Top Lawyers Won’t Touch Donald Trump With A “1000 Foot Pole” As Legal Troubles Escalate

The charities do.
When he used $100,000 of the Trump Foundation’s money—which was raised almost entirely from other people—to settle an ordinance dispute that his Mar-a-Lago club/vacation home was having with the city of Palm Beach, Florida. (He had violated the ordinance in question by flying an enormous American flag on an 80-foot flagpole, which, admittedly, is a funny way to get sued by the city of Palm Beach.)

When he used $157,820 of the Trump Foundation’s money to settle a legal dispute with a man who’d won a $1 million hole-in-one prize during an event held by another charity at a Trump golf course in New York.

When he used $10,000 of the Trump Foundation’s money to buy a painting of himself (Donald Trump) that he hung inside his Doral resort in Miami.

The New York Supreme Court ordered President Donald Trump to pay $2 million as punishment for "stealing" charitable donations intended for veterans groups.

A small list of the NYC grifter.
It's amazing how progs will lie about fact I will give you everything… I’m the only one.” In his GOP convention speech, Trump added, “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it…. I am your voice.”s that are on video right in front of every one's face.

These assholes simply have no shame.
That would be Trump and his cult.

"Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."

'I will give you everything… I’m the only one.” In his GOP convention speech, Trump added, “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it…. I am your voice.”
When he used $100,000 of the Trump Foundation’s money—which was raised almost entirely from other people—to settle an ordinance dispute that his Mar-a-Lago club/vacation home was having with the city of Palm Beach, Florida. (He had violated the ordinance in question by flying an enormous American flag on an 80-foot flagpole, which, admittedly, is a funny way to get sued by the city of Palm Beach.)

When he used $157,820 of the Trump Foundation’s money to settle a legal dispute with a man who’d won a $1 million hole-in-one prize during an event held by another charity at a Trump golf course in New York.

When he used $10,000 of the Trump Foundation’s money to buy a painting of himself (Donald Trump) that he hung inside his Doral resort in Miami.

The New York Supreme Court ordered President Donald Trump to pay $2 million as punishment for "stealing" charitable donations intended for veterans groups.

A small list of the NYC grifter.
The panting thing was questionable, but he contributed all the money, so who did he steal from?

He didn't steal anything, moron. He simply didn't make the payout. The money was his to begin with.

The $157,820 thing was over using the Trump Foundation name in Trump campaign promotional materials. That didn't involve any "stealing."

These are trivial technicalities. They are mostly nuisance lawsuit filed by politically motivated apparatchiks of the Democrat party. All they show is what utter douchebags progs are.
That would be Trump and his cult.

"Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."

'I will give you everything… I’m the only one.” In his GOP convention speech, Trump added, “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it…. I am your voice.”
No, that would be you and the corrupt Dims who try using the law to get what they can't win in an election.
That would be Trump and his cult.

"Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."

'I will give you everything… I’m the only one.” In his GOP convention speech, Trump added, “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it…. I am your voice.”
Says a moron who supports a corrupt senile padophile.

"I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,”

‘You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And I’m not joking'

‘Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.’

‘You got more questions? Well, I’m telling you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.’

First, a caveat. Actually two.

Caveat: I try to add context to quotes I pull from various poster's posts. It gets burdensome to do such, sure. Some this case the good poster L'il Bripat, post so often an say essentially the same thing over and over again (e.g., 'douchebag', 'lying a**hole', and so on.) that context seems a bit reduntant and a waste of bandwidth. Still, I want to be fair. So I do what I can to help follow-along readers with understanding the meaning of 'douchebag' and 'lying moron a**hole'.

Caveat #2: Being called a "You're a lying asshole" notable on this venue. By and large the posters here seem to be smart, articulate, well educated contributors with a rationale point-of-view. Of course, there are glaring exceptions. But, to be clear, my poor avatar isn't automatically assigning Li'l Bripat to that category of 'exceptions'.

So let's take a look at complete posts by Li'l Bripat. And you be the judge.

You aren't a pedant. You're a lying asshole.
Saruda lied, of course. Trump wouldn't have been there if he wasn't invited. You obviously don't know how these things work. They invited him specifically because he donated big money to them.
Progs lie about everything.
It eludes you because of your brain damage.
Plenty of your prop apparatchik reporters did. I posted two videos, moron. The second one cited a CNN reporter saying the protest was "fiery but mostly peaceful."
Like all progs, you're a lying douchebag.
No turd, you are the swamp. You're also an obedient leftist minion.
Post it, asshole.
"Ignorant" defines anyone who swallowed that horseshit documentary.
If I commit murder, but only once, then I am mostly a law abiding citizen.
That's the logic you prog morons use.
it's amazing how progs will lie about facts that are on video right in front of every one's face.
These assholes simply have no shame.

So, if anyone wishes to contsruct a survey......a 'Yes' / 'No' binary survey.....on 'smart & articulate' .......well, I think it could be informative.
But I'll leave that to others.
First, a caveat. Actually two.

