Zone1 Top Myths About Jesus Christ DEBUNKED

The disciples were Jews and the first Christians were Jews. Maybe you should sit this one out.

Some were Jews.

We know from Paul’s epistles that Peter was based in Jerusalem and that he occasionally visited other cities as far away as Antioch and perhaps even went to Greece. Paul says that Peter was the apostle to the Jews, so he might also have visited Alexandria, in Egypt, and Cyprus, because of the large Jewish populations there, but we simply do not know.

A later tradition says that he went to Rome, and the apocryphal Acts of Peter, written around 150 to 200 CE, even says that Peter was crucified upside down in Rome. At the time Paul wrote his Epistle to the Romans, it appears that Peter had not visited Rome, so it is very likely that this tradition has no basis.

So Peter went around trying to convert Jews where Paul traveled to other places to recruit idiots who would believe such a wild story without proof. I can't believe they bought it. Even back then.
You mean the 11 were jews? Peter and Paul were Jews? The first pope was a former Jew? That makes sense. They wanted to start a new religion.

But the first followers of the 11 liars were not jews. The 11 went around the world spreading their story that the each memorized and so when they each told it, it was similar to what the other 10 were telling people.

If you mean that the Christian church was started by one of the 11 and the first followers were the jews who saw Jesus rise from the grave, you would be wrong. The Christian church did not start with the people who witnessed Jesus' miracles. That's a lie.
You haven't read the Book of Acts, have you. The Church began on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit showed up.
Some were Jews.

We know from Paul’s epistles that Peter was based in Jerusalem and that he occasionally visited other cities as far away as Antioch and perhaps even went to Greece. Paul says that Peter was the apostle to the Jews, so he might also have visited Alexandria, in Egypt, and Cyprus, because of the large Jewish populations there, but we simply do not know.

A later tradition says that he went to Rome, and the apocryphal Acts of Peter, written around 150 to 200 CE, even says that Peter was crucified upside down in Rome. At the time Paul wrote his Epistle to the Romans, it appears that Peter had not visited Rome, so it is very likely that this tradition has no basis.

So Peter went around trying to convert Jews where Paul traveled to other places to recruit idiots who would believe such a wild story without proof. I can't believe they bought it. Even back then.

What an angry little man you seem to be.
You're saying he was just a dude? I don't even believe he existed. He was a story made up by 11 guys. Judas didn't get to go spread the word. He was part of the story. Probably he didn't exist.

Consider this. A lot of non jews loved what they saw at Jewish temples. It's a business. But Jews aren't looking for new members and it's a lot of work to become a jew. But it's real easy to join christianity. Hell you can go to church for months and not put anything in the pot. Eventually they're going to want you to join. Maybe even be baptized. But it's real easy really. Just believe, and maybe dunk. Depends on the church. Brilliant really.
I always said: Christianity is like Amway, nobody actually has faith in the failed product, but to validate joining they spend all effort in talking it up & signing people up to justify their own affiliation.
I always said: Christianity is like Amway, nobody actually has faith in the failed product, but to validate joining they spend all effort in talking it up & signing people up to justify their own affiliation.
And this is why I usually don't attack religions too much. Because it's a big business and it's good for the economy. Same as gambling, alcohol, pot and prostitution. These things help create a good economy. Rather than a guy holding on to his money he can spend it. Holding on to his money does us all no good. So we need things to get people to spend their money on. Some people like to buy pot. Some people go to church on Sunday and put their money in the basket. And they get nothing in return. Nothing but promises.

At least I get some pot for my money. LOL.
I found the following video to be of interest to those who have been duped by the myths mentioned in within it.

Has anyone read the book, "The Historical Jesus" by Gary R. Habermas? Sounds like a good book to read.

That's a 70-minute video. Maybe you can throw us a bone and simply tell us a couple of the "myths" about Jesus that were "exposed". Thanks.
Some were Jews.

We know from Paul’s epistles that Peter was based in Jerusalem and that he occasionally visited other cities as far away as Antioch and perhaps even went to Greece. Paul says that Peter was the apostle to the Jews, so he might also have visited Alexandria, in Egypt, and Cyprus, because of the large Jewish populations there, but we simply do not know.

