TRAINWRECK: Ratings Are in for Jan. 6 Committee Carnival Show

I know a few right wingers that sit at the bar when I shoot league and talk politics the whole time.

We kinda make fun of them because they believe everything fox news tells them.

They still believe antifa and BLM attacked the capital.

We can't even have a conversation with them because they don't know anything and just repeat lies.
I guarantee they say the same thing about you.
And you are missing the overall point. There WAS quite a bit of interest. 20 million for two hours of a pretty good.
Again, I don't expect people like you and me to have their minds changed. We've already made them up. But there will be a
percentage of independents and moderates who WILL change their minds. And in the past few elections, we've seen what a small percentage
of voters can do to results.


You think moderates and independents will say oh yep hey, gas is $6/gallon and I can't afford to eat but HEY that Jan 6th hearing last June sure was compelling!

Leftists live in a fantasy world. Confirmed.
That is the problem with you Trumpbots. You don't have your facts straight. There was an agreement for a bipartisan 9/11 committee. Equal appointees from each party, a chair appointed by the Democrats and a vice-chair appointed by Republicans, and both chairs would have to agree on any subpoenas. McCarthy blocked that because Trump and the Freedom Caucus opposed.
Progs use hip. They use the latest in communicating with people. Repubs do not use this tool. They will use fifty year old sayings like, "Hate the sin, love the sinner" or "Some of my best friends are black" not meaning any harm but the wording is ancient. and Progs used those words to at one time.
I'm glad fox news isn't running the hearings.

Only the idiots won't seek the truth.
You must be the idiot, in that case, because you aren’t seeking truth. You’re buying nonsense being offered by a partisan committee. And you don’t even care that their preconceived notions aren’t supported by truth.
250 million?!?! Haha. #MoronMath

Do the math on inflation, gas prices, housing/rent costs and the stock market. There's your future. If your side was smart you would light up all the Democrats' inboxes and phone lines and DEMAND they stop these show trials immediately and turn all their attention on the above issues. This is a five-alarm fire.

But you can't. It's not in you. You don't get it.

You will in November and beyond.
And you are missing the overall point. There WAS quite a bit of interest. 20 million for two hours of a pretty good.
Again, I don't expect people like you and me to have their minds changed. We've already made them up. But there will be a
percentage of independents and moderates who WILL change their minds. And in the past few elections, we've seen what a small percentage
of voters can do to results.
You're taking it as given that the minds changed will move leftward. Why do you believe that?
Do the math on inflation, gas prices, housing/rent costs and the stock market. There's your future. If your side was smart you would light up all the Democrats' inboxes and phone lines and DEMAND they stop these show trials immediately and turn all their attention on the above issues. This is a five-alarm fire.

But you can't. It's not in you. You don't get it.

You will in November and beyond.
I don’t push the government for solutions the less they do the better. What math do you want me to do? Happy analyze anything but we should probably stay on topic if we are going to do it in this thread
It's very hard to have a conversation with people that think they are getting good information when they are only getting a white washed version that a political side like the right wing wants to push.

Very hard.
It's very hard to have a conversation with people that think they are getting good information when they are only getting a white washed version that a political side like the left wing wants to push.
I don’t push the government for solutions the less they do the better. What math do you want me to do? Happy analyze anything but we should probably stay on topic if we are going to do it in this thread

So you pushed your Dems NOT to pass the trillion-dollars bills that caused this inflation. Right?

Or you're just obsessing about Jan 6th with the rest of them?

You think moderates and independents will say oh yep hey, gas is $6/gallon and I can't afford to eat but HEY that Jan 6th hearing last June sure was compelling!

Leftists live in a fantasy world. Confirmed.
Yes Sue, I believe some will. Just as I believe that a lot of moderates and independents who display more of an interest in finding out why and how things work in our economy, will see that Donald Trump would be dealing with the same issues had he been re-elected. People who think like you? I don't hold any hope out for. :)
I have read and heard that too--this might actually backfire on them. People are ticked off and to see those idiots playing at this stuff when families can't put gas in their cars, can't afford their groceries......yeah
This televised circus has absolutely no bearing on Americans' lives. They're not going to be pleased that Congress is wasting time not fixing real problems.
Yes Sue, I believe some will. Just as I believe that a lot of moderates and independents who display more of an interest in finding out why and how things work in our economy, will see that Donald Trump would be dealing with the same issues had he been re-elected. People who think like you? I don't hold any hope out for. :)

Do you think Donald Trump and a Republican Congress would have passed all these spending bills to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars that caused the inflation?

By the grace of God, my family is okay for now. But a product I usually use--drug store, not high end--has DOUBLED in price in the last few months. I could use a coupon and sales and I'm fine. But I hope you realize, this is personal. It makes people personally angry. When they have to consolidate trips, can't see friends and relatives because travel is too expensive--they're looking for heads to roll.