Caveat: I try to add context to quotes I pull from various poster's posts. It gets burdensome to do such, sure. Some this case the good poster L'il Bripat, post so often an say essentially the same thing over and over again (e.g., 'douchebag', 'lying a**hole', and so on.) that context seems a bit reduntant and a waste of bandwidth. Still, I want to be fair. So I do what I can to help follow-along readers with understanding the meaning of 'douchebag' and 'lying moron a**hole'.

Caveat #2: Being called a "You're a lying asshole" notable on this venue. By and large the posters here seem to be smart, articulate, well educated contributors with a rationale point-of-view. Of course, there are glaring exceptions. But, to be clear, my poor avatar isn't automatically assigning Li'l Bripat to that category of 'exceptions'.

So let's take a look at complete posts by Li'l Bripat. And you be the judge.



So, if anyone wishes to contsruct a survey......a 'Yes' / 'No' binary survey.....on 'smart & articulate' .......well, I think it could be informative.
But I'll leave that to others.
What are you trying to prove, that I insult progs? That would be impossible because everything I say about them is true.
"What are you trying to prove, that I insult progs? That would be impossible because everything I say about them is true."

Oh, no, Li'l Bripat. Not at all. Not trying to prove anything.

I'll let others here judge you. ;)
The second one sites CNN calling the protesters in Kenosha as "mostly peaceful." You can't get the basic facts right
Over 60 people arrested, multiple officers injured and 4 deaths reported amid pro-Trump protests in DC

Police say 14 MPD officers were injured during the
protests. Contee says one was seriously hurt after being pulled into a crowd and assaulted, one has serious facial injuries.

The U.S. Capitol Police say more than 50 USCP and MPD officers were injured. Their statement reads in part:
Over 60 people arrested, multiple officers injured and 4 deaths reported amid pro-Trump protests in DC

Haver you gotten your two (2) shots yet?
Yes. Two shots and the booster. I am 75 with several issues that makes me a prime target for COVID-19. I doubt if I will around long enough to worry about Long term side effects of the vaccine If there are any.

I did my own risk analysis and made the decision to get the vaccine. I suggest other people do the same. In a free nation you should have the right to decide against getting the vaccine. However be aware you may regret that decision to avoid the vaccine iIf you get the virus.

In passing I am not a conservative or liberal but a libertarian.
The panting thing was questionable, but he contributed all the money, so who did he steal from?
After the election in November, the Trump Foundation admitted to violating a legal prohibition on "self-dealing," or using money meant for a nonprofit to benefit its leader.

Eric Trump Foundation golf invitational in 2007, has always maintained that he is able to hold the event on Trump Organization courses free of charge, and that much of the food, drinks, entertainment and equipment is either comped or paid for by sponsors,expenses averaged around $50,000 for each of its first four years.

Eric's charity golf tournament started raising a substantial amount of money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, which specializes in pediatric cancer, Trump began charging for the use of Trump Organization golf courses, and, ultimately, funneling the money the tournament raised into other charities that benefited Trump's business interests.

Then, in 2011, the cost rose to $142,000. This was allegedly because Trump learned that the course was being used without charge.
He said, 'I don't care if it's my son or not—everybody gets billed.'

Trump then essentially laundered money through the tournament by having his foundation donate to his son, in order to cover the event fees that the Trump Organization was now being paid.

He didn't steal anything, moron. He simply didn't make the payout. The money was his to begin with.
Sure, nut job.
When he used $100,000 of the Trump Foundation’s money—which was raised almost entirely from other people—to settle an ordinance dispute that his Mar-a-Lago club/vacation home.

That's stealing, moron.

The $157,820 thing was over using the Trump Foundation name in Trump campaign promotional materials. That didn't involve any "stealing."
Promotion 'materials'? LOL.
These are trivial technicalities. They are mostly nuisance lawsuit filed by politically motivated apparatchiks of the Democrat party. All they show is what utter douchebags progs are.
As Trump has been in 3500 to 4000 lawsuits just during his grifting days before he was installed as president.
You just admitted that you're a lying douchebag.
'If I commit murder, but only once, then I am mostly a law abiding citizen'.

Right, moron.
Most murderers are stark raving idiots, like you.
Some murderers never committed a crime before they kill someone.
Says a moron who supports a corrupt senile padophile.

"I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,”

‘You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And I’m not joking'

‘Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.’

‘You got more questions? Well, I’m telling you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.’

You really want to go down that road, idiot?
As Trump has been in 3500 to 4000 lawsuits just during his grifting days before he was installed as president.
PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

Why the discrepancy? Perhaps this will give us an idea: Trump told Washington Post reporters that he counted the first three
bankruptcies as just one.

Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times?
Trump’s companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, which means a company can remain in business while wiping away many of its debts. The bankruptcy court ultimately approves a corporate budget and a plan to repay remaining debts; often shareholders lose much of their equity.

Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin,” The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow found. In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.
after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt.

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