Tranny robs a bank

Novasteve made the tranny commit the crime! He would never have committed the crime had novasteve not reported tranny stories!
Novasteve made the tranny commit the crime! He would never have committed the crime had novasteve not reported tranny stories!

Missing the point.

Why does novasteve give a spit if it was a tranny who robbed the bank?

Why isn't the headline simply that someone robbed a bank???

I am a bigtime First Amendment supporter. I believe it applies even to the perverse and the stupid.
I knew a guy from high school who is a cleptomaniac. If you asked him about it, he would say he stole and robbed from people because he always felt that way compulsively [he was aware of his problem but couldn't stop it].

He came from a very large catholic family [7 kids] of overwhelmed parents and he was smack in the middle of the 7 kids. I'd say, just on an educated guess, that he learned that stealing [when he got caught] got him attention from his parents he didn't otherwise get. Funny how when he stole things, he got caught more often than a practiced thief should..

Because of the pleasurable association with getting attention, conditioned and affixed to stealing, he has difficulty controlling the compulsion. I suppose if put to a jury, he would swear he was "born that way".

We shouldn't judge this tranny for robbing. He was probably born in the wrong legal system and needs to change how society views his mental condition. We are such bigots...
So a guy puts on a disguise, in this case women's clothes, to rob a bank and little Stevie crowns him Tranny Queen...

Proof that little Stevie is looking for Tranny news anywhere he can find some...

Until all the evidence is in, it was just a disguise to commit a crime...
I'm ashamed of the language being used in this thread. 'Tranny' is a slur against transgender individuals. The slur is closely associated with acts of violence and discrimination against gender minorities. Remember that before you throw it around so casually.

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