Tranny sues crossfit

"The fundamental, ineluctable fact is that a male competitor who has a sex reassignment procedure still has a genetic makeup that confers a physical and physiological advantage over women," according to the letter from CrossFit's lawyer sent in October.

The world would be better off without people feeling transgender
Transgender athlete sues CrossFit for banning her from female contest -

For not letting it compete in strength competition.

You will believe my delusions!

She had sexual reassignment surgery in 2006. That was 8 years ago. She is legally a woman, whether you like it or not.

No such thing. There is no such thing as "sexual reassignment surgery". There is a thing that is "assisted amputation of healthy organs to complete a severe mental delusion" surgery. Just no "sexual reassignment". Your assignment is genetic. If you have an XY cheek swab or hair sample, you are male. Caso Cerrado..

That man is no more a "she" than a buck, bull, stallion, gander, drake, rooster, ram, tom, macho, boar or stag. You can put a pink ribbon on a boar pig and chop off his junk, but that doesn't make him a sow or a gilt. That legal definition can change whether you like it or not..
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Reminder, liberal orthodoxy says people like this are NOT mentally ill.


You are mentally ill.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
What a mentally defective freak.. what a fucking mutant.
What happened to you that made you always so angry at all these people you've never met? Day after day rabid insults and attacks against the evil faggots, isn't that mentally draining?

Have you noticed that your behavior of constant rage is atypical, and has this ever made you want to seek professional help for whatever issues you have?
What a mentally defective freak.. what a fucking mutant.
What happened to you that made you always so angry at all these people you've never met? Day after day rabid insults and attacks against the evil faggots, isn't that mentally draining?

Have you noticed that your behavior of constant rage is atypical, and has this ever made you want to seek professional help for whatever issues you have?

You are right, I should be more upset with their enablers than them. They are mentally ill, so they are victims of their enablers as well.
What a mentally defective freak.. what a fucking mutant.
What happened to you that made you always so angry at all these people you've never met? Day after day rabid insults and attacks against the evil faggots, isn't that mentally draining?

Have you noticed that your behavior of constant rage is atypical, and has this ever made you want to seek professional help for whatever issues you have?

You are right, I should be more upset with their enablers than them. They are mentally ill, so they are victims of their enablers as well.

Exactly. And this is precisely what Jude 1 talks about in the christian Bible when it says that essentially, the crime of enabling this mental illness run amok is worse than the people doing the behaviors themselves.
Liberals love all the problems this kind of shit causes
You are right, I should be more upset with their enablers than them. They are mentally ill, so they are victims of their enablers as well.
Nope, what you should do is get a grip and stop fixating unnecessary hatred at other people you've never met 24/7. It can't be healthy either mentally or physically to have your bizarre level of absolute hatred.


Fat, dumb, and hateful is no way to go thru life son.
Transgender athlete sues CrossFit for banning her from female contest -

For not letting it compete in strength competition.

You will believe my delusions!

She had sexual reassignment surgery in 2006. That was 8 years ago. She is legally a woman, whether you like it or not.

There are people who think they are vampires. If they bleach their skin and have dental implants put in are they legally vampires?

Moron. Plastic surgery doesn't make you something you aren't. Why are liberal so fucking stupid?

You can't change chromosomes and biology, moron.

Why are you fucking so stupid? Do you take pride in being a retard?

She is taking female hormones, and has a vagina. What the fuck do you think she is, if not a woman?

YOU are the retard.
"The fundamental, ineluctable fact is that a male competitor who has a sex reassignment procedure still has a genetic makeup that confers a physical and physiological advantage over women," according to the letter from CrossFit's lawyer sent in October.


Not so. The female hormones she is taking counteract the testosterone in her body, meaning she doesn't have any such advantage.

That was the point of sexual reassignment surgery.

No such thing exits. There is only "assited amputation to try to complete a deep delusion". Test the DNA and the level of the pelvis, the amount and density of muscling, adam's apple and you have a biological MALE still. Amputated, incontinent, multilated, freakish, sad, pathetic, but still male...

The truth hurts. But the truth can also set you free.
Are you sure?

That was the point of sexual reassignment surgery.

No such thing exits. There is only "assited amputation to try to complete a deep delusion". Test the DNA and the level of the pelvis, the amount and density of muscling, adam's apple and you have a biological MALE still. Amputated, incontinent, multilated, freakish, sad, pathetic, but still male...

The truth hurts. But the truth can also set you free.

It must suck to be you.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

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