Tranny sues crossfit

They don't remove the penis. They invert it so it is inside the body, rather than outside.

Wow. Perhaps they can invert the dudes head and turn his brains into hair.

This is what I mean. You folks have no idea about anything.

What if someone is born thinking that he should be a snake. Should someone remove his arms and legs and let him slither around on the ground for the rest of his life? Ludicrous!
They don't remove the penis. They invert it so it is inside the body, rather than outside.

So you admit it's a penis yet you say it's also a vagina and thus they are now women???

Its not a penis. You need to educate yourself so you stop coming across as ignorant.

A penis turned inside out is still a penis. My sweatshirt remains a sweatshirt even when it's inside out. Well ... perhaps I'm wrong about that. Maybe my inside out sweatshirt is really an evening gown. No ... on second thought, I was right the first time.
Cross fit will have to solve the problem by having two first prize awards. We know that the man will win in a contest among women then give out the real first prize for the women.

The female hormones she takes reduces the testosterone her body would have produced as a man. In short, she produces the same amount of testosterone as you and I do, thus giving her zero advantage over the competition.

Is that so hard to understand?

His skeletal and muscular structure are male no matter how much you would deny it. His DNA is male and his chromosomes are male.
Snakes are not human. No one thinks they are a snake. Stop making stupid comparisons.

That's very insensitive of you. Aren't you worried that someone who believes he's a snake will get his feelings hurt by such comments?

Cross fit will have to solve the problem by having two first prize awards. We know that the man will win in a contest among women then give out the real first prize for the women.

The female hormones she takes reduces the testosterone her body would have produced as a man. In short, she produces the same amount of testosterone as you and I do, thus giving her zero advantage over the competition.

Is that so hard to understand?

His skeletal and muscular structure are male no matter how much you would deny it. His DNA is male and his chromosomes are male.

Doggonit! Will you please stop making sense?
Cross fit will have to solve the problem by having two first prize awards. We know that the man will win in a contest among women then give out the real first prize for the women.

The female hormones she takes reduces the testosterone her body would have produced as a man. In short, she produces the same amount of testosterone as you and I do, thus giving her zero advantage over the competition.

Is that so hard to understand?

His skeletal and muscular structure are male no matter how much you would deny it. His DNA is male and his chromosomes are male.

Not relevant. She has no advantage over the competition.
The female hormones she takes reduces the testosterone her body would have produced as a man. In short, she produces the same amount of testosterone as you and I do, thus giving her zero advantage over the competition.

Is that so hard to understand?

His skeletal and muscular structure are male no matter how much you would deny it. His DNA is male and his chromosomes are male.

Doggonit! Will you please stop making sense?

Neither of you have made sense yet.
The female hormones she takes reduces the testosterone her body would have produced as a man. In short, she produces the same amount of testosterone as you and I do, thus giving her zero advantage over the competition.

Is that so hard to understand?

His skeletal and muscular structure are male no matter how much you would deny it. His DNA is male and his chromosomes are male.

Not relevant. She has no advantage over the competition.

Male bone structure and male lungs and male muscles are advantages even after hormone therapy.
Cross fit will have to solve the problem by having two first prize awards. We know that the man will win in a contest among women then give out the real first prize for the women.

It sucks that the whole world will have to alter their normal day to day lives to appease some mentally troubled special interest group. Normal folks are just going to have to find ways to enjoy their lives and have special events without announcing it to the oddballs. They'll have to build Olympic sized swimming pools on their personal property then sponsor events by invitation only.

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"
Snakes are not human. No one thinks they are a snake. Stop making stupid comparisons.

If someone thinks they were abducted by aliens, am I required to believe them?

If someone thinks they are King Louis XIV am I required to believe them?

Yet why am I required to think a tranny is the opposite sex of what they actually are? You liberals first say they have no mental problem, and you admit there's nothing wrong with their genitalia, yet we're required to play along, they can have perfectly healthy body parts removed, and get breast implants or remove breasts, take medically unecessary hormones, etc.. yet you claim there's nothing wrong with them.

If you think that. when if someone thinks they have only 3 fingers on each hand, should they be able to get a doctor to remove some fingers?
Snakes are not human. No one thinks they are a snake. Stop making stupid comparisons.

