Top Pentagon Brass Discussing Resignation

The right wing loves the authorities until they are told not to. Then they hate them.

The right wing hates executive orders until they are told not to. Then they love them.

The right wing loves the uniformed troops until they are told not to. Then they hate them.

They are void of principles, intelligence, and sanity.

What a load of crap, but is you.
The right wing loves the authorities until they are told not to. Then they hate them.

The right wing hates executive orders until they are told not to. Then they love them.

The right wing loves the uniformed troops until they are told not to. Then they hate them.

They are void of principles, intelligence, and sanity.

What a load of crap, but is you.

Wow weak comeback even from you
If anyone quits then the next in line gets the job. Nothing to see here. No news, just gossip.

Over 40% of the top jobs at the Department of Defence haven't been filled. When people leave, there is no "next in line". The institutuions of law, order, justice and the military are being hollowed out with anyone who disagrees with the President being fired and not replaced.

Trump is weakening American at every turn.
Like you craven chickenhawks give a flying rip about the military.....Spare us your sanctimony.

My father was in the army in both WWI and WWII. My oldest brother was in the army and he shot on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My middle brother was in the Navy doing convoy duty during WWI. My youngest brother joined the army at age 16 and was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate to England and they sent him home.

Damn skippy I care about the military.

What are ya? 90 years old?
If anyone quits then the next in line gets the job. Nothing to see here. No news, just gossip.

Over 40% of the top jobs at the Department of Defence haven't been filled. When people leave, there is no "next in line". The institutuions of law, order, justice and the military are being hollowed out with anyone who disagrees with the President being fired and not replaced.

Trump is weakening American at every turn.
Like you craven chickenhawks give a flying rip about the military.....Spare us your sanctimony.

My father was in the army in both WWI and WWII. My oldest brother was in the army and he shot on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My middle brother was in the Navy doing convoy duty during WWI. My youngest brother joined the army at age 16 and was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate to England and they sent him home.

Damn skippy I care about the military.

WW1 was in 1914 to 1918.
I find it hard to believe he was there.
Even before Navy Secretary Richard Spencer’s forced ouster this weekend, a handful of the Pentagon's highest-ranking officials have been debating just when they would feel compelled to resign over what they see as Trump's disregard for the chain of command, two current senior officials told POLITICO in recent days. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss internal deliberations.

"There's a sense of dejection by senior leaders in the Pentagon, that the president and the secretary of defense are going to side with the loudmouths at Fox News against the reasoned opposition of senior military professionals," said another Pentagon official with direct knowledge of high-level discussions. "That's the sense in a nutshell."

Top Pentagon Brass Discussing Resignation

Daily kos? Get back to us when you have a source more reliable, like the National Enquirer or something.
Even before Navy Secretary Richard Spencer’s forced ouster this weekend, a handful of the Pentagon's highest-ranking officials have been debating just when they would feel compelled to resign over what they see as Trump's disregard for the chain of command, two current senior officials told POLITICO in recent days. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss internal deliberations.

"There's a sense of dejection by senior leaders in the Pentagon, that the president and the secretary of defense are going to side with the loudmouths at Fox News against the reasoned opposition of senior military professionals," said another Pentagon official with direct knowledge of high-level discussions. "That's the sense in a nutshell."

Top Pentagon Brass Discussing Resignation

Good. There are a ton of highly qualified, non political warfighters, who will take over and do a proper job.
It is something that is in them, and as a SEAL, this chief should have known what he was doing was a war crime.

Customary IHL - Practice Relating to Rule 113. Treatment of the Dead

Practice Relating to Rule 113. Treatment of the Dead

Section A. Respect for the dead
I. Treaties
Geneva Convention IV
Article 16, second paragraph, of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV provides: “As far as military considerations allow, each Party to the conflict shall facilitate the steps taken … to protect [the killed] against … ill-treatment.”

Additional Protocol I
Article 34(1) of the 1977 Additional Protocol I provides: “The remains of persons who have died for reasons related to occupation or in detention resulting from occupation or hostilities … shall be respected”.

