Tranny sues crossfit

Lol you must be new here.

You don't think a (alleged) straight person who spends their free time searching for gay sex and transvestite related material to post here every day, for like years, is obsessed?

We're actually passing a hat to raise enough money for novasteve to go ahead and get the surgery.

Nope. This forum has a million topics most of which surround current events. The OP wouldn't have printed the story had someone else not created the story in the first place. If you're not comfortable discussing current events then nobody is forcing you to. It's a choice. I will assume that since you have injected yourself in the conversation then you're as "obsessed" as the next person.

By the way ... I may be new to this forum but I'm by no means new to discussion forums. I've been participating in them for decades.

Well, once you've been here, you'll notice that NovaSteve posts about six threads a week about trannies and gays. Seriously, it's like the guy has a news alert, and whenever he gets himself some hot tranny news, he just can't wait to share it with us.

Incidently, I'm 52 years old, and I've met about 1 tranny in my entire life. Or they were really good at the tucking thing.

But Steve apparently thinks they have him surrounded.

Like the thread in Clean Debate - quotes a radical rw describing a very few oddities as proof the US is falling apart.

300 million people in the US ... I'm not gonna worry about a very few trannies. Far more disturbing are the people who are so afraid of them, like trannysteve.

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