Top regrets of those about to die

Sunscreen? Gender Roles? How stupid is that? The list is WAY too long too!

My only regret is that I didn't talk to my Grandpa enough when I visited him in 1979. He was 6 foot 3, flew B-24's in WWII, was very intimidating and had a booming voice. I was only 15 and really shy so he scared the sh*t out of me. After having served and associated with other Vets I realized he was just like most other Veterans. He's resting at Arlington now.

Other than that I've liked my Life so far. Can't complain really.
My only regret is that I didn't start living for Jesus decades earlier...with the understanding that if I had, I would have parented my older kids differently than I did (better). Other than that..I'm good. I certainly have no current regrets. Well, I regret it when I eat too much at one sitting.
eat more

One thing I notice that is missing from the list is feeling guilt.
When I was in my 20's, I moved my family across the nation. I had guilt for taking my children and my parents only grandchildren so far away from them. In the long term, that move was the best for me and my children. I should have never felt guilt for doing so. I'm glad I got over it before my kids were in their teen years. Nobody should ever feel guilt for doing what they believe is the best thing to do. If you were wrong, apologize and move on.
Sunscreen? Gender Roles? How stupid is that? The list is WAY too long too!

My only regret is that I didn't talk to my Grandpa enough when I visited him in 1979. He was 6 foot 3, flew B-24's in WWII, was very intimidating and had a booming voice. I was only 15 and really shy so he scared the sh*t out of me. After having served and associated with other Vets I realized he was just like most other Veterans. He's resting at Arlington now.

Other than that I've liked my Life so far. Can't complain really.


Paying attention to the oral history of your family.

Once they're gone, so it that and there's no way to get it back.
My only regret is that I didn't start living for Jesus decades earlier...with the understanding that if I had, I would have parented my older kids differently than I did (better). Other than that..I'm good. I certainly have no current regrets. Well, I regret it when I eat too much at one sitting.

That's very similar to my regret.

I regret not being good enough at convincing girls that we don't need to use a condom :thup:
1. I've traveled a decent amount of the U.S. for my own tastes. Besides, home is where the heart is, and there ain't no place like home. My mantra is "every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home" and that places me exactly where I belong.

2. I'm comfortable being mono-lingual. But at least I'm bi-pedal. :thup:

3. Stayed in a bad relationship 13 years too long. But at least I got out... alive.

4. I'm quite fair-skinned and lucky to have survived it this long. The childhood was spent sun-burnt, adulthood sun-alert.

5. I've seen most of my favorite musicians. The rest I can listen to otherwise.

6. I'm not afraid to do some things, but I am however quite reticent. Which is why I haven't done them LOL.

7. Yeah, I'm drinking... er, thinking about working on that one.

8. That's fucked up Liberal bullshit. :fu:

9. I have no choice but to stay in my terrible job. Besides, I'm only miserable some days.

10. LOL. I tried hard in school. I partied hardy. :beer:

11. I was always aware of my beauty, because I was lucky to have a parent to remind me of it.

12. It was always easy to say "I love you" when I felt that I was in love. But after 19 years of (my second) marriage, the irony is that it's the most difficult thing to say. And I may never do so for as long as I live.

Side story- when my sister got married 15 years ago, I knew that it would fall on me to speak for our family. So I spent weeks composing a narrative. I never doubted that the first thing I should announce was to my sister... "I love you". Which led me to realize that I had never ever told any of my six siblings that I loved them. So over a several day period, as the opportunity presented itself, I told them just that. And what truly blew me away was their responses which were -without a fault - "I love you too".

13. Who the fuck listens to their parents' advice. Lame.

14. I spent my youth both self-absorbed and absorbed in others. The best of both worlds. :thup:

15. Yeah well, I've always cared too much about what others think. I was raised Catholic Goddamnit!

16. My greatest fault. Putting others before myself. I suppose I was forced into this role when I found myself the male head of household at 14. But that's cool.

17. I am the Great Procrastinator!

But you may call me MISTER Great Procrastinator.

18. I don't hold grudges, I just get really pissed off. And if it goes unresolved for too long, I'm the one that either airs grievances or makes amends. It's just not fucking fair LOL.

19. I've most always stood down in a fight. It ain't worth it. Right is right and the wrong will ultimately and subsequently be judged by something more powerful than myself.