This got us a conservative resurgence in the 80s. And there wasn't anything like the Woke to add to the rage.

You are all in for it. Do you have any idea?
:auiqs.jpg: Stamp your feet and pout all you want. This televised dumbassery isn't going to change any minds.
Maybe not, but this thread is a glaring case in point as to why you and your fellow Trump supporters are such dumbasses. Some yahoo reads an article from Red State that claims low viewership for the hearings, at 20 million viewers. It demonstrates that by making a couple of false comparisons. First, that the nightly news from the networks has more viewers. Well duh uh, of course it would. I mean you can watch the nightly news, or you can watch a rerun of a Friends episode you have already seen 15 times. Then the article points out that ABC had more viewers for a rerun of Shelton. But did Shelton broadcast on half a dozen networks? No. Now many of those Shelton viewers were watching CNN or C-span?

At 20 million viewers the hearings had more viewers than the Oscars and Trump's acceptance speech during the Republican convention. Did Redstate post an article about how piss poor the viewership was for Trump's acceptance speech? Did they point out that Biden had more viewers for his acceptance speech?

The problem here is that so-called news sites, like Redstate, are misleading you. And that is on you, not them. You cannot continue to patronize these propaganda sites. FOX news is no different, in fact, they are the poster boy for the practice. Why do you think so many journalists leave that organization? MSNBC is no better, I am willing to admit that. CNN is an improvement, but only slightly, still bias. I like ABC. But I like NPR so much better. The Economist, the Guardian, Washington Post and New York Times, there is some real journalism.

Look, we shouldn't need a hearing to understand that Trump violated his oath of office. "Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution". Trump did not do that, in fact, he did everything in his power to subvert the Constitution in order to remain in office. He should be put on trial for treason, period. The hell with any hearings.

Wake the fawk up. I mean your continued support of this moron, and your continued reliance on obviously propaganda bullshit sites, is freakin DANGEROUS. Not only to our own republic, but to the world at large. In Brazil, at this very moment, Bolsonaro is already laying the groundwork to contest an election he is destined to lose, just like Trump. He is using the same tactics, the same words, to set that in motion. Had this nation condemned Trump from the getgo, put his ass on trial from the very beginning, Bolsonaro would not even be considering that action. But who the hell am I kidding, you probably can't even point Brazil out on a map.
I don’t push the government for solutions the less they do the better. What math do you want me to do? Happy analyze anything but we should probably stay on topic if we are going to do it in this thread
They (the government) are doing absolutely nothing now. You should be ecstatic.
Maybe not, but this thread is a glaring case in point as to why you and your fellow Trump supporters are such dumbasses. Some yahoo reads an article from Red State that claims low viewership for the hearings, at 20 million viewers. It demonstrates that by making a couple of false comparisons. First, that the nightly news from the networks has more viewers. Well duh uh, of course it would. I mean you can watch the nightly news, or you can watch a rerun of a Friends episode you have already seen 15 times. Then the article points out that ABC had more viewers for a rerun of Shelton. But did Shelton broadcast on half a dozen networks? No. Now many of those Shelton viewers were watching CNN or C-span?

At 20 million viewers the hearings had more viewers than the Oscars and Trump's acceptance speech during the Republican convention. Did Redstate post an article about how piss poor the viewership was for Trump's acceptance speech? Did they point out that Biden had more viewers for his acceptance speech?

The problem here is that so-called news sites, like Redstate, are misleading you. And that is on you, not them. You cannot continue to patronize these propaganda sites. FOX news is no different, in fact, they are the poster boy for the practice. Why do you think so many journalists leave that organization? MSNBC is no better, I am willing to admit that. CNN is an improvement, but only slightly, still bias. I like ABC. But I like NPR so much better. The Economist, the Guardian, Washington Post and New York Times, there is some real journalism.

Look, we shouldn't need a hearing to understand that Trump violated his oath of office. "Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution". Trump did not do that, in fact, he did everything in his power to subvert the Constitution in order to remain in office. He should be put on trial for treason, period. The hell with any hearings.

Wake the fawk up. I mean your continued support of this moron, and your continued reliance on obviously propaganda bullshit sites, is freakin DANGEROUS. Not only to our own republic, but to the world at large. In Brazil, at this very moment, Bolsonaro is already laying the groundwork to contest an election he is destined to lose, just like Trump. He is using the same tactics, the same words, to set that in motion. Had this nation condemned Trump from the getgo, put his ass on trial from the very beginning, Bolsonaro would not even be considering that action. But who the hell am I kidding, you probably can't even point Brazil out on a map.
All that and the ratings still suck. :rock: :rock: :rock:

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