Tranny sues crossfit

His skeletal structure and musculature is male. Experts can tell male from female from a skeleton. He doesn't have a vagina. He has a pouch. Now he may call it a vagina but that doesn’t make it a real vagina.
Can't wait until the Olympic Committee is faced with this kind of decision.

Beyond the tranny issue -----
Can you see a way to keep Couples Ice Dancing or Pairs Skating traditional?
Probably have to change it to Mixed couples, Same Couples Male, Same Couples Female, and Unspecified Couples..
Can you see a way to keep Couples Ice Dancing or Pairs Skating traditional?
Probably have to change it to Mixed couples, Same Couples Male, Same Couples Female, and Unspecified Couples..
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They cut off his junk and put a hole their, thats not a vagina.

They don't remove the penis. They invert it so it is inside the body, rather than outside.

So you admit it's a penis yet you say it's also a vagina and thus they are now women???

No, it's impossible. Those born male are never women. Never. The only thing these "trannies" are are sick, suffering multilated, incontinent victims of a medical community that belongs in prison for the most obvious form of malpractice I can think of, aside from stealing body parts and selling them on the black market...hey...wait a minute!...:eek:
Cross fit will have to solve the problem by having two first prize awards. We know that the man will win in a contest among women then give out the real first prize for the women.
Cross fit will have to solve the problem by having two first prize awards. We know that the man will win in a contest among women then give out the real first prize for the women.

The female hormones she takes reduces the testosterone her body would have produced as a man. In short, she produces the same amount of testosterone as you and I do, thus giving her zero advantage over the competition.

Is that so hard to understand?
They don't remove the penis. They invert it so it is inside the body, rather than outside.

So you admit it's a penis yet you say it's also a vagina and thus they are now women???

No, it's impossible. Those born male are never women. Never. The only thing these "trannies" are are sick, suffering multilated, incontinent victims of a medical community that belongs in prison for the most obvious form of malpractice I can think of, aside from stealing body parts and selling them on the black market...hey...wait a minute!...:eek:

You are an idiot.
Transgender athlete sues CrossFit for banning her from female contest -

For not letting it compete in strength competition.

You will believe my delusions!

Good! Dudes shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's sports. Just because a man wants to play make-believe and pretend to be a woman doesn't make him a woman. Now if he wants to compete in the Special Olympics then perhaps a new category could be created for folks with his ... ummm ... special problem.
Transgender athlete sues CrossFit for banning her from female contest -

For not letting it compete in strength competition.

You will believe my delusions!

Good! Dudes shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's sports. Just because a man wants to play make-believe and pretend to be a woman doesn't make him a woman. Now if he wants to compete in the Special Olympics then perhaps a new category could be created for folks with his ... ummm ... special problem.

Yes, because sex change surgery is certainly 'pretending' isn't it?:cuckoo:
Transgender athlete sues CrossFit for banning her from female contest -

For not letting it compete in strength competition.

You will believe my delusions!

Good! Dudes shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's sports. Just because a man wants to play make-believe and pretend to be a woman doesn't make him a woman. Now if he wants to compete in the Special Olympics then perhaps a new category could be created for folks with his ... ummm ... special problem.

Yes, because sex change surgery is certainly 'pretending' isn't it?:cuckoo:

Well ... someone is pretending but I think it's the doctor. He's pretending to be Dr. Frankenstein.

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