20. I've volunteered my entire career at most every opportunity. Nuff sed.

Fuck the rest, I've given more than enough.

Is this a real poll? Looks made up by someone who was not about to die, but was imagining what they would regret if they were about to die. Even though they knew they would wake up tomorrow just fine and carry on with their life.


Is this a real poll? Looks made up by someone who was not about to die, but was imagining what they would regret if they were about to die. Even though they knew they would wake up tomorrow just fine and carry on with their life.

It's media. Get over it. :slap:

It isn't easy to get over dying. A person only gets one shot at to speak.

Oh crap ... I just did a left turn to a re-incarnation thread ...oops...nevermind

Is this a real poll? Looks made up by someone who was not about to die, but was imagining what they would regret if they were about to die. Even though they knew they would wake up tomorrow just fine and carry on with their life.

It's media. Get over it. :slap:

It isn't easy to get over dying. A person only gets one shot at to speak.

Oh crap ... I just did a left turn to a re-incarnation thread ...oops...nevermind

But this does remind me of when my best friend's father was recently lying on his death bed. His dad (and previously decease mother) were both quite religious. His dad even conducted Sunday School classes. No doubt a whole lot of Religion and Bible happening there.

His dad said to him "Paul, the closer I get to dying the more I think that there is nothing after this. Nothing". Several days later, he went to nothing.

Is this a real poll? Looks made up by someone who was not about to die, but was imagining what they would regret if they were about to die. Even though they knew they would wake up tomorrow just fine and carry on with their life.

It's media. Get over it. :slap:

It isn't easy to get over dying. A person only gets one shot at to speak.

Oh crap ... I just did a left turn to a re-incarnation thread ...oops...nevermind

But this does remind me of when my best friend's father was recently lying on his death bed. His dad (and previously decease mother) were both quite religious. His dad even conducted Sunday School classes. No doubt a whole lot of Religion and Bible happening there.

His dad said to him "Paul, the closer I get to dying the more I think that there is nothing after this. Nothing". Several days later, he went to nothing.

You never know Mr. H. There very well might be something.

And one day I might meet you there and hand you a Corona. Because if I can I most certainly will. :thup:

Is this a real poll? Looks made up by someone who was not about to die, but was imagining what they would regret if they were about to die. Even though they knew they would wake up tomorrow just fine and carry on with their life.

It's media. Get over it. :slap:

It isn't easy to get over dying. A person only gets one shot at to speak.

Oh crap ... I just did a left turn to a re-incarnation thread ...oops...nevermind

But this does remind me of when my best friend's father was recently lying on his death bed. His dad (and previously decease mother) were both quite religious. His dad even conducted Sunday School classes. No doubt a whole lot of Religion and Bible happening there.

His dad said to him "Paul, the closer I get to dying the more I think that there is nothing after this. Nothing". Several days later, he went to nothing.

You never know Mr. H. There very well might be something.

And one day I might meet you there and hand you a Corona. Because if I can I most certainly will. :thup:
If there is death in the afterlife... just give it to me now.

Top Regrets Of Those About To Die - Caveman Circus Caveman Circus

This list is a little different than some we've seen. I'm happy to say I've gotten past almost all of these fears and regrets.

Life is too short to waste on fear and regret.

Anyone else? What do you think of this list?

Everyone is different. Some have regrets, some don't. Those who fear the unknown may have regrets. But if you have no doubts, if you are sure of your epistemological world view, regret is not something that you should have any time for in those moments, you will have more important things to think about.

I know I sure as hell didn't have time for regret when my NDE was upon me. Regret did not even enter upon my mind when I was sure the end was at hand.

If you have any regrets, you aren't living your life authentically and in the moment. If you aren't living authentically now, why bother living at all?

I do however, thank you for giving this matter some thought. Don't give up. Try a little harder though. Think for yourself, don't let others do it for you.


And, this one is especially for you Luddley, it's proof that not everyone thinks about regrets. From an expert who knows what it is to be perceived for who one is not.


Before He dies He wants to....

This board was installed at the Charles Center Plaza in downtown Baltimore.
Visitors could write on the board with chalk, to express what they would like to do before they die.
Here is a sample of some of their answers:

Make the world smile.
Do the impossible.
Inspire someone.
Do what God indended me to do.
Race and get rich.
Graduate and survive my cancer.
Become a grandmother.
Meet President Obama.

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