A later tradition says that he went to Rome, and the apocryphal Acts of Peter, written around 150 to 200 CE, even says that Peter was crucified upside down in Rome. At the time Paul wrote his Epistle to the Romans, it appears that Peter had not visited Rome, so it is very likely that this tradition has no basis.

So Peter went around trying to convert Jews where Paul traveled to other places to recruit idiots who would believe such a wild story without proof. I can't believe they bought it. Even back then.
Do you accept the Big Bang Theory that ALL of the matter in the universe was concentrated into a micro sized head-of-a-pin and then exploded to form our current universe? That is some REAL Faith...

The Roman historian and senator Tacitus referred to Jesus, his execution by Pontius Pilate, and the existence of early Christians in Rome in his final work, Annals (written ca. AD 116), book 15, chapter 44.[1]

and the existence of early Christians in Rome in his final work, Annals (written ca. AD 116), book 15, chapter 44.[1]

Written AD 116 over 50 years after the Crucifixion
Means is was hearsay that acknowledges early Christianity.
I was referring to a contemporaneous reference to Jesus from Romans at that time
The Romans were the ones who crucified Almighty God back in the day, but they expunged the record after His tomb was found quite empty on Easter due to a case of resurrection.

There is an old Latin phrase , "Habeas corpus" which means "produce the body".

Since they could not do that, the Romans really had no alternative but to get rid of this information on Jesus' permanent record.

How convenient.
Or perhaps he never existed in the first place!
The Christian church did not start with the people who witnessed Jesus' miracles. That's a lie.
Head in hands computer2.jpg
There is evidence of Jesus, and even his.cricifixion. Even some great Islamic imans (who generally believe Jesus exsted but wasn't crucified) agree there is evidence of him and even his fate. There is more.evidence and sources of Jesuses existence than even some emperors of his time! That is amazing for a simple carpenter.

Is that evidence Jesus existed, or evidence that people believed he existed?
I can find evidence Harry Potter really existed, there's literally films and books that talk about him. Proof?
Hell no it's not, same with Jesus.
The disciples were Jews and the first Christians were Jews. Maybe you should sit this one out.
I engaged him for a moment but he sounds like some of the people that Jesus warned us about in Matthew 7:6.
And this is why I usually don't attack religions too much. Because it's a big business and it's good for the economy. Same as gambling, alcohol, pot and prostitution. These things help create a good economy. Rather than a guy holding on to his money he can spend it. Holding on to his money does us all no good. So we need things to get people to spend their money on. Some people like to buy pot. Some people go to church on Sunday and put their money in the basket. And they get nothing in return. Nothing but promises.

At least I get some pot for my money. LOL.
The good news is that, one day, you too will confess that Jesus is Lord and you and we will share in God's kingdom.
Is that evidence Jesus existed, or evidence that people believed he existed?
I can find evidence Harry Potter really existed, there's literally films and books that talk about him. Proof?
Hell no it's not, same with Jesus.
There is less evidence of rulers of that time than there is of a simple carpenter. This was 2000+ years ago “The reality is that we don’t have archaeological records for virtually anyone who lived in Jesus’s time and place,”

Top Myths About Jesus Christ DEBUNKED​

Video start point is that JC spent most of his life in Israel -- quote .
Indefensible nonsense .

Why carry on ?
Any decent snake oil salesman stars with a fact or two before starting the scam . But not this one .
“The reality is that we don’t have archaeological records for virtually anyone who lived in Jesus’s time and place,”
But Romans kept many records of their administrative actions.
None seem to reference Jesus or his disciples
But Romans kept many records of their administrative actions.
None seem to reference Jesus or his disciples
Of course not, they viewed him as just another peasant they killed. Can you imagine how many men were killed at that time without even a footnote? Do you know who General Hannibal is? You've probably heard of the name. There is not a single mention of him during his time or even a century after..
Of course not, they viewed him as just another peasant they killed. Can you imagine how many men were killed at that time without even a footnote?
Not according to the Biblical story
Jesus was a political execution
Pontious Pilate even offered the crowd a choice of who gets executed. This was a way to cover his ass for executing a political threat. I didn’t execute him, the crowd demanded it.

You would think that he would have documented the trial and his offer to the crowd.

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