Total News Blackout: US General Captured Leading Azov Nazis in Mariupol (confirmations coming in)

Here is the report from the OP:

'...."Earlier, we repeatedly and through all available channels brought to the Kiev regime our proposals on the possibility of the withdrawaL of Ukrainian armed forces units that voluntarily lad down their arms from Mariupol," Said Maj-Gen Konashenkov.

The representatives of the Ministry of Defense noted that the proposals were constantly ignored by the Kiev regime and appealed once again: "From 6 AM Moscow time, Ukrainian servicemen were asked to stop hostilities, lay down their arms and go along the agreed route to the territory controlled by the Kiev regime."

He also stressed that in any case, Mariupol would soon be liberated from the nationalists by units of the Russian Armed Forces and the Donetsk People's Republic.'
In post #41, Omurbekov continues:

"Now, there are still people who are 90 or 100 years old can can tell the tale of the bloody events of the Chui region, Omurbekov says. "These events are not recorded in any books. Only now are they talking about the massacre."
Warning: A NATO/Internet wide National Security Letter has been issued blocking all reporting of the alleged capture of an American general in Mariupol.

Well have to wait for the confirmation of this....if they let it come out that is! ;)

We've already posted an English translation of what else was in the KP report, which is not shown in the OP. Further embedded reports show a New York City patch on the vest of Russia's version of who the perpetrators are:
You'll believe anything your Russian masters feed you, won't you? :heehee:

^^^Says the guy who thinks this chick is telling him the truth.

The photo we mentioned in the report of post #46, is not that of perpetrators, though this report, just as the Ukrainian activists name Omurbekov as the Bucha Butcher, mention two people, one of which supposedly gave the command to shoot civilians:

Post #46 Report, continued
'On Mar 31, Bucha was visited by the mayor of the city, who pompously announced the "liberation" of the settlement. At the same time without saying anything about corpses on the roads. In the photo he is smiling which against a background of dead bodies woul look out of place. The statement of the mayor, in fact, was premature - I treally wanted to hurry things up. But Ukrainian forces have not yet taken control of the entire city. Artillery continued to work in separate areas.

On 2 Ap, National Police of Ukraine enters the city. A long video of their work to clean up the city has been preserved on the web. On the same day, units of the Kiev Territorial Defense entered Bucha from another direction - to clean up. Among them is a detachment of a certain Boatswain. On the footage of their video chronicle, one of the militants asks the question: "These are boys without blue armbands, can they be shot at?" "And then!" -- happily replied the other. And this is the key point.

"Boatswain" is a neo-Nazi Sergei Korotkikh, well-known in Russia by the nickname "Malyuta." At one time, he was one of the leaders of the RNU and closes associate of another far-right figure, Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich. Born in Togliatti, grew up in Belarus. Since 2014 he fought in the Azov batallion. In Russia, neo-fascists do not take root, but Ukraine welcomes them with open arms.

It was he who gave the go-ahead to fire on people without identification marks. The blue bandages on the sleeves are identification marks of "friend or foe" of Ukrainian forces. In order to open fire on their own from afar. During sweeps, people's nerves are strained to the limit and any little thing is enough to pull the trigger.'
Malyuta's background links to Poroshenko in the year of EuroMaidan:

Malyuta (Botzman) is Charged with Murder

'In 2007, a video appeared online that later became notoriously well known: against a background of a flag with a swastika, the far-right beheaded a native of Dagestan, Shamil Udamanov and shot a native of Central Asia at point-blank range.

On 5 Dec 2014, President Petro Poroshenko handed Malyuta a Ukrainian passport. It was believed he was connected to the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov.'
It does look like the corpse is waving.
Actually it's a visual distortion caused by a raindrop on the wind-shield. But anyway, the bloody Ukrs did it all. It's in their nature, they are born, it seems, that way.
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Actually it's a visual distortion caused by a raindrop on the wind-shield. But anyway, the bloody Ukrs did it all. It's in their nature, they are born, it seems, that way.
Yes reviewing the video is looks like a raindrop. Malyuta is a good suspect for the massacre.
Western/Ukraine media says the "Buther of Bucha" is Omurbekov, which is suspicious because it links to the Urkun Uprising massacre of 1916. Russian media has named the butcher as Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich, whose cloes associate is neo-nazi Azov battalion, Sergei "Malyuta" Korotkikh.
Western/Ukraine media says the "Buther of Bucha" is Omurbekov, which is suspicious because it links to the Urkun Uprising massacre of 1916. Russian media has named the butcher as Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich, whose cloes associate is neo-nazi Azov battalion, Sergei "Malyuta" Korotkikh.
And this ^ tells us what, exactly, about the actual topic of the OP story concerning an alleged U.S. general being captured by the Russians in Ukraine?
And this ^ tells us what, exactly, about the actual topic of the OP story concerning an alleged U.S. general being captured by the Russians in Ukraine?
You do have a Tom Mix decoder ring, don't you?
First they were Nazis ,then Neo Nazis ( Because they were too young) & now Azov Nazis ?
IQs that hover around 80 will have difficulty, though Putin was right to shut down some of the media in case there are people smart enough to understand the current media chaos.
First they were Nazis ,then Neo Nazis ( Because they were too young) & now Azov Nazis ?
Yes, correct.

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