Additional Protocol II
Article 4 of the 1977 Additional Protocol II provides:
1. All persons who do not take a direct part or who have ceased to take part in hostilities, whether or not their liberty has been restricted, are entitled to respect for their person [and] honour …
2. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the following acts against the persons referred to in paragraph I are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever:

(e) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment …

ICC Statute
Pursuant to Article 8(2)(b)(xxi) and (c)(ii) of the 1998 ICC Statute, “[c]ommitting outrages upon personal dignity” constitutes a war crime in both international and non-international armed conflicts.

Yeah, I got that from your previous post. And it still seems like a bullshit reason to fuck over a combat veteran.

People willing to fight for a society, should be honored by that society. Not shit canned over technicalities.

It's not a "bullshit reason" as you call it. Not only is desecration of a corpse against the Geneva Conventions as well as the UCMJ, but it is also a violation of civil law. We have the photo, we know he did it. Letting him go free without any kind of disciplinary action is wrong. It also undermines the chain of command, because if someone has strong personal ties to Trump, they will now think that if they get caught doing something wrong, they can simply ask Trump to pardon them.

You're wasting underwear shitting your pants over a picture.
There was a time when ears adorned a fighters belt. And it occurred in your lifetime!

Yeah, I know, there was a division called the Tiger Force, and they collected ears as well as did a lot of other war crimes. Why are you celebrating them?
Answer the question Abiker why weren't ANY of the other Seals in that picture Court-martialed? If it is such an egregious crime and all why only the chief?

Dunno. You'd have to ask the courts martial board and the people appointed above them. Might have been that they plead against the chief in order to get immunity.
"The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss internal deliberations."

But they discussed it anyway, in direct violation of orders.

Insubordinate fucks should be smoked out and drummed out.
it's always the anonymous ones you gotta watch out for. :)

they gather the most fucking useless idiots to say LOOK IT'S BAD THIS MASKED DUDE SAYS SO!!!
"The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss internal deliberations."

But they discussed it anyway, in direct violation of orders.

Insubordinate fucks should be smoked out and drummed out.
it's always the anonymous ones you gotta watch out for. :)

they gather the most fucking useless idiots to say LOOK IT'S BAD THIS MASKED DUDE SAYS SO!!!
no one wants to be around that POS except you and a few AH's here
The right wing loves the authorities until they are told not to. Then they hate them.

The right wing hates executive orders until they are told not to. Then they love them.

The right wing loves the uniformed troops until they are told not to. Then they hate them.

They are void of principles, intelligence, and sanity.

What a load of crap, but is you.

Wow weak comeback even from you

Your lack of self awareness is astonishing.
If anyone quits then the next in line gets the job. Nothing to see here. No news, just gossip.

Over 40% of the top jobs at the Department of Defence haven't been filled. When people leave, there is no "next in line". The institutuions of law, order, justice and the military are being hollowed out with anyone who disagrees with the President being fired and not replaced.

Trump is weakening American at every turn.
Like you craven chickenhawks give a flying rip about the military.....Spare us your sanctimony.

My father was in the army in both WWI and WWII. My oldest brother was in the army and he shot on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My middle brother was in the Navy doing convoy duty during WWI. My youngest brother joined the army at age 16 and was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate to England and they sent him home.

Damn skippy I care about the military.

Again. I call bullshit.
My father in Law joined the Navy at the beginning of WW2 and lied about his age using his Uncles ID,he was 16.
He recently died at the age of 86. No way in hell you had a brother in WWI.
If anyone quits then the next in line gets the job. Nothing to see here. No news, just gossip.

Over 40% of the top jobs at the Department of Defence haven't been filled. When people leave, there is no "next in line". The institutuions of law, order, justice and the military are being hollowed out with anyone who disagrees with the President being fired and not replaced.

Trump is weakening American at every turn.
Like you craven chickenhawks give a flying rip about the military.....Spare us your sanctimony.

