Zone1 Traditionalist Catholics have these issues with "the Vatican II (Francis) sect"

I'm not Catholic, but it always struck me odd that the Pope was more interested in convincing the world that building walls will send you to hell, an obvious shot at Trump, while basically ignoring the worldwide genocide of abortion.

As for building walls, Nehemiah was told by God to build the walls of Jerusalem so they could safely live there again.

Guess he missed that Bible education day at the Pope school.

But Catholics pretending genocide is not really going on all around them is nothing new


Anything to save their precious worldly treasures and keep their precious worldly empire at the Vatican.
I'm not Catholic, but it always struck me odd that the Pope was more interested in convincing the world that building walls will send you to hell, an obvious shot at Trump, while basically ignoring the worldwide genocide of abortion.

As for building walls, Nehemiah was told by God to build the walls of Jerusalem so they could safely live there again.

Guess he missed that Bible education day at the Pope school.

But Catholics pretending genocide is not really going on all around them is nothing new


Anything to save their precious worldly treasures and keep their precious worldly empire at the Vatican.
well, you obviously didn't read any of my threads/posts about the true definition of Catholic!!

If you ever want to understand THIS poster, you really should read at least some of them.

for the 1000th time (and for the sake of all who have not done that)


And that photo is from what year?

There is no indication those men are Nazis.. if that's what you intend to imply.. unless my eyes aren't good enough to see such on their uniforms.. But even if SOME bishops supported the Nazis.. and even if they did so after it became clear Hitler was murdering Jews...

How does that translate into: ALL Catholics are evil?

Anything to save their precious worldly treasures and keep their precious worldly empire at the Vatican.
Vatican City is our history. By whose measurement is what is in the Vatican considered "worldly treasure"?
most of what the Vatican has was given as a gift.

I guess when some king or prime minister gives the pope something, he should throw it back at them?

differences between the REAL Catholics and the fake, Vatican Francis-sect folks:

REAL Catholic teaching will be listed first, UNREAL/Fake 2nd

Hell... no everlasting Hell (Come on, man!)

Can't receive Holy Communion if in mortal sin... Receive Holy Communion whether in sin or not

Only the Religion Christ founded saves... Any religion can lead you to Heaven

The first nineteen hundred 58 years of the Church were truly Catholic.... Vatican II heresies must be accepted or you're not in unity with the Catholic "Church"

Share the Gospel with the whole world... NOPE. Francis says evangelizing is evil!

I could go on and on..........

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