Toronto schools teaching children there are 6 genders

"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

It is natural.

it occurs in other animals too.

Your just full to the brim with hate

Animals who exhibit homosexual behavior are always an aberation. If an animal in the wild were to consistently exhibit homosexual behavior, it would be torn apart by the normal animals and be dinner. No other animals would have a vigil and demand rights either.
"They called it "good touch bad touch" what it really is getting kids to trust people like cops,cps,principles etc. I know exactly what it was intended to do. Break the kids attachment to the parents as their allies and confidant and you can then mold them however you want. Fact is my daughter knows who is allowed to touch her and who isn't we asked her the day they gave us the paper to make a decision. Just like she won't be taking the idiotic all drugs are bad class in 1st and 2nd grade. I will explain things to them in a rational way and explain how the US has laws again Marijuana yet it allows ciggs and alcohol. I don't need school lecturing my kids on sex and drugs and who to trust and not trust. That's my job and I intend to keep it. "

Well, that's a very interesting form of paranoia about 'the government'.... I strongly disbelieve anyone in our government can think so clearly as to have such motives. LORD knows they don't show much clarity of thinking in any other area - OK, I'm in the US, but Canada is very similar (except for being a bit more of a 'nanny' state - as in 'nation').

The US allows cigarettes and alcohol because of the humongous tax revenue which those vices generate. AND because our past attempt to outlaw alcoholic overconsumption led to the establishment of organized crime syndicates to distribute illegal goods.

Considering the fact that humans were brewing alcohol at least as soon as they started planting crops - I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate alcohol use. And tobacco is pretty addictive as well: I have personal experience with that.

It's easy to get indignant at 'poor' people who feel they can't afford medical insurance but smoke and drink. But I doubt many of us would enjoy life under a government which refused to allow such poor chocies to be made.

Homosexuality, of course, appears not to be primarily a 'choice'.
Animals is a WIDE range of things. Humans well certain races of humans are very advanced "animals" and they are past the genetic screw ups such as homosexuality. Not saying certain races don't have their screw ups who have genetic problems obviously they haven't gotten all the genetic problems out yet and can't feel 100% normal as most humans are.

your insane and know nothing about sceince.

It is not a genetic screwup.

Its a natural occurance.

your just filled to the brim with hate and fear
Animals is a WIDE range of things. Humans well certain races of humans are very advanced "animals" and they are past the genetic screw ups such as homosexuality. Not saying certain races don't have their screw ups who have genetic problems obviously they haven't gotten all the genetic problems out yet and can't feel 100% normal as most humans are.

The word 'race' means approximately 'subspecies'. There is only ONE identifiable species of humanity: we are, every last one of us, Homo Sapiens sapiens.

I can explain that to you in a bit more detail, if you want. The idea of different 'races' is a relic from the 19th century, in an age when the actual sciences of biology and archaeology and geology were in their infancy.

In this century, we are able to extract DNA from fossil remains, and can verify by reproducable results that there is only ONE race of humans now living.
A perfect candidate for homeschooling.

Every homeschooled child I've ever meant has been .. Socially awkward.

You mean they weren't out smoking weed and partying and doing other stupid things kids do? I was home schooled for 1 year. I loved it.

That's actually not what I meant at all. A year is not he same as the kids I know. One of my closest friends comes from a large family and the children were all homeschooled until 9th grade. His 1st year of high school was almost painful in the transition. Not only did he struggle with the structure of classes , problems with fitting where he was learning in with the rest of the class, but he had a lot of issues learning to socialize with other kids.

I'm not saying home schooling isnt good, just that whether you like it or not kids learn a lot in school beyond math and science. If you aren't aware of that and supplementing your child's education they can have trouble if they have to return to a school setting.
There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

It is natural.

it occurs in other animals too.

Your just full to the brim with hate

Animals who exhibit homosexual behavior are always an aberation. If an animal in the wild were to consistently exhibit homosexual behavior, it would be torn apart by the normal animals and be dinner. No other animals would have a vigil and demand rights either.

And you have your biology or zoology degree from?

Have you ever seen any but the human animal display such homophobic behaviors? Here's what actual scientists say...

Can Animals Be Gay?

Gay Animals

Gay Animals: Alternate Lifestyles in the Wild

Human Rights should not be based on what animals do, regardless.
Which is more 'advanced', Dissent - to build skyscrapers and superliners, or to live in a place for 5,000 years straight and still be able to live there because it isn't fouled with pollution?
"Fear? Not fearful its unnatural and I don't want that shit pushed into my kids brains. When they are old enough to ask me why 2 women or 2 men are holding hands or kissing I will explain it to them and let them come to their own conclusion no need for school brainwashing."

Because it's unnatural for you, why use words like 'shit' and 'brainwashing' about it?

Do you think there is only one 'right' way and everything else is 'filth'?

There is natural and unnatural homosexuality is unnatural. Pretty cut and dry.They don't just explain what homosexuality is,they try claiming its a natural thing and they try saying kids should try it and we shouldn't dislike homosexuals etc etc...its brainwashing.

So I'm correct in supposing you feel ONLY heterosexuality is 'natural'?

As others have pointed out: if that were so, no animal population would have homosexual individuals. 'Natural' has a meaning of 'occurring 'in nature', ie in the absence of human presence/influence/interference/manipulation. So, it is not 'natural' for a lion and a tiger to mate......
I told my son when he was five that our neighbors and good friends (two men) lived together like a husband and wife because they loved each other he seemed to understand it fine.

He is also about as hetro as a guy can be.

He also defended one of his friends in Jr high who came out.

It made him a better person and did not make him gay.

That's exactly the point, you told your son, not a state paid worker.
and it did not hurt him one bit.

how is the school hurting kids by teaching them some kids have two mommies?
It is filth.They are already bringing this filth to our schools. I am sure I will end up having a few battles with my kids schools if they try bringing this shit in. I already had to deal with it this year when they asked parents permission to teach KINDERGARTEN kids sex ed.I of course said hell no.Its the parents job not schools.

Sex ed to kindergarteners? I don't buy it...
You got kids Paulie? Wait until you take them to kindergarten. We were given a paper the first day of school and we either had to say yes or no to the sex ed and the drug class for next year. I couldn't believe it either. We waited a few days because they had to print more of the little booklets to show parents what they planned on teaching.After we saw the booklet it was decided to not let her take the class.
and it did not hurt him one bit.

how is the school hurting kids by teaching them some kids have two mommies?

The point is its YOUR job and YOUR decision if and when they are taught that. Not some teacher they have for 1 year at school and has to deal with numerous other kids.

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