Tranny student attacks girls bullying it

Sorry Noom. Some people do deserve an ass kicking.

This kid was being bullied. The girls doing the bullying deserved what they got, I agree. But I don't think that is what you meant.

Yeah ... It is one of those cases when a he that says he is a she steps up and tries to be the man they never said they were.
That is why he that says he is a she got his that says he is a her ass kicked ... And why now the she's that are she's and say they are she's ... Are looking at Hate Crime charges.

He should have just been the she he says he is ... And pursued a different course of action to address the bullying he that says he is a she brought upon herself ... Instead of trying to be the he the he that says he is a she never wanted to be.

Because he's a tranny the rule you never should hit women doesn't apply despite having a penis? Ohh the gender roles and double standards
Good for her for fighting back.

That's the only thing these idiot bullies understand.

While no injuries beyond scrapes and bruises were suffered by the four students involved in the fight, both Hercules police and West Contra Costa School District officials are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.

Its way past time that we took bullying very seriously.

Hey genius. It's a guy kicking the asses of GIRLS....
That is a sexual assault.
there is NO SUCH THING as transgender...It's a bullshit liberal cause in defense of weird people.
Good for him for fighting back, then. Now maybe they will leave him be.

Her, Gracie. Male identifies as female. She fought back and I hope those bitches never touch her again.

Umm...You don't get to pick your gender based on 'how you feel'. Or for the sake of convenience.
This transgender thing is a pile of rubbish.
If a person who is male through and through. Has all the proper parts of a male, and all the physical attributes of a male human being, do you believe this person should one day be able to declare to the world, "today I claim to be a woman"?
And please, don't answer with "people have the right to choose whatever they want to be"...because that just ain't true.
The freak deserves it's ass kicked.

No one deserves to be bullied and no one deserves to be physically assaulted. People do, however, have the right to defend themselves.

Defnd themselves from WHAT? Words?
Tough shit. That guy decided to take the law into his own hands and beat up girls.
If one of them were my daughter, planet earth would not be a safe place for that freak fruit cake.
I would just wait. And wait. And wait.....Then one day when the little freak has forgotten all about it. BOOM.
And there's not a jury that would convict me of a thing. Because jurors have children who are girls. And no one is going to come to the defense of a guy who beats up girls because they made fun of him.....
You libs through your weeping for the bad actors have created this. You have left people to feel powerless. Left them to feel the system is not there for them. That the system is protecting the bad actors. When people feel powerless, they will act out. It cuts both ways.

If the guy gets the shit kicked out of him by one of the girl's fathers, it is YOUR FAULT.
Be careful what you wish for.
The freak deserves it's ass kicked.

No one deserves to be bullied and no one deserves to be physically assaulted. People do, however, have the right to defend themselves.

Are you sure? I could list hundreds of people who deserve to be assaulted and most are not sweet transvestites from transexual Transylvania. Deserved ain't go nothing to do with it.

But yes, freaks should understand that there is a big price to pay for being a freak and if it isn't worth fighting for then what is the point in being a freak?
Oh, nevermind... it's Contra Costa county, dunghole#3 USA.

That kind of stuff happens everyday and in any conceivable permutation from the looks of those involved...

Public schools:cuckoo:
Good for him for fighting back, then. Now maybe they will leave him be.

Her, Gracie. Male identifies as female. She fought back and I hope those bitches never touch her again.

Umm...You don't get to pick your gender based on 'how you feel'. Or for the sake of convenience.
This transgender thing is a pile of rubbish.
If a person who is male through and through. Has all the proper parts of a male, and all the physical attributes of a male human being, do you believe this person should one day be able to declare to the world, "today I claim to be a woman"?
And please, don't answer with "people have the right to choose whatever they want to be"...because that just ain't true.

It has nothing to do with 'choice'.
Her, Gracie. Male identifies as female. She fought back and I hope those bitches never touch her again.

Umm...You don't get to pick your gender based on 'how you feel'. Or for the sake of convenience.
This transgender thing is a pile of rubbish.
If a person who is male through and through. Has all the proper parts of a male, and all the physical attributes of a male human being, do you believe this person should one day be able to declare to the world, "today I claim to be a woman"?
And please, don't answer with "people have the right to choose whatever they want to be"...because that just ain't true.

It has nothing to do with 'choice'.

Doesn't matter. You're arguing with loons about loons...

BTW, can I use foul language here?
Her, Gracie. Male identifies as female. She fought back and I hope those bitches never touch her again.

Umm...You don't get to pick your gender based on 'how you feel'. Or for the sake of convenience.
This transgender thing is a pile of rubbish.
If a person who is male through and through. Has all the proper parts of a male, and all the physical attributes of a male human being, do you believe this person should one day be able to declare to the world, "today I claim to be a woman"?
And please, don't answer with "people have the right to choose whatever they want to be"...because that just ain't true.

It has nothing to do with 'choice'.
Bullshit. It IS a choice. All one has to do is look in the mirror.
I suppose you'd be fine if you were at the gym about to drop your towel to shower when in walks a guy and says, "Don't mind me, I self identify as a woman."
Have you ever met a transgendered person? Got experience with the subject? If not, you can't pretend to be an expert on it.
Have you ever met a transgendered person? Got experience with the subject? If not, you can't pretend to be an expert on it.

Don't worry about him, he has no spoon. Me? SF for 4 years. Experience: Some are loons some are toons but only a few have spoons;)
Have you ever met a transgendered person? Got experience with the subject? If not, you can't pretend to be an expert on it.

Oh please....Just respond to my scenario and answer the question...
I don't want to see anything else from you.
Address the issue or be silent.
Have you ever met a transgendered person? Got experience with the subject? If not, you can't pretend to be an expert on it.

Don't worry about him, he has no spoon. Me? SF for 4 years. Experience: Some are loons some are toons but only a few have spoons;)

If you've nothing to add to the discussion, then sit back and watch. The adults are trying to have a conversation here.

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