My father was in the army in both WWI and WWII. My oldest brother was in the army and he shot on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My middle brother was in the Navy doing convoy duty during WWI. My youngest brother joined the army at age 16 and was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate to England and they sent him home.

Damn skippy I care about the military.

Again. I call bullshit.
My father in Law joined the Navy at the beginning of WW2 and lied about his age using his Uncles ID,he was 16.
He recently died at the age of 86. No way in hell you had a brother in WWI.

She is well known to make shit up
Even before Navy Secretary Richard Spencer’s forced ouster this weekend, a handful of the Pentagon's highest-ranking officials have been debating just when they would feel compelled to resign over what they see as Trump's disregard for the chain of command, two current senior officials told POLITICO in recent days. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss internal deliberations.

"There's a sense of dejection by senior leaders in the Pentagon, that the president and the secretary of defense are going to side with the loudmouths at Fox News against the reasoned opposition of senior military professionals," said another Pentagon official with direct knowledge of high-level discussions. "That's the sense in a nutshell."

Top Pentagon Brass Discussing Resignation
Well, if it happens, i called it. These are serious people who have dedicated their lives to service. Turmp is an ignorant, incurious, amoral, unethical failed human. It's just not going to work out.
Even before Navy Secretary Richard Spencer’s forced ouster this weekend, a handful of the Pentagon's highest-ranking officials have been debating just when they would feel compelled to resign over what they see as Trump's disregard for the chain of command, two current senior officials told POLITICO in recent days. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss internal deliberations.

"There's a sense of dejection by senior leaders in the Pentagon, that the president and the secretary of defense are going to side with the loudmouths at Fox News against the reasoned opposition of senior military professionals," said another Pentagon official with direct knowledge of high-level discussions. "That's the sense in a nutshell."

Top Pentagon Brass Discussing Resignation

Good. There are a ton of highly qualified, non political warfighters, who will take over and do a proper job.
Now that is some peak Trump cultism, right there.

So you are fine with the ignorant idiot breaking all the rules, and happy when the experts resign because of the idiot. A fine way to run a military, right?

How embarrassing. Listen to yourself.
If anyone quits then the next in line gets the job. Nothing to see here. No news, just gossip.

Over 40% of the top jobs at the Department of Defence haven't been filled. When people leave, there is no "next in line". The institutuions of law, order, justice and the military are being hollowed out with anyone who disagrees with the President being fired and not replaced.

Trump is weakening American at every turn.
Like you craven chickenhawks give a flying rip about the military.....Spare us your sanctimony.

My father was in the army in both WWI and WWII. My oldest brother was in the army and he shot on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My middle brother was in the Navy doing convoy duty during WWI. My youngest brother joined the army at age 16 and was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate to England and they sent him home.

Damn skippy I care about the military.

Again. I call bullshit.
My father in Law joined the Navy at the beginning of WW2 and lied about his age using his Uncles ID,he was 16.
He recently died at the age of 86. No way in hell you had a brother in WWI.

She is well known to make shit up

Which is the reason she wont respond to my post. She knows she's full of shit.
If anyone quits then the next in line gets the job. Nothing to see here. No news, just gossip.

Over 40% of the top jobs at the Department of Defence haven't been filled. When people leave, there is no "next in line". The institutuions of law, order, justice and the military are being hollowed out with anyone who disagrees with the President being fired and not replaced.

Trump is weakening American at every turn.
Like you craven chickenhawks give a flying rip about the military.....Spare us your sanctimony.

My father was in the army in both WWI and WWII. My oldest brother was in the army and he shot on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My middle brother was in the Navy doing convoy duty during WWI. My youngest brother joined the army at age 16 and was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate to England and they sent him home.

Damn skippy I care about the military.

Again. I call bullshit.
My father in Law joined the Navy at the beginning of WW2 and lied about his age using his Uncles ID,he was 16.
He recently died at the age of 86. No way in hell you had a brother in WWI.

