have protestors asked for? What government favoritism? Please provide a link, unless you're just parroting the gasbags on Fox (can't type "news" after Fox, cause it ain't).
Is there any source reporting this statement OTHER than a parody site?

If you evaluate it realistically, no one is going to be scared of OWS because they have discredited themselves. OWS had no impact whatsoever. They are permitted to conduct their little protests until they become an annoyance, then they are shut down.

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