Tranny murdered in Baltimore

A woman was murdered.

If she was murdered because she was a transsexual, then that fact does matter and it sets her murder apart from other murders.

OTOH, the distinction is most certainly lost on the families of other murder victims.

Murdered ehh ?

They meet online. "She" looks beautiful, he thinks, can't believe "she's" still interested after seeing me via our web cam linkup.

After a couple weeks of long wonderfully romantic talks, he gets up the nerve to ask "her" out.

He can't believe it when "she" agrees, and even seemed eager to meet him.

Wow, he tells himself, this is incredible, I'm so average, and "she's" so hot !!! How can this be happening ?!

Saturday night comes, he picks "her"up, "she" looks ravishing, and he can hardly keep his hands off "her".
He hands "her" flowers, and as "she" smiles he reminds himself to be the perfect gentleman. If things work out, there'll be plenty of time later for getting close.

He takes "her" to the finest restaurant in town. They enjoy wine and a wonderful dinner.
As he gazes on "her" beautiful face in the candlelight he can't help but remark to himself how amazing it is
that someone so beautiful would be with him. "She's" so beautiful, I'm so average. I don't get it.

As they leave and walk to his car, "she" clings to his arm. His heart is beating madly, he can barely get enough air.
This is it, he tells himself, I'm in love, I can't believe this is happening !.

He heads out of the parking lot, and before you know it they're on a hiway in the countryside, the moon is full, love is swimming in his head. His wildest dreams are coming true.

Suddenly, "she" leans over and whispers in his ear, to pull over so they can get in the backseat.

His heart is now beating like he's running a marathon, he eagerly finds a lovely place under some trees off the road.

They step out of the car, embracing and kissing, "she" puts her tongue in his mouth, he's close to climaxing in his pants.

They quickly pile into the backseat, before he knows it "she" pushes him back and removes her blouse, he quickly unhooks her bra, and buries his face into "her" gorgeous breasts.

This isn't happening, he tells himself, my god, I can't believe it !

She hungrily reaches for his belt, and with amazing strength, has his pants down before he can even get another breath.

She grabs his cock, and in a flash wraps her beautiful lips around it. He leans back, he's never felt like this, I want "her" more than anything I've ever wanted.

Fuck me, fuck me, "she" demands. He tugs at her dress, it slips off, and as "she" wiggles out of "her" panties, his heart is pounding faster than ever !

This is it, he tells himself, my dreams are about to come true !

He reaches his hand down to her knees, then slowly carreses the inside of her thighs as he slides
his hand up to "her"..................................

His eyes become saucers, his heart stops, and screams........


he reaches for the knife under the seat
As you can guess, I'm not the biggest fan of trannies, not because of who they are or what they are, but because of the impact on others. People are entitled to rights, people are entitled to their opinions, their own opinions, but no their own reality. I will not stand and accept any violence any crimes against anyone of any group of peope, for who they are be they muslims, gays, trannies, blacks, whites, cubans, french, etc. There should be no violence due to what group you are a member of. In an ideal world, there would be no violence, period. Though I question whether it's worse to attack someone and crack their skull because they are hispanic converts to islam then if they had their head cracked because someone wanted their shoes. All crime should be treated equally. And further, some of you probably think I'm anti gay due to language I use. It's language gay people I know, friends, family, etc also use. I'm not a believer in political correctness. But I am a believer in equality. True equality. I don't think the government has any role in relationship decisions. I wish government had no role in marriage. But if it does choose to involve itself in that, which I don't agree with, then everyone, and I mean everyone who is a consenting adult, should have the right to marry the person they choose to. Some of the most wonderful people on earth I know are gay, and it just sickens me that they don't have the same rights I do. So what if you don't agree with their lifestyle, or you think it's "icky". The thought of one's parents having sex is also disgusting. It shouldn't form government policy. My concern is just with giving liberals a victory. There are right on this issue. But I fear it will embolden them to further their agenda, bannning things, running people's lives, and I wish this issue could be separated from liberal orthodoxy. Not every gay person is nymphomaniac who wants random casual sex, a lot of them want stable relationships and who are we to deny them that recognized by the state if the state decides to recognize relationships? Don't forget, if your argument is biblically based, do you eat pork? Shellfish? cheeseburgers? Your sin is is just as great. Peace.
As you can guess, I'm not the biggest fan of trannies, not because of who they are or what they are, but because of the impact on others.
I'd wager the biggest impact of trannies on 99% of USMB members if from your unhealthy and entirely mentally unstable obsession causing you to throw it in everyone's faces 24/7. So in a way, you are the root cause of that which you claim to detest.

And further, some of you probably think I'm anti gay due to language I use.
No, we think you're just juvenile and closeted gay.

But I fear it will embolden them to further their agenda
Irrational paranoia... check.

