Toys: The Human Databank


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a video-game praise mosaic I've been itching to compose for a long time, and it's inspired by Toys and Street Fighter.

Incidentally, some archaeologist should make a catalogue of toys throughout the history of civilization. I haven't heard of anything really 'standard' in this category, though there are certainly 'standard' history of medicine, history of art, and history of music books!



The purpose of video games and the colourful characters/avatars they present is to engage the mind and stimulate it to make analogies of the real world (to improve hand-eye-coordination). Too much video-game play makes the mind idle and lazy, but taken in moderation, the virtual reality of the recreational activity helps the mind sort out anxieties regarding self-presentation, moral fitness, and even physical excitement at the emotional level! The Street Fighter warrior-avatar Vega is a rogue combat-artist with bladed-hands and a penchant for survivalism.


Looking at figurine characterizations of courage, valor, and/or wits throughout history (e.g., tiny dolls of centurions from Ancient Rome) equally remind us of the mental exercise involved with 'imagining' real-life scenarios. These 'characters' (or figurines) are emblems of mental activity and a summary of humanity's evaluation of customs and etiquette. As such, they remind us of the sacredness of health!


This is not too different from comic book characters such as Squirrel-Girl (Marvel Comics) who come in eccentric forms and serve to remind society of the creative fancy of 'imagining' outrageous behaviors and/or appearance. Squirrel-Girl is something like a 'trophy-wife' or even a 'pretend mail-order-bride' who is there simply to guide the mind towards a vigorous form of self-awareness (and hopefully humility!). Squirrel-Girl also reminds us of the sacredness of the human physique.


The role of the archaeologist/historian is therefore to evaluate the metaphysical impact of these 'figurines' and 'virtual-dolls' and how they contribute to the intellectual 'quality' of civilization itself. This is a great achievement in human ingenuity and should not be taken lightly, which is why advocates of democracy favour endorsing (and even defending!) the spiritual right to celebrate relevant 'figurine-metaphysics' themed American films such as Avatar (James Cameron) and E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (Steven Spielberg).



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