TRAINWRECK: Ratings Are in for Jan. 6 Committee Carnival Show

And worse for the emotionally fragile is that of the 11 million, not all viewers were Get Trump; some support him. But I do think it would be mostly Get Trumpera wasting time watching so say 2/3rds or 7.5 million.
250 million can vote so 3% of total voters want to watch witch burning show trials. Libs are gonna need a Bigger Boat .
Did you graduate from the University of Retards math program? I hear they teach the same methodology you just used.
Gotcha, anything short of 21 million means the act is a clown show and boring as hell. Trump's acceptance speech at the 2020 Republican national convention had 19.8 million viewers.

Drops mike
:auiqs.jpg: Stamp your feet and pout all you want. This televised dumbassery isn't going to change any minds.
I know a few right wingers that sit at the bar when I shoot league and talk politics the whole time.

We kinda make fun of them because they believe everything fox news tells them.

They still believe antifa and BLM attacked the capital.

We can't even have a conversation with them because they don't know anything and just repeat lies.
I got that… so what? Are we basing policy off what gets the best ratings now? Perhaps Johnny Depp would be your pick for next speaker of the House?
You are going out of your way to miss my point. Ratings are a measure of interest. Not that may people are interested in your show trial.
You are going out of your way to miss my point. Ratings are a measure of interest. Not that may people are interested in your show trial.
That’s interesting when I heard that 20 million took time to watch that seemed like a lot to me. What number do you consider alot and how did you get that number?
You are going out of your way to miss my point. Ratings are a measure of interest. Not that may people are interested in your show trial.
And you are missing the overall point. There WAS quite a bit of interest. 20 million for two hours of a pretty good.
Again, I don't expect people like you and me to have their minds changed. We've already made them up. But there will be a
percentage of independents and moderates who WILL change their minds. And in the past few elections, we've seen what a small percentage
of voters can do to results.
Did you graduate from the University of Retards math program? I hear they teach the same methodology you just used.
Yes we knew percentages and math stats are beyond you and would trigger your outrage outbursts.
Thanks for proving that to Everyone
It's very hard to have a conversation with people that think they are getting good information when they are only getting a white washed version that a political side like the right wing wants to push.

Very hard.
Given the small viewership of the show trials, it looks like the only viewers are the hard-core left, who expect to see Trump led away in chains.

Democrats will gain no votes from this circus. And they may actually drive moderates away.

I have read and heard that too--this might actually backfire on them. People are ticked off and to see those idiots playing at this stuff when families can't put gas in their cars, can't afford their groceries......yeah

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