Torture the Hell Out of ISIS Prisoners

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You are apparently unaware that any information obtained under torture is usually garbage. Do you just want to be cruel for the sake of cruelty?
You are apparently unaware that you've been snookered. Get brain, please.
ISIS lives don't matter.
Funny, they have the same opinion of you...

Indeed. Ergo, it falls to brute force to end the conflict in my favor, my favor being my sole interest.
I understand. You have the morality of a rabid dog...

Excuse me? What is immoral about crushing an enemy sworn to destroy you?
Nearly everything, especially in a nation of Christians...

Oh. Are you a Christian?
What we've been calling torture isn't really. 80s gore movies have torture. There are ways of inflicting pain on a human subject you never hear about in these televised debates on "torture."

"Unthinkable" came the closest to proper torture. "The Evil That Men Do" mentioned it. 3rd world banana republics used torture. US never did. That we've heard of at any rate.
Funny, they have the same opinion of you...

Indeed. Ergo, it falls to brute force to end the conflict in my favor, my favor being my sole interest.
I understand. You have the morality of a rabid dog...

Excuse me? What is immoral about crushing an enemy sworn to destroy you?
Nearly everything, especially in a nation of Christians...

Oh. Are you a Christian?
Nope, but most are, and their morality is not an eye for an eye.
While I'd torture certain people for the sheer personal amusement, if you want actionable intel, psychological manipulation works better than physical torture.
Every useful should be used.

Yes, every 'useful' method. Pain isn't useful for extracting information except under time contraints. Perverbial bomb going off in an hour or something. If time isn't critical, FBI methods work better than CIA.
While I'd torture certain people for the sheer personal amusement, if you want actionable intel, psychological manipulation works better than physical torture.
Every useful should be used.

Yes, every 'useful' method. Pain isn't useful for extracting information except under time contraints. Perverbial bomb going off in an hour or something. If time isn't critical, FBI methods work better than CIA.
Why not just strip and prepare to rape their child in front of them? Strap her naked to a table and torture her. Should work like a charm.
Every effort to extract information from the 5 ISIS prisoners captured in the raid on the Hawija prison in northern Iraq, should be undertaken.
Let's at least try to be better than they are, eh?
Yeah, let's get more info from them than they get from us. When my Army National Guard ex-Battalion commander, Lt. Col Shea, was asked > "How do you deal with your enemies" He answered > It can be summed up in 3 simple words . "We kill them."
While I'd torture certain people for the sheer personal amusement, if you want actionable intel, psychological manipulation works better than physical torture.
Every useful should be used.

Yes, every 'useful' method. Pain isn't useful for extracting information except under time contraints. Perverbial bomb going off in an hour or something. If time isn't critical, FBI methods work better than CIA.
Why not just strip and prepare to rape their child in front of them?

Ah so you saw "Unthinkable" Was depicted in it, though a not-empty threat of murdering a subject's wife and very young childrne in front of him.
Every effort to extract information from the 5 ISIS prisoners captured in the raid on the Hawija prison in northern Iraq, should be undertaken.
Let's at least try to be better than they are, eh?
Yeah, let's get more info from them than they get from us. When my Army National Guard ex-Battalion commander, Lt. Col Shea, was asked > "How do you deal with your enemies" He answered > It can be summed up in 3 simple words . "We kill them."
But you aren't killing them, hence the problem. Notice he didn't say kill them slowly after getting anything useful from them...
Threats and pain on a subject's family works better than onto them. Many are willing to be martyred. That resolve is truly tested though when their family memebers are on the receiving end of things.
This is why we need to just let the Russians fight ISIS. They won't worry about being politically correct with what they have to do. The rules are set by the aggressors and if we're not willing to meet brutality with brutality, we're not gonna win. Obama is the biggest pussy on the planet when it comes to fighting a war, no wonder the Russians had to push him aside and do his job for him.
Indeed. Ergo, it falls to brute force to end the conflict in my favor, my favor being my sole interest.
I understand. You have the morality of a rabid dog...

Excuse me? What is immoral about crushing an enemy sworn to destroy you?
Nearly everything, especially in a nation of Christians...

Oh. Are you a Christian?
Nope, but most are, and their morality is not an eye for an eye.

I see. I am a Christian, and personally know no Christians who believe they are under any admonition from Jesus that subscribes to your sentiment.

If you have one, whip it out.
While I'd torture certain people for the sheer personal amusement, if you want actionable intel, psychological manipulation works better than physical torture.
Every useful should be used.

Yes, every 'useful' method. Pain isn't useful for extracting information except under time contraints. Perverbial bomb going off in an hour or something. If time isn't critical, FBI methods work better than CIA.
Why not just strip and prepare to rape their child in front of them?

Ah so you saw "Unthinkable" Was depicted in it, though a not-empty threat of murdering a subject's wife and very young childrne in front of him.
Never heard of it but since you are lacking in all morality anyway, why not be efficient?
I understand. You have the morality of a rabid dog...

Excuse me? What is immoral about crushing an enemy sworn to destroy you?
Nearly everything, especially in a nation of Christians...

Oh. Are you a Christian?
Nope, but most are, and their morality is not an eye for an eye.

I see. I am a Christian, and personally know no Christians who believe they are under any admonition from Jesus that subscribes to your sentiment.

If you have one, whip it out.
Matthew 5:

Love Your Enemies
43"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' 44"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…

American "Christians" don't actually believe in Jesus, or trust in God.
We don't torture. You might need to find another place to call home.
YOU don't torture, but then you haven't been in the military, and have no idea what I'm talking about, right ?

I haven't been in the military. But I'm more of a patriot than you. If you think the fact that you served in our military impresses'd be wrong. You are an entirely unimpressive person. Your history is of no consequence.
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