Torture the Hell Out of ISIS Prisoners

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I like them just about as much as I like you, and the solution to both your evils is the same, which you of course reject, liberalism.
FALSE! It is liberalism (tolerance of the intolerance of Islam) that is the reason for the growth of ISIS. And especially it is Obama to blame. ISIS could have been exterminated over a year ago, when their convoys were sitting ducks for US attack planes. Obama chose to let them be.
ISIS is an idea, buried deep within Islam. In cannot be exterminated, nor killed with guns. Only a better idea can defeat a worse one, and that idea is liberalism.
We don't torture. You might need to find another place to call home.
YOU don't torture, but then you haven't been in the military, and have no idea what I'm talking about, right ?
It is supposed to be against the UCMJ to torture or otherwise mistreat prisoners. Are you saying that the military is not bound by law? If so they are nothing but filthy mercs.
Wait a minute. You served in the national guard? You weren't regular military?
Wait a minute, yourself. Army National Guard are about one-third more likely to be killed in Iraq than full-time active-duty soldiers serving there, a 2004 USA TODAY analysis of Pentagon statistics showed.
According to figures furnished by the military branches, the active Army had sent about 250,000 soldiers to Iraq, and 622 had been killed, by 2004. That works out to one death for every 402 soldiers who have deployed. About 37,000 Army Guard soldiers have been sent to Iraq since the war began and 140 have died there — one fatality for every 264 soldiers who have served, or about a 35% higher death rate.

There are several reasons for the greater death rates among so-called part-time soldiers, who generally drill one weekend a month and two weeks during the summer when there's no war. The Pentagon has called up thousands of part-time troops for tours of a year or more in Iraq. Some of the most dangerous missions, including driving convoys and guarding bases and other facilities, frequently are assigned to Guard and reserve troops. Iraqi insurgents have attacked convoys with roadside bombs and rocket-propelled grenades, and a Tennessee Guardsman publicly complained to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld then about the lack of armor on some vehicles.

In addition, National Guard troops ordinarily receive anywhere from 6 months to 2 years active duty US Army training. ( I had 2 years) + also spent 2 months in Iraq, THIS YEAR (August 11 - October 11 + 5 days in Afghanistan)

Got focused now ? I might also add that my uncle was a National Guard paratrooper in World War II. He was killed in the Marianas Pacific islands campaign in 1944.
Even war is supposed to have rules, boys, ones you are only too happy to ignore. That is what the immoral do, especially during wartime.
When it comes to national security, THERE IS ONE RULE. >> NATIONAL SURVIVAL. Yes, I am only to happy to ignore those rules. You can count on that.
ISIS is an idea, buried deep within Islam. In cannot be exterminated, nor killed with guns. Only a better idea can defeat a worse one, and that idea is liberalism.
FALSE! Islam is the same as liberalism. Liberalism is what allows Islam to flourish, while hiding behind the policies of liberalism.
It is supposed to be against the UCMJ to torture or otherwise mistreat prisoners. Are you saying that the military is not bound by law? If so they are nothing but filthy mercs.
Read Post # 84. THAT'S what I'm saying, USCMJ or no USCMJ.
Wait a minute. You served in the national guard? You weren't regular military?
Wait a minute, yourself. Army National Guard are about one-third more likely to be killed in Iraq than full-time active-duty soldiers serving there, a 2004 USA TODAY analysis of Pentagon statistics showed.
According to figures furnished by the military branches, the active Army had sent about 250,000 soldiers to Iraq, and 622 had been killed, by 2004. That works out to one death for every 402 soldiers who have deployed. About 37,000 Army Guard soldiers have been sent to Iraq since the war began and 140 have died there — one fatality for every 264 soldiers who have served, or about a 35% higher death rate.

There are several reasons for the greater death rates among so-called part-time soldiers, who generally drill one weekend a month and two weeks during the summer when there's no war. The Pentagon has called up thousands of part-time troops for tours of a year or more in Iraq. Some of the most dangerous missions, including driving convoys and guarding bases and other facilities, frequently are assigned to Guard and reserve troops. Iraqi insurgents have attacked convoys with roadside bombs and rocket-propelled grenades, and a Tennessee Guardsman publicly complained to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld then about the lack of armor on some vehicles.

In addition, National Guard troops ordinarily receive anywhere from 6 months to 2 years active duty US Army training. ( I had 2 years) + also spent 2 months in Iraq, THIS YEAR (August 11 - October 11 + 5 days in Afghanistan)

Got focused now ? I might also add that my uncle was a National Guard paratrooper in World War II. He was killed in the Marianas Pacific islands campaign in 1944.

You have been misleading everyone. You haven't served in combat.....and you haven't had to make a decision regarding torture. You valor stealing mother fucker.
You have been misleading everyone. You haven't served in combat.....and you haven't had to make a decision regarding torture. You valor stealing mother fucker.
Asshole,. I was in combat 3 weeks ago. I have misled no one. Fuck you.
You have been misleading everyone. You haven't served in combat.....and you haven't had to make a decision regarding torture. You valor stealing mother fucker.
Asshole,. I was in combat 3 weeks ago. I have misled no one. Fuck you.

No you weren't. And you've been playing up the soldier bullshit here for as long as I can remember. You suck you lying fuck.
No you weren't. And you've been playing up the soldier bullshit here for as long as I can remember. You suck you lying fuck.
Yes I was. Why do you think I haven;t been on this computer and other forums for 2 months ? The fact that you have no way of knowing what I've been doing, yet you boldly say I wasn't in Iraq, Aug. 2015 - Oct. 2015, just shows what a loudmouth fool you are. Again, fuck you, faggot. You hate to hear about the military, because you're one of those military dodger punks who never served, and you're ashamed of it.
You might have served, but you didn't pay attention in your Military Rights and Responsibilities courses, otherwise you'd understand the stupidity of your statement. up on the Geneva Conventions.

Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every 6 months for the 20 years I was in the Navy, we had 2 days of training on the Geneva Conventions, as well as other things military related.

You slept through that training, didn't you?
Again, nothing trumps national security and the SURVIVAL of the USA . NOTHING.
It is supposed to be against the UCMJ to torture or otherwise mistreat prisoners. Are you saying that the military is not bound by law? If so they are nothing but filthy mercs.
Read Post # 84. THAT'S what I'm saying, USCMJ or no USCMJ.
It's almost like you were never in the military with a statement like that. When I was in there they drummed the rule of law and rules of engagement into us until we were sick of it and then did it some more. If our military abandons decency and honor and instead embraces cruelty and brutality they will never win another war. Shameful opinion for a soldier to have. It is not necessary to become just like the enemy to defeat them.
It's almost like you were never in the military with a statement like that. When I was in there they drummed the rule of law and rules of engagement into us until we were sick of it and then did it some more. If our military abandons decency and honor and instead embraces cruelty and brutality they will never win another war. Shameful opinion for a soldier to have. It is not necessary to become just like the enemy to defeat them.
You don't know the first thing about the military or combat, or national security. You would allow the enemy to conquer the USA, just to observe some stupid rules.

What "It's almost like" is you have no common sense.
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