She is well known to make shit up

The last WWI veteran died in 2011.
So yeah she's full of shit.
Even before Navy Secretary Richard Spencer’s forced ouster this weekend, a handful of the Pentagon's highest-ranking officials have been debating just when they would feel compelled to resign over what they see as Trump's disregard for the chain of command, two current senior officials told POLITICO in recent days. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss internal deliberations.

"There's a sense of dejection by senior leaders in the Pentagon, that the president and the secretary of defense are going to side with the loudmouths at Fox News against the reasoned opposition of senior military professionals," said another Pentagon official with direct knowledge of high-level discussions. "That's the sense in a nutshell."

Top Pentagon Brass Discussing Resignation

Good. There are a ton of highly qualified, non political warfighters, who will take over and do a proper job.
Now that is some peak Trump cultism, right there.

So you are fine with the ignorant idiot breaking all the rules, and happy when the experts resign because of the idiot. A fine way to run a military, right?

How embarrassing. Listen to yourself.

Ahhhh, look at the cute little dimcompoop parroting party talking points. How predictable. Political hacks SHOULDN'T be running the military you asshole. That's the whole point. It is assholes like that that got us tied up in all of these bullshit wars that once upon a time you all claimed to hate but now, because Trump is getting us out of them you have reversed yourselves. Talk about cultists. That's YOU.
Over 40% of the top jobs at the Department of Defence haven't been filled. When people leave, there is no "next in line". The institutuions of law, order, justice and the military are being hollowed out with anyone who disagrees with the President being fired and not replaced.

Trump is weakening American at every turn.
Like you craven chickenhawks give a flying rip about the military.....Spare us your sanctimony.

My father was in the army in both WWI and WWII. My oldest brother was in the army and he shot on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My middle brother was in the Navy doing convoy duty during WWI. My youngest brother joined the army at age 16 and was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate to England and they sent him home.

Damn skippy I care about the military.

Again. I call bullshit.
My father in Law joined the Navy at the beginning of WW2 and lied about his age using his Uncles ID,he was 16.
He recently died at the age of 86. No way in hell you had a brother in WWI.

She is well known to make shit up

The last WWI veteran died in 2011.
So yeah she's full of shit.

Read my post. I said my FATHER was in WWI. He died in 1960 at age 62. This clown posted that I had no respect for military families. I was pointing that out I am a member of a "military family".

My father served in WWI and WWII. He served overseas in WWI and at home as a Commissionaire in WWII. All three of my brothers were in WWII, although my youngest brother was sent home when they discovered his age, and before he saw battle. I was born in 1949 and I am the youngest in my family, by 20 years. My youngest brother was 24 years older than me.
Like you craven chickenhawks give a flying rip about the military.....Spare us your sanctimony.

My father was in the army in both WWI and WWII. My oldest brother was in the army and he shot on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My middle brother was in the Navy doing convoy duty during WWI. My youngest brother joined the army at age 16 and was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate to England and they sent him home.

Damn skippy I care about the military.

Again. I call bullshit.
My father in Law joined the Navy at the beginning of WW2 and lied about his age using his Uncles ID,he was 16.
He recently died at the age of 86. No way in hell you had a brother in WWI.

She is well known to make shit up

The last WWI veteran died in 2011.
So yeah she's full of shit.

Read my post. I said my FATHER was in WWI. He died in 1960 at age 62. This clown posted that I had no respect for military families. I was pointing that out I am a member of a "military family".

My father served in WWI and WWII. He served overseas in WWI and at home as a Commissionaire in WWII. All three of my brothers were in WWII, although my youngest brother was sent home when they discovered his age, and before he saw battle. I was born in 1949 and I am the youngest in my family, by 20 years. My youngest brother was 24 years older than me.

Unfortunately, Dragon Lady, in some of your previous posts, when you were talking about your brothers, you had a typo and forgot an "I", which is why some thought you had a brother in WWI. When you make a small mistake like that, people around here will jump on it and use it to beat you over the head and discount anything you say.

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