(marks another box on long list of novasteve symptoms of mental illness checklist)
As you can guess, I'm not the biggest fan of trannies, not because of who they are or what they are, but because of the impact on others. People are entitled to rights, people are entitled to their opinions, their own opinions, but no their own reality. I will not stand and accept any violence any crimes against anyone of any group of peope, for who they are be they muslims, gays, trannies, blacks, whites, cubans, french, etc. There should be no violence due to what group you are a member of. In an ideal world, there would be no violence, period. Though I question whether it's worse to attack someone and crack their skull because they are hispanic converts to islam then if they had their head cracked because someone wanted their shoes. All crime should be treated equally. And further, some of you probably think I'm anti gay due to language I use. It's language gay people I know, friends, family, etc also use. I'm not a believer in political correctness. But I am a believer in equality. True equality. I don't think the government has any role in relationship decisions. I wish government had no role in marriage. But if it does choose to involve itself in that, which I don't agree with, then everyone, and I mean everyone who is a consenting adult, should have the right to marry the person they choose to. Some of the most wonderful people on earth I know are gay, and it just sickens me that they don't have the same rights I do. So what if you don't agree with their lifestyle, or you think it's "icky". The thought of one's parents having sex is also disgusting. It shouldn't form government policy. My concern is just with giving liberals a victory. There are right on this issue. But I fear it will embolden them to further their agenda, bannning things, running people's lives, and I wish this issue could be separated from liberal orthodoxy. Not every gay person is nymphomaniac who wants random casual sex, a lot of them want stable relationships and who are we to deny them that recognized by the state if the state decides to recognize relationships? Don't forget, if your argument is biblically based, do you eat pork? Shellfish? cheeseburgers? Your sin is is just as great. Peace.

Enough with the posturing!

Enough with the pandering for hitchhikers :)thup:)!

You are who you are. Eff it.

And there can be little doubt that the main reason why these heinous crimes are ensuing is in part because of all the publicity and rhetoric from Conservatives that make out people who are different from them to be so repugnant and unworthy. It is even causing children to commit suicide when they hear this from their church or schools which is truly most sad. What this in turn does is to drive someone who is already crazy over the edge as they read this or hear it in a news story that they go out and find people whom the CONS oppose and target them. That is why it is never a wise thing to openly oppose those citizens who are different from you and even go farther as to say that they are condemned, etc. as that is just what some people are waiting to hear as a form of license to go out and try to eliminate them from society. It never fails to amaze me why Conservatives who are supposed to be so Pro Life would be so uncaring about whether a LGBT person dies or not and continue to spew forth their hate in their diatribes that can only be harmful and even deadly unto others.
Sad lonely mentally-ill hateful middle-aged closeted gay man.

Murdered ehh ?

They meet online. "She" looks beautiful, he thinks, can't believe "she's" still interested after seeing me via our web cam linkup.

After a couple weeks of long wonderfully romantic talks, he gets up the nerve to ask "her" out.

He can't believe it when "she" agrees, and even seemed eager to meet him.

Wow, he tells himself, this is incredible, I'm so average, and "she's" so hot !!! How can this be happening ?!

Saturday night comes, he picks "her"up, "she" looks ravishing, and he can hardly keep his hands off "her".
He hands "her" flowers, and as "she" smiles he reminds himself to be the perfect gentleman. If things work out, there'll be plenty of time later for getting close.

He takes "her" to the finest restaurant in town. They enjoy wine and a wonderful dinner.
As he gazes on "her" beautiful face in the candlelight he can't help but remark to himself how amazing it is
that someone so beautiful would be with him. "She's" so beautiful, I'm so average. I don't get it.

As they leave and walk to his car, "she" clings to his arm. His heart is beating madly, he can barely get enough air.
This is it, he tells himself, I'm in love, I can't believe this is happening !.

He heads out of the parking lot, and before you know it they're on a hiway in the countryside, the moon is full, love is swimming in his head. His wildest dreams are coming true.

Suddenly, "she" leans over and whispers in his ear, to pull over so they can get in the backseat.

His heart is now beating like he's running a marathon, he eagerly finds a lovely place under some trees off the road.

They step out of the car, embracing and kissing, "she" puts her tongue in his mouth, he's close to climaxing in his pants.

They quickly pile into the backseat, before he knows it "she" pushes him back and removes her blouse, he quickly unhooks her bra, and buries his face into "her" gorgeous breasts.

This isn't happening, he tells himself, my god, I can't believe it !

She hungrily reaches for his belt, and with amazing strength, has his pants down before he can even get another breath.

She grabs his cock, and in a flash wraps her beautiful lips around it. He leans back, he's never felt like this, I want "her" more than anything I've ever wanted.

Fuck me, fuck me, "she" demands. He tugs at her dress, it slips off, and as "she" wiggles out of "her" panties, his heart is pounding faster than ever !

This is it, he tells himself, my dreams are about to come true !

He reaches his hand down to her knees, then slowly carreses the inside of her thighs as he slides
his hand up to "her"..................................

His eyes become saucers, his heart stops, and screams........


he reaches for the knife under the seat


Why keep a knife under the seat?

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