TowerGate - Timeline and Connecting Dots...follow the money!

Another valuable read:

...If the stories are correct, Obama or his officials might even face prosecution. But, we are still early in all of this and there are a lot of rumors flying around so the key is if the reports are accurate. We just don’t know at this time. The stories currently are three-fold: first, that Obama’s team tried to get a warrant from a regular, Article III federal court on Trump, and was told no by someone along the way (maybe the FBI), as the evidence was that weak or non-existent; second, Obama’s team then tried to circumvent the federal judiciary’s independent role by trying to mislabel the issue one of “foreign agents,” and tried to obtain a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act “courts”, and were again turned down, when the court saw Trump named (an extremely rare act of FISA court refusal of the government, suggesting the evidence was truly non-existent against Trump); and so, third, Obama circumvented both the regular command of the FBI and the regularly appointed federal courts, by placing the entire case as a FISA case (and apparently under Sally Yates at DOJ) as a “foreign” case, and then omitted Trump’s name from a surveillance warrant submitted to the FISA court, which the FISA court unwittingly granted, which Obama then misused to spy on Trump and many connected to Trump. Are these allegations true? We don’t know yet, but if any part of them are than Obama and/or his officials could face serious trouble....

Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance

Stalin type tactics used against a political opponent in the US.. in violation of federal law.. Nice..

I believe this is called treason.

No, treason has a very specific legal definiton. It's not treason...but it sure looks criminal. I suggest reading the entire article at the link in the post. It's is very insightful regarding FISA, and the narrow uses for which it can be used. Investigating elections is not one of them.
very good, boedica

trump is in the snare and can't escape

You are a bit more dense and clueless than usual today, bub.

The corruption of the Obabble Admin is quite glaring. One would hope that even the Progs (those who don't totally hate America) would be concerned about this...
Deflection to Obama is fail.

FBI convinced a court that evidence existed to tap Trump.

That is the issue: what was found out about his collusion with the Russians.

Read this and get back to us on that, bub.

Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance

Here's a particularly noteworthy passage:

Out of 35,000+ requests for surveillance, the FISA court has only ever rejected a whopping 12. Apparently, according to published reports, you can add one more to that — even the FISA court first rejected Obama’s request to spy on Trump’s team under the guise of an investigation into foreign agents of a pending war attack, intelligence agents apparently returned to the court, where, it is my assumption, that they did not disclose or divulge all material facts to the court when seeking the surveillance the second time around, some of which they would later wrongfully disseminate and distribute to the public. By itself, misuse of FISA procedures to obtain surveillance is itself, a crime.

This raises the second problem: Obama’s team submission of an affidavit to to the FISA court. An application for a warrant of any kind requires an affidavit, and that affidavit may not omit material factors. A fact is “material” if it could have the possible impact of impacting the judicial officer deciding whether to authorize the warrant. Such affidavits are the most carefully drawn up, reviewed, and approved affidavits of law enforcement in our system precisely because they must be fully-disclosing, forthcoming, and include any information a judge must know to decide whether to allow our government to spy on its own. My assumption would be that intelligence officials were trying to investigate hacking of DNC which is not even a FISA covered crime, so therefore serious questions arise about what Obama administration attorneys said to the FISA court to even consider the application. If the claim was “financial ties” to Russia, then Obama knew he had no basis to use FISA at all.

Since Trump was the obvious target, the alleged failure to disclose his name in the second application could be a serious and severe violation of the obligation to disclose all material facts. Lastly, given the later behavior, it is evident any promise in the affidavit to protect the surveilled information from ever being sourced or disseminated was a false promise, intended to induce the illicit surveillance. This is criminalized both by federal perjury statutes, conspiracy statutes, and the FISA criminal laws themselves.

That raises the third problem: it seems the FISA-compelled protocols for precluding the dissemination of the information were violated, and that Obama’s team issued orders to achieve precisely what the law forbids, if published reports are true about the administration sharing the surveilled information far-and-wide to promote unlawful leaks to the press. This, too, would be its own crime, as it brings back the ghost of Hillary’s emails — by definition, FISA information is strictly confidential or it’s information that never should have been gathered. FISA strictly segregates its surveilled information into two categories: highly confidential information of the most serious of crimes involving foreign acts of war; or, if not that, then information that should never have been gathered, should be immediately deleted, and never sourced nor disseminated. It cannot be both.

Recognizing this information did not fit FISA meant having to delete it and destroy it. According to published reports, Obama’s team did the opposite: order it preserved, ordered the NSA to search it, keep it, and share it; and then Obama’s Attorney General issued an order to allow broader sharing of information and, according to the New York Times, Obama aides acted to label the Trump information at a lower level of classification for massive-level sharing of the information. The problem for Obama is simple — if it could fit a lower level of classification, then it had to be deleted and destroyed, not disseminated and distributed, under crystal clear FISA law. Obama’s team’s admission it could be classified lower, yet taking actions to insure its broadest distribution, could even put Obama smack-middle of the biggest unlawful surveillance and political-opponent-smear campaign since Nixon. Except even Nixon didn’t use the FBI and NSA for his dirty tricks...

Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance
You can keep posting Alt Fact and Fake Propaganda all you want, boedicca.

Trump is snared.
very good, boedica

trump is in the snare and can't escape

You are a bit more dense and clueless than usual today, bub.

The corruption of the Obabble Admin is quite glaring. One would hope that even the Progs (those who don't totally hate America) would be concerned about this...
Deflection to Obama is fail.

FBI convinced a court that evidence existed to tap Trump.

That is the issue: what was found out about his collusion with the Russians.

