Tranny's "Gospel for the Godless"

You have to play along with my mental illness, or else you are a bigot! You cisphobic, heteronormative, male privileged jerk!

I just looked at the related stories, and they have a freaking video about queermos dating trans men, the proper way ,. Jesus, what a freak show.
When are faggots going to start mocking Islam?

Little fucking pussies.

When are you gonna get it?

You, Drifting Sand, mal, Vigilante, orion - you all know who you are and YOU are the "little fucking pussies".

The world is moving on and you're fighting hard to go back to the Dark Ages. You really do belong in some backward dictatorship like Russia.

Literal freaks. One of society's malignant cancers.


hate-filled loon

go live in russia, you'll be happier….

and it will keep you away from real americans.

If real Americans are this kind of lunatic the best thing to happen is for Russia China or both to put the rabid animal out of its misery.

Literal freaks. One of society's malignant cancers.


hate-filled loon

go live in russia, you'll be happier….

and it will keep you away from real americans.

I've likely been a "real American" longer than you have but that's neither here nor there. I'll assume that you consider members of NAMBLA to be more "real" than I am (and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if I'm right).
When are faggots going to start mocking Islam?

Little fucking pussies.

When are you gonna get it?

You, Drifting Sand, mal, Vigilante, orion - you all know who you are and YOU are the "little fucking pussies".

The world is moving on and you're fighting hard to go back to the Dark Ages. You really do belong in some backward dictatorship like Russia.

Yeah ... we all know what happened when Sodom and Gomorrah "moved on." Got a bit warm and ashy.

The good news is that the "strange community" isn't capable of reproducing on their own. Of course, AIDS doesn't offer a great deal of hope for longevity either. So I'm not too concerned about the world "moving on." Without straights, "the world" (as we humans know it) would fizzle to a stand still.
It reminds me of that old movie Old Yeller. Yeller was a great dog, brave , intelligent and resourceful. With great sadness and pain Yeller was shot when he got rabies and became dangerous. America is like Old Yeller. If that great dog had lived it might have killed the whole family. Same thing with liberals.
When are faggots going to start mocking Islam?

Little fucking pussies.

When are you gonna get it?

You, Drifting Sand, mal, Vigilante, orion - you all know who you are and YOU are the "little fucking pussies".

The world is moving on and you're fighting hard to go back to the Dark Ages. You really do belong in some backward dictatorship like Russia.
Of course I know who I am you moron! See we are the strong that are holding this country up from the degeneration eating at it but pretty soon we will just let it collapse on its self. Then its clean up time. Its going to happen every nation falls. Rome fell for very same reasons...
Liberal logic is astounding, it's so contradictory. Here's how the typical liberal thinks.

It's not the 1980s anymore, AIDS is gone. So much so they want gay men to be able to donate blood. But the reality is that AIDS is worse than ever, and that gays can't be bothered to use condoms. But since Liberals really know the truth, they just feign ignorance of it so they can call anyone who speaks the truth a bigot, they are demanding that the transmission of HIV be legalized, because it's so fucking common.
Liberals think sane people want to go back to the dark ages. Liberals want to go back to the golden age without the art, philosophy, or literature just the excesses and perversion.
When are faggots going to start mocking Islam?

Little fucking pussies.

Tell you what, tough guy. Next time the New Jersey Nets come to place the Washington Wizards, I'll play for your front row tickets on the condition that you heckle Jason Collins and call him I'm a "fag".

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