Torture the Hell Out of ISIS Prisoners

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Yeah...............sure...............let's go from a nation of laws (like we claim), and violate international law in the form of the Geneva convention and be called war criminals by every other country.

Torture never gets good information. Shall we talk about the Iraq war and all that really crappy intel we got from waterboarding?
FALSE! We tortured KSM with waterboarding, and got very useful information from him. Look it up (don't ask me to do your homework for you). Why do you think KSM (mastermind of 9-11) is still alive in October of 2015 ?(when other terrorists have already been tried and executed)
While I'd torture certain people for the sheer personal amusement, if you want actionable intel, psychological manipulation works better than physical torture.
Every useful should be used.

Yes, every 'useful' method. Pain isn't useful for extracting information except under time contraints. Perverbial bomb going off in an hour or something. If time isn't critical, FBI methods work better than CIA.
Why not just strip and prepare to rape their child in front of them?

Ah so you saw "Unthinkable" Was depicted in it, though a not-empty threat of murdering a subject's wife and very young childrne in front of him.
Never heard of it but since you are lacking in all morality anyway, why not be efficient?

Jews during the Holocaust were very moral. How'd that work?

Time for morality ends after the first bullet is fired at you.
Every effort to extract information from the 5 ISIS prisoners captured in the raid on the Hawija prison in northern Iraq, should be undertaken.
Let's at least try to be better than they are, eh?
Yeah, let's get more info from them than they get from us. When my Army National Guard ex-Battalion commander, Lt. Col Shea, was asked > "How do you deal with your enemies" He answered > It can be summed up in 3 simple words . "We kill them."

Wait a minute. You served in the national guard? You weren't regular military?
Every useful should be used.

Yes, every 'useful' method. Pain isn't useful for extracting information except under time contraints. Perverbial bomb going off in an hour or something. If time isn't critical, FBI methods work better than CIA.
Why not just strip and prepare to rape their child in front of them?

Ah so you saw "Unthinkable" Was depicted in it, though a not-empty threat of murdering a subject's wife and very young childrne in front of him.
Never heard of it but since you are lacking in all morality anyway, why not be efficient?

Jews during the Holocaust were very moral. How'd that work?

Time for morality ends after the first bullet is fired at you.
Sorry, didn't know that God in the bible said it would be easy, or that you would survive for having faith. Care to point that out for me?
Yes, every 'useful' method. Pain isn't useful for extracting information except under time contraints. Perverbial bomb going off in an hour or something. If time isn't critical, FBI methods work better than CIA.
Why not just strip and prepare to rape their child in front of them?

Ah so you saw "Unthinkable" Was depicted in it, though a not-empty threat of murdering a subject's wife and very young childrne in front of him.
Never heard of it but since you are lacking in all morality anyway, why not be efficient?

Jews during the Holocaust were very moral. How'd that work?

Time for morality ends after the first bullet is fired at you.
Sorry, didn't know that God in the bible said it would be easy, or that you would survive for having faith. Care to point that out for me?

God permits violent war, self-defense, and literally wiping out entire cities in his name. Think condoning or causing the deathso pregnant women and hcildren means He'd all of a suddent get squeamish about torture? Guess again.

Jews had every right to reisist the Holocaust. They didn't and 6 million died because of it. Being moral, or more moral doesn't make bad people quit doing bad things.
Nearly everything, especially in a nation of Christians...
No there;s nothing immoral about it at all. What is immoral is liberal airheads like you, bordering on treason, saying that it is, thereby giving the real immoralist, ISIS, a decisive advantage.
Why not just strip and prepare to rape their child in front of them?

Ah so you saw "Unthinkable" Was depicted in it, though a not-empty threat of murdering a subject's wife and very young childrne in front of him.
Never heard of it but since you are lacking in all morality anyway, why not be efficient?

Jews during the Holocaust were very moral. How'd that work?

Time for morality ends after the first bullet is fired at you.
Sorry, didn't know that God in the bible said it would be easy, or that you would survive for having faith. Care to point that out for me?

God permits violent war, self-defense, and literally wiping out entire cities in his name. Think condoning or causing the deathso pregnant women and hcildren means He'd all of a suddent get squeamish about torture? Guess again.

Jews had every right to reisist the Holocaust. They didn't and 6 million died because of it. Being moral, or more moral doesn't make bad people quit doing bad things.
That is the God of the OT, the Jews, not the Christians. And the Jews were pussies, that can't be helped now.
Most of the people who are on here calling for torture have more than likely never served, because if they had, they would know it is against the Geneva Conventions to torture prisoners.

Like I said...........just a bunch of armchair Rambo's who want to see blood (but they would never serve). .
Most of the people who are on here calling for torture have more than likely never served, because if they had, they would know it is against the Geneva Conventions to torture prisoners.

Like I said...........just a bunch of armchair Rambo's who want to see blood (but they would never serve). .
I've served in the military, and the Geneva Convention does not trump US national security. You know what does ? Absolutely NOTHING.
Ah so you saw "Unthinkable" Was depicted in it, though a not-empty threat of murdering a subject's wife and very young childrne in front of him.
Never heard of it but since you are lacking in all morality anyway, why not be efficient?

Jews during the Holocaust were very moral. How'd that work?

Time for morality ends after the first bullet is fired at you.
Sorry, didn't know that God in the bible said it would be easy, or that you would survive for having faith. Care to point that out for me?

God permits violent war, self-defense, and literally wiping out entire cities in his name. Think condoning or causing the deathso pregnant women and hcildren means He'd all of a suddent get squeamish about torture? Guess again.

Jews had every right to reisist the Holocaust. They didn't and 6 million died because of it. Being moral, or more moral doesn't make bad people quit doing bad things.
That is the God of the OT, the Jews, not the Christians. And the Jews were pussies, that can't be helped now.

Oh yes, whereas the 'god' of Christians said turn the other cheek and let your enemy strike it. That's so butch and badass.
Most of the people who are on here calling for torture have more than likely never served, because if they had, they would know it is against the Geneva Conventions to torture prisoners.

Like I said...........just a bunch of armchair Rambo's who want to see blood (but they would never serve). .
I've served in the military, and the Geneva Convention does not trump US national security. You know what does ? Absolutely NOTHING.
ISIS feels the same. Their faith is more important than anything else. Congrats on the company you keep.
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