Top RNC lawyers resigns over riff iwth trump.

Another silly leftarded thread.

Imagine that. A chief or a top lawyer at odds with the nominal leader of the Party (and its probable standard bearer in the general election) resigns and our libs think it’s an outWage. :cuckoo:
Another silly leftarded thread.

Imagine that. A chief or a top lawyer at odds with the nominal leader of the Party (and its probable standard bearer in the general election) resigns and our libs think it’s an outWage. :cuckoo:
Trump wants a yes man and Spies said he didn't have time to ruin his life.
Trump wants a yes man and Spies said he didn't have time to ruin his life.

Urge you, fume, to spend several days worrying about Mr. Spies.

Have a few sleepless nights as well.
Yep; worry about it. A lot.

You can cry all you want you useless prick.
It appears that you’re using up all the tears, you troll.

What’s the matter? Unable to post on topic?

Fume. Face it. You’re a fail. Not just here. But in life.

Spend more time worrying about a resignation from the RNC, you hypocritical libturd. 😂🤣
Seek help, worthless. I heard a rumor that you think you have 2 friends on this site.
Thats really funny. Hah Hah Ha!
Trolling constantly. Off topic always.

Fume: is there some psychological reason you refuse to abide by any of the rules to which you agreed?

On topic (I have to keep showing you how to post on topic):

An RNC lawyer quit. Why this is of any concern to you is unstated. Maybe you can start with that.

I mean, seriously, fume, you fuckstick. Do you think any Conservative or Republican cares as much about who quits the DNC as you seem to care about who left the RNC?

Whatever you do "DO NOT TELL trump HE IS LYING." That could be the end of your this proves.
Did you miss this in the linked article?

". . .Spies, meanwhile, told CNN in a statement Sunday: “Working full time at the RNC wasn’t the right fit with my law firm client commitments, but I will remain focused on getting President Trump and Republicans at all levels elected in November.”. . ."

I take the last paragraph of the article as mostly pure fabrication on the part of CNN who couldn't allow themselves to print an article that didn't bash Trump. We know it's probably most likely fabrication because they don't name the source or give any idea of what access he/she might have had to the information.

But there is certainly nothing in the article to suggest it was a riff with Trump that led to the resignation. That part was the OP's pure fabrication.
Trump is now on the wrong side of the margin of error, in just three weeks.

The guilty verdict will end the campaign. Nikki will win.

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