Trade War With China - Trump Says Bring It ON!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Your World w/ Cavuto |

According to Trump, we don't have free trade with China. It's unilateral and US companies can't compete! He says they are building a stronger country off our backs and they will eventually destroy us.

He solution: Start a Trade War by placing tarriffs on Chinese goods!

He says the trade deficit with China is so enormous. The amount of dependence they have on US consumers would make a Trade War Victory for the US over China more than inevitable!

What do you think?
Tariffs are a crazy way to fight a trade war.

I am always wary of what Trump says since he would scarifice his country for the almighty dollar in his pocket!

But you don't think he has a point at all! When do we say enough is enough to China?
I don't know enough about economics to discuss this problem intelligently. But simple reasoning holds that if something isn't done about our indebtedness and lack of competitive productivity the Chinese will soon become our landlord and ultimately our master.

The super-rich who control our politics are not concerned about this situation. Because when the shit finally hits the fan they will relocate to the nations of their respective choice where they will be welcomed for their wealth and will enjoy far more opulent lifestyles than are available to them here.
I usually take what Trump says with a grain of salt. He's a known bullshitter, at times overstating his personal wealth.
Tariffs are a crazy way to fight a trade war.

absolutely. This is the 21st century god damn it!

If US government didn't buy the debt there do be not that much of a problem... Chinese could then invest the money into US as productive businesses.

This does hurt chinese the most as they do not get their own fruits of labor.

Anyway I believe the dollar will fall regardless of what china does, so the problem will be cleansed that way. Problem is the china peg, but I doubt they will go on with it forever, if they do there is going to be no problem for US as chinese have just decided they ship stuff to US without ever wanting to get paid back.
Major tariffs, at this point, WOULD be a huge wake-up call to China,

and if they were left in place for enough time, the US would get back into manufacturing for itself, imho.

Another idea that would pretty much solve this problem would be an International Minimum Wage, so NO ONE would be able to "under-cut" prices based upon labor costs,

and it would go a LONG way toward stopping the Master/slave relationship that so many other countries seems to operate under.


In my lifetime the USA has gone from the worlds largest creditor nation to the world's largest DEBTOR nation much thanks to FREE TRADE policies.

Of course this same flawed policy made SOME FEW AMERICANS very wealthy, didnt it?

And since those Americans are really the only Americans our leaders much care about?

We can expect this policy not to change too much too soon.

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