Toys: Druids(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The merchandising of beautiful toy miniature-cooking sets for kids and the distribution of containers of Christian Holy Water both represent a consumerism-era appreciation of 'mobility consciousness.'

Being able to carry miniature kitchen-sets for kids taking their toys from home-to-home and transporting sanctified/sacred water for personal/religious reasons both symbolize modern age 'conveniences' regarding the valuation of lifestyle sentimentalism.

So how will our commercialism-optimistic TrumpUSA be imprinted onto 'aesthetics storytelling' for future generations?

Signing off,



Ana was a Romanian and a Catholic with a very beautiful stainless-steel miniature children's cooking-set, which was given to her by her parents, the king and queen of Transylvania! Ana played with her cooking-set every Sunday afternoon after Mass. Her nanny (Elizabeth) watched over Ana and reminisced about her Ana's sense of culinary-wonder affected the general joyousness of her playtime with the miniature cooking-set.


Ana's father, the king (Ralph), was a very stern man, and he kept a metal cannister of Holy Water always with him. Ralph was a faithful Catholic and he believed his Holy Water was a symbol of the accessibility of divinity in everyday life. Ralph valued his cannister of Holy Water arguably even more than Ana valued her miniature stainless-steel toy cooking-set. One day, Ana's nanny Elizabeth asked King Ralph what he thought about the 'transport' of imagination-blessed 'artefacts/toys,' and Ralph explained, "Beauty is marked by 'theatrical traffic,' Elizabeth!"



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