Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

I already had to deal with it this year when they asked parents permission to teach KINDERGARTEN kids sex ed.

I have a very difficult time believing that is true, but what ever.
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?
I don't understand WHY you wouldn't teach your child where babies come from,why not to have sex without BC etc parents never really did course I wasn't an idiot either it wasn't hard for me to figure it out. Still. When it comes to my kids I plan on talking to them. I want them to attend college or military before getting married and having kids...

LOL! I used to go into the child's room in the middle of the night, stroke his hair and whisper "First you go to college, then you get married - then you have the baby".....Well, he's finished his undergrad degree and is contemplating 6-10 more years of 'apprentice' status. So *now* I whisper "First you get married - then you have the baby, your parents aren't getting any younger, you know!"

Lol...told my kids. MARRY RICH! LMAO...I just want my kids to be happy and do things as normally as and their mother were married at 21 and 19 respectively and had our first child at 22 and 20. We are now 27 and 25 and have 3 kids. I know she wanted to attend college and still does so I wish we had waited but at least maybe I can pass that on to my kids how important it is to wait.
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

some kids have gay parents.

they are NOT teaching them sex acts.

they are teaching them tolerance
What is the big FEAR about homosexuality? It's not contagious.

Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing.

It is filth.They are already bringing this filth to our schools. I am sure I will end up having a few battles with my kids schools if they try bringing this shit in. I already had to deal with it this year when they asked parents permission to teach KINDERGARTEN kids sex ed.I of course said hell no.Its the parents job not schools.

I sense a bit of hyperbole. What was the curriculum they wanted to address in the kindergarten class?

What "filth" are "they" bringing to our schools and what does it have to do with Canada addressing gender identity in theirs? Is there anything factually incorrect in what Canada is addressing in their schools? Do you disagree with scientific (and apparently cultural) gender identities?

Food for thought...

Transgender kids: Painful quest to be who they are

They called it "good touch bad touch" what it really is getting kids to trust people like cops,cps,principles etc. I know exactly what it was intended to do. Break the kids attachment to the parents as their allies and confidant and you can then mold them however you want. Fact is my daughter knows who is allowed to touch her and who isn't we asked her the day they gave us the paper to make a decision. Just like she won't be taking the idiotic all drugs are bad class in 1st and 2nd grade. I will explain things to them in a rational way and explain how the US has laws again Marijuana yet it allows ciggs and alcohol. I don't need school lecturing my kids on sex and drugs and who to trust and not trust. That's my job and I intend to keep it.

LOL...Really? "Break the child's attachment"? My first assessment was right on target.


So the education class is actually what prompted your education? How ironic.

I used the DARE program to educate my child as well, by offering him alternative viewpoints to the ones expressed by the program coordinators. I used it as an opportunity to teach him independent critical thinking instead of existing in an echo chamber.
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.
I already had to deal with it this year when they asked parents permission to teach KINDERGARTEN kids sex ed.

I have a very difficult time believing that is true, but what ever.

I've heard of it before, however it's not really "sex Ed" but a beginning to teach children the diffrence between boys and girls and in some places to teach children about as he said "good touch bad touch" as many children who are molested have no idea that it's not normal and not something that happens to everyone.
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

It is natural.

it occurs in other animals too.

Your just full to the brim with hate
What is the big FEAR about homosexuality? It's not contagious.

Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing.

I sense a bit of hyperbole. What was the curriculum they wanted to address in the kindergarten class?

What "filth" are "they" bringing to our schools and what does it have to do with Canada addressing gender identity in theirs? Is there anything factually incorrect in what Canada is addressing in their schools? Do you disagree with scientific (and apparently cultural) gender identities?

Food for thought...

Transgender kids: Painful quest to be who they are

They called it "good touch bad touch" what it really is getting kids to trust people like cops,cps,principles etc. I know exactly what it was intended to do. Break the kids attachment to the parents as their allies and confidant and you can then mold them however you want. Fact is my daughter knows who is allowed to touch her and who isn't we asked her the day they gave us the paper to make a decision. Just like she won't be taking the idiotic all drugs are bad class in 1st and 2nd grade. I will explain things to them in a rational way and explain how the US has laws again Marijuana yet it allows ciggs and alcohol. I don't need school lecturing my kids on sex and drugs and who to trust and not trust. That's my job and I intend to keep it.