You didn't read the link. In the FISA request they purposely left Trump's name out.

This was a targeted, underhanded thing.

"Since Trump was the obvious target, the alleged failure to disclose his name in the second application could be a serious and severe violation of the obligation to disclose all material facts. Lastly, given the later behavior, it is evident any promise in the affidavit to protect the surveilled information from ever being sourced or disseminated was a false promise, intended to induce the illicit surveillance. This is criminalized both by federal perjury statutes, conspiracy statutes, and the FISA criminal laws themselves."
October: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons,

How can wiretaps continue if they weren't happening? The FISA court approved it and you say they did it for no reason? Lol...that's not how any of this works.
October: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons,

How can wiretaps continue if they weren't happening? The FISA court approved it and you say they did it for no reason? Lol...that's not how any of this works.

Your obviously not familiar with timelines
October: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons,

How can wiretaps continue if they weren't happening? The FISA court approved it and you say they did it for no reason? Lol...that's not how any of this works.

The October FISA request (which omitted Trump's name) was approved. No evidence was found, but the eavesdropping continued. Obama gamed the system and rewrote the rules so that communications made by a U.S. citizen could be shared across 16 agencies without due process.

That's what you LW Loons have put in place. And now Trump has that power...which explains part of the LW hysteria.

very good, boedica

trump is in the snare and can't escape

You are a bit more dense and clueless than usual today, bub.

The corruption of the Obabble Admin is quite glaring. One would hope that even the Progs (those who don't totally hate America) would be concerned about this...
Deflection to Obama is fail.

FBI convinced a court that evidence existed to tap Trump.

That is the issue: what was found out about his collusion with the Russians.

You didn't read the link. In the FISA request they purposely left Trump's name out.

This was a targeted, underhanded thing.

"Since Trump was the obvious target, the alleged failure to disclose his name in the second application could be a serious and severe violation of the obligation to disclose all material facts. Lastly, given the later behavior, it is evident any promise in the affidavit to protect the surveilled information from ever being sourced or disseminated was a false promise, intended to induce the illicit surveillance. This is criminalized both by federal perjury statutes, conspiracy statutes, and the FISA criminal laws themselves."
If true, the exclusion of Trump's name means nothing. What counts is the evidence on which the court acted in approving the tap. If evidence of Trump wrong doing emerges, so much better.
very good, boedica

trump is in the snare and can't escape

You are a bit more dense and clueless than usual today, bub.

The corruption of the Obabble Admin is quite glaring. One would hope that even the Progs (those who don't totally hate America) would be concerned about this...
Deflection to Obama is fail.

FBI convinced a court that evidence existed to tap Trump.

That is the issue: what was found out about his collusion with the Russians.

You didn't read the link. In the FISA request they purposely left Trump's name out.

This was a targeted, underhanded thing.

"Since Trump was the obvious target, the alleged failure to disclose his name in the second application could be a serious and severe violation of the obligation to disclose all material facts. Lastly, given the later behavior, it is evident any promise in the affidavit to protect the surveilled information from ever being sourced or disseminated was a false promise, intended to induce the illicit surveillance. This is criminalized both by federal perjury statutes, conspiracy statutes, and the FISA criminal laws themselves."
If true, the exclusion of Trump's name means nothing. What counts is the evidence on which the court acted in approving the tap. If evidence of Trump wrong doing emerges, so much better.

Not true, bub. FISA is not intended to perform surveillance on domestic matters.
The October FISA request (which omitted Trump's name) was approved. No evidence was found, but the eavesdropping continued.

Wireaping can't continue if it never started. Also they don't give FISA Warrants without evidence.
The October FISA request (which omitted Trump's name) was approved. No evidence was found, but the eavesdropping continued.

Wireaping can't continue if it never started. Also they don't give FISA Warrants without evidence.

You are sorely mistaken in this case. It did continue...and that's why this situation requires investigation.

Obama weaponized the IRS against conservatives.
Obama wiretapped reporters (James Rosen and AP).
Obama eavesdroppd on a political opponent via a FISA order.

Most Corrupt Administration of our lifetimes.
very good, boedica

trump is in the snare and can't escape

You are a bit more dense and clueless than usual today, bub.

The corruption of the Obabble Admin is quite glaring. One would hope that even the Progs (those who don't totally hate America) would be concerned about this...
Deflection to Obama is fail.

FBI convinced a court that evidence existed to tap Trump.

That is the issue: what was found out about his collusion with the Russians.

You didn't read the link. In the FISA request they purposely left Trump's name out.

This was a targeted, underhanded thing.

"Since Trump was the obvious target, the alleged failure to disclose his name in the second application could be a serious and severe violation of the obligation to disclose all material facts. Lastly, given the later behavior, it is evident any promise in the affidavit to protect the surveilled information from ever being sourced or disseminated was a false promise, intended to induce the illicit surveillance. This is criminalized both by federal perjury statutes, conspiracy statutes, and the FISA criminal laws themselves."

Obama and his administration was corrupt as fuck, lawless, if Dem's keep pushing this its going to blow up in their face. They think they were clever, that their lawlessness is covered by 'the letter o the law' crap when their intended lawlessness is obvious.
The October FISA request (which omitted Trump's name) was approved. No evidence was found, but the eavesdropping continued.

Wireaping can't continue if it never started. Also they don't give FISA Warrants without evidence.

Its well documented that it was occurring.. But continue, Its amusing.

I can just imagine the big web or conference call under way right this minute in which the pants shitting Dems are desperately trying to deflect blame and identify scapegoats.

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