If someone thinks they were abducted by aliens, am I required to believe them?

If someone thinks they are King Louis XIV am I required to believe them?

Yet why am I required to think a tranny is the opposite sex of what they actually are? You liberals first say they have no mental problem, and you admit there's nothing wrong with their genitalia, yet we're required to play along, they can have perfectly healthy body parts removed, and get breast implants or remove breasts, take medically unecessary hormones, etc.. yet you claim there's nothing wrong with them.

If you think that. when if someone thinks they have only 3 fingers on each hand, should they be able to get a doctor to remove some fingers?

It reminds me of that old tale of "The Emperor's New Clothes."

A vain Emperor who cares about nothing except wearing and displaying clothes hires two swindlers who promise him the finest, best suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "hopelessly stupid". The Emperor's ministers cannot see the clothing themselves, but pretend that they can for fear of appearing unfit for their positions and the Emperor does the same. Finally the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him and the Emperor marches in procession before his subjects. The townsfolk play along with the pretense, not wanting to appear unfit for their positions or stupid. Then a child in the crowd, too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the cry is taken up by others. The Emperor cringes, suspecting the assertion is true, but continues the procession.

From Wikipedia: The Emperor's New Clothes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't think the OP is the one who's obsessed.
Lol you must be new here.

You don't think a (alleged) straight person who spends their free time searching for gay sex and transvestite related material to post here every day, for like years, is obsessed?

We're actually passing a hat to raise enough money for novasteve to go ahead and get the surgery.
I don't think the OP is the one who's obsessed.
Lol you must be new here.

You don't think a (alleged) straight person who spends their free time searching for gay sex and transvestite related material to post here every day, for like years, is obsessed?

We're actually passing a hat to raise enough money for novasteve to go ahead and get the surgery.

Maybe he knows someone like I did, who was twisted and ruined by the LGBT movement. My friend went on a murder/suicide rampage spreading HIV as much as he could from being a molestation survivor [imprinted "tampered"] and not getting the proper therapy to resolve his issues. We estimate he took hundreds or thousands of other gay men with him.

Some people "obsessed" with the topic have other reasons. With the topic of supposed "transgenders", my reasons are that medical professionals should be thrown in jail for assisting the delusions of the deeply mentally ill by aiding them in amputating healthy organs and leaving them disfigured, wrecked, commonly incontinent and numb sexually. :cuckoo: And no more "female" than putting a pink ribbon on a castrated boar pig.

Sometimes just plain common sense is the wind beneath the sails of people opposed to the cult of LGBT...
I don't think the OP is the one who's obsessed.
Lol you must be new here.

You don't think a (alleged) straight person who spends their free time searching for gay sex and transvestite related material to post here every day, for like years, is obsessed?

We're actually passing a hat to raise enough money for novasteve to go ahead and get the surgery.

Nope. This forum has a million topics most of which surround current events. The OP wouldn't have printed the story had someone else not created the story in the first place. If you're not comfortable discussing current events then nobody is forcing you to. It's a choice. I will assume that since you have injected yourself in the conversation then you're as "obsessed" as the next person.

By the way ... I may be new to this forum but I'm by no means new to discussion forums. I've been participating in them for decades.
I don't think the OP is the one who's obsessed.
Lol you must be new here.

You don't think a (alleged) straight person who spends their free time searching for gay sex and transvestite related material to post here every day, for like years, is obsessed?

We're actually passing a hat to raise enough money for novasteve to go ahead and get the surgery.

Nope. This forum has a million topics most of which surround current events. The OP wouldn't have printed the story had someone else not created the story in the first place. If you're not comfortable discussing current events then nobody is forcing you to. It's a choice. I will assume that since you have injected yourself in the conversation then you're as "obsessed" as the next person.

By the way ... I may be new to this forum but I'm by no means new to discussion forums. I've been participating in them for decades.

Well, once you've been here, you'll notice that NovaSteve posts about six threads a week about trannies and gays. Seriously, it's like the guy has a news alert, and whenever he gets himself some hot tranny news, he just can't wait to share it with us.

Incidently, I'm 52 years old, and I've met about 1 tranny in my entire life. Or they were really good at the tucking thing.

But Steve apparently thinks they have him surrounded.

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