LOL...Really? "Break the child's attachment"? My first assessment was right on target.


So the education class is actually what prompted your education? How ironic.

I used the DARE program to educate my child as well, by offering him alternative viewpoints to the ones expressed by the program coordinators. I used it as an opportunity to teach him independent critical thinking instead of existing in an echo chamber.

Well good for you. They are my kids and public schools are nothing more than indoctrination centers and I will fight back with all that I can that includes not letting them indoctrinate my kids into their crazy ass ideas of a normal society,they will not be little obedient drones.
I told my son when he was five that our neighbors and good friends (two men) lived together like a husband and wife because they loved each other he seemed to understand it fine...

It made him a better person and did not make him gay.

Considering that you're a total piece of shit, you don't have much credibility in claiming exposing your son to perverts made him a better person.

So law abiding, consenting adult, tax-paying Americans are "perverts"? How so?
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

It is natural.

it occurs in other animals too.

Your just full to the brim with hate
We are not animals. We are more advanced than animals.
Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing.

They called it "good touch bad touch" what it really is getting kids to trust people like cops,cps,principles etc. I know exactly what it was intended to do. Break the kids attachment to the parents as their allies and confidant and you can then mold them however you want. Fact is my daughter knows who is allowed to touch her and who isn't we asked her the day they gave us the paper to make a decision. Just like she won't be taking the idiotic all drugs are bad class in 1st and 2nd grade. I will explain things to them in a rational way and explain how the US has laws again Marijuana yet it allows ciggs and alcohol. I don't need school lecturing my kids on sex and drugs and who to trust and not trust. That's my job and I intend to keep it.

LOL...Really? "Break the child's attachment"? My first assessment was right on target.


So the education class is actually what prompted your education? How ironic.

I used the DARE program to educate my child as well, by offering him alternative viewpoints to the ones expressed by the program coordinators. I used it as an opportunity to teach him independent critical thinking instead of existing in an echo chamber.

Well good for you. They are my kids and public schools are nothing more than indoctrination centers and I will fight back with all that I can that includes not letting them indoctrinate my kids into their crazy ass ideas of a normal society,they will not be little obedient drones.

Yes, I can see how teaching tolerance would be a "crazy assed" idea to you. What other "crazy assed" ideas are they teaching, in your estimation...and why do you send your children to these little "indoctrination centers"? Surely there are religious or private schools you could indoctrinate your children in instead.
Animals is a WIDE range of things. Humans well certain races of humans are very advanced "animals" and they are past the genetic screw ups such as homosexuality. Not saying certain races don't have their screw ups who have genetic problems obviously they haven't gotten all the genetic problems out yet and can't feel 100% normal as most humans are.
LOL...Really? "Break the child's attachment"? My first assessment was right on target.


So the education class is actually what prompted your education? How ironic.

I used the DARE program to educate my child as well, by offering him alternative viewpoints to the ones expressed by the program coordinators. I used it as an opportunity to teach him independent critical thinking instead of existing in an echo chamber.

Well good for you. They are my kids and public schools are nothing more than indoctrination centers and I will fight back with all that I can that includes not letting them indoctrinate my kids into their crazy ass ideas of a normal society,they will not be little obedient drones.

Yes, I can see how teaching tolerance would be a "crazy assed" idea to you. What other "crazy assed" ideas are they teaching, in your estimation...and why do you send your children to these little "indoctrination centers"? Surely there are religious or private schools you could indoctrinate your children in instead.

"Tolerance is the virtue of men who no longer believe in anything." -- G.K. Chesterton

Can't afford private school and would never send my kids to religious school. I hate religion.
Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.
G. K. Chesterton

That goes well with homosexuality as well.
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

LOL...oh, please provide the curriculum in which it is implied that "kids should try it!".

How is homosexuality "unnatural"? It exists in the animal world in hundreds of species...including the only other species of animal that has sex for pleasure, the dolphin. Same sex animals have been known to mate for life, raising abandoned offspring.

Homosexuality has also existed throughout recorded history, in every culture, since the beginning of time. Please explain this "unnaturalness" of which you speak.

I came by my sexual orientation quite naturally. I certainly did not choose to be attracted to women. How is that explained if not as "natural"?

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