'Toxic masculinity' fear, media portrayal as 'fools' contributing to men leaving workforce

That's right, telling men not to act like douche bullies is such an unfair burden. I can see why it triggers the most delicate of the snowflake bitch-men.

Wait can't women be just as masculine as men?
Wait can't women be just as masculine as men?
I suppose woman can exhibit toxic masculine traits. They're just more common with men.

As as example, I'd point to the "Rings of Power" fiasco, where the Galadriel character exhibits the traits of toxic masculinity. The writers wanted us to think she's an awesome strong woman and sympathize with her, but everyone just thought she's a jerk.
Sounds like a lot of straw grasping to me. I have never met anyone who left the workforce because they were afraid of being labeled toxically masculine.
I suppose woman can exhibit toxic masculine traits. They're just more common with men.

As as example, I'd point to the "Rings of Power" fiasco, where the Galadriel character exhibits the traits of toxic masculinity. The writers wanted us to think she's an awesome strong woman and sympathize with her, but everyone just thought she's a jerk.
What a weird critique. I was not a huge fan of the series but she seemed exactly like an obsessed soldier that had been fighting monsters in the wilderness for several hundred years.
Well I am allowed to like hunting and fishing. I am allowed to like football, baseball basketball and golf. I will not be bullied nor screame at. There are consequences for these actions. Being masculine is not toxic. Bullying is not a male trait only. Both sexes and the choices they make need to be respected. Both sexes will pay the consequences of their choices Both good and bad. Tell me I suffer from toxic masculinity I tell ya to get bent.
Sounds like a lot of straw grasping to me. I have never met anyone who left the workforce because they were afraid of being labeled toxically masculine.
Lots of jerks got ejected for not keeping their hands and lewd comments to themselves. I think that's what they are bitching about. Trying to dip your pin in the company ink is a perilous undertaking.
Well I am allowed to like hunting and fishing. I am allowed to like football, baseball basketball and golf. I will not be bullied nor screame at. There are consequences for these actions. Being masculine is not toxic. Bullying is not a male trait only. Both sexes and the choices they make need to be respected. Both sexes will pay the consequences of their choices Both good and bad. Tell me I suffer from toxic masculinity I tell ya to get bent.
Being a man is not any of that stuff. A man is always responsible, courteous, selfless to his loved ones, he protects the weak, he is kind to animals and children, lives up to his word and never has to wonder if he is out of line.
Being a man is not any of that stuff. A man is always responsible, courteous, selfless to his loved ones, he protects the weak, he is kind to animals and children, lives up to his word and never has to wonder if he is out of line.
Why is it labeled as toxic these days then? Bullying is not toxic masculinity either. I have seen women Bullying people likely as often as I have seen men do it. Who are you to define what being a man is? I would say a women can behave in the same manner as you describe and should.While the traits you describe are positive ones they are not only positive for men. The traits I described are the ones being described as toxic. Yet they are things I like and enjoy.I have a right to like these things just as another man has a right not to like them.
Being a man is not any of that stuff. A man is always responsible, courteous, selfless to his loved ones, he protects the weak, he is kind to animals and children, lives up to his word and never has to wonder if he is out of line.
It’s usually both what you say and what the person you replied to said. Men are aggressive, and need healthy outlets for it.. such as sports, etc. you can’t social engineer it out of men… when you act against it, it causes lashing out, like in school shootings. Having a healthy control and use of male aggression is good for society. Demonizing any man for being aggressive at all is what the leftists do, and demand immasculated males. Meanwhile, and oddly, female aggression, anger, etc is lauded and praised. YOU GO QUEEN! GET ANGRY! TELL THAT MAN HES A POS AND HIT HIM! FEMALE EMPOWERMENT!
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Why is it labeled as toxic these days then? Bullying is not toxic masculinity either. I have seen women Bullying people likely as often as I have seen men do it. Who are you to define what being a man is? I would say a women can behave in the same manner as you describe and should.While the traits you describe are positive ones they are not only positive for men. The traits I described are the ones being described as toxic. Yet they are things I like and enjoy.I have a right to like these things just as another man has a right not to like them.
You've seen stuff on the internet, that's not real life for the vast majority of us. Quit living in your phone. Do what you want without being a jackass about it and you will not get any complaints.
It’s usually both what you say and what the person you replied to said. Men are aggressive, and need healthy outlets for it.. such as sports, etc. you can’t social engineer it out of men… when you act against it, it causes lashing out, like in school shootings. Having a healthy control and use of male aggression is good for society. Demonizing any man for being aggressive at all is what the leftists do, and demand immasculated males. Meanwhile, and oddly, female aggression, anger, etc is lauded and praised. YOU GO QUEEN! GET ANGRY! TELL THAT MAN HES A POS AND HIT HIM! FEMALE EMPOWERMENT!
Jordan Peterson says men should be 'dangerous.' Meaning not be pussies but be capable of defending their family and not be abusive at the same time. Kind of like the Martial Arts philosophy. Avoid conflict but be capable.
You've seen stuff on the internet, that's not real life for the vast majority of us. Quit living in your phone. Do what you want without being a jackass about it and you will not get any complaints.
Lol,you are a jack ass to assume that women bullying people was only seen on the internet. Lol, I spend less time on my phone than any one you know as I am busy hunting, fishing, golfing and doing other activities as I have described. Label these activities as toxic and you will get push back. There is definitely a group of people that Label liking these things as toxic. They can get bent.
I have nineteen to thirty five year old men, all white, working for me in my department, so I have no idea what the echo chamber hopes to gain from this story.
Lol,you are a jack ass to assume that women bullying people was only seen on the internet. Lol, I spend less time on my phone than any one you know as I am busy hunting, fishing, golfing and doing other activities as I have described. Label these activities as toxic and you will get push back. There is definitely a group of people that Label liking these things as toxic. They can get bent.
Come down south there's lots of women who like outdoor activities but even with them you had best mind your manners. When I was growing up we were taught how to act. Maybe that's just not a thing anymore with these assholes walking around acting like they were raised by apes.
Jordan Peterson says men should be 'dangerous.' Meaning not be pussies but be capable of defending their family and not be abusive at the same time. Kind of like the Martial Arts philosophy. Avoid conflict but be capable.
Anyone can be dangerous. Hell, wild animals are dangerous. A monkey with a hand grenade is dangerous. It takes nothing to be dangerous.

That’s not the kind of trait that one should be necessarily view in a positive light.

Jordan Peterson is just trying to be provocative. That’s what attention whores do.

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