Transcript of Bill Maher apology for calling Sarah Palin the C-word

Maher does not have sponsorship. Rush does. If Rush did not have sponsorship, he wouldn't have apologized to begin with.
What exactly do you think is true there? Rush isnt a political leader. He's a political commentator.

Rush spoke at CPAC in 2009. Google it. Man, you rightwingers have memories that could fit inside a flea.

So because he spoke he's a leader? He's a commentator, he makes comments. Why do you have such a hard time understanding simple English?


Rush Limbaugh CPAC 2009 Entire Speech

Oh and he doesn't know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
We are not throwing Rush under the Bus. How many Decades have you all been into slandering Him? What doesn't kill him will make him stronger and tougher. He is already the best at what he does. Thanks for making Him Wiser.

let go of his dick

Ain't never even seen it, nor care to, unlike you, Asshole. I don't cut and run like you either, when a Person of Importance stumbles. Rush has done more good for this Country, than most, throughout History. What you don't get, and probably never will, is Personal Responsibility. You are destined to be a burden to others, because of undeveloped potential, and as a result are bitter about it. That is plain to see. Learn to give and do more, not out of compulsion or forced will, but concern. Separate yourself from the angry mob, and learn to wipe your own ass and better yourself, then you can learn to help others, and compare yourself to the Greats.
The problem is that Rush claims the title for himself, and a great portion of conservatives in the country continue to support him. If Rush is not some kind of leader amongst the GOP and the conservative movement in this country, then they should be rebuking his claims to be. When Michael Steele claimed to be the leader of the GOP, he was essentially booed off the stage. And Rush was leading the charge.
Maher does not have sponsorship. Rush does. If Rush did not have sponsorship, he wouldn't have apologized to begin with.

Not sure I agree with either premise. Maher is sponsored by the Tax Payer, though only God knows why.

Rush, tripped up, slightly, though nothing in comparison to what has been done to him over the Decades.
The problem is that Rush claims the title for himself, and a great portion of conservatives in the country continue to support him. If Rush is not some kind of leader amongst the GOP and the conservative movement in this country, then they should be rebuking his claims to be. When Michael Steele claimed to be the leader of the GOP, he was essentially booed off the stage. And Rush was leading the charge.

Or, you could learn to deal with Sarcasm and Context. That would save allot of bandwidth. Hint. Try learning what you need to know from the Source. It won't kill you, only make you stronger.
Or, you could learn to deal with Sarcasm and Context. That would save allot of bandwidth. Hint. Try learning what you need to know from the Source. It won't kill you, only make you stronger.

What are you talking about? Did I say anything about Rush's comments regarding Sandra Fluke? I was speaking to the perception that Rush is some kind of leader of the GOP.
Maher does not have sponsorship. Rush does. If Rush did not have sponsorship, he wouldn't have apologized to begin with.

Not sure I agree with either premise. Maher is sponsored by the Tax Payer, though only God knows why.

Rush, tripped up, slightly, though nothing in comparison to what has been done to him over the Decades.

How exactly is Bill Maher supported by the taxpayers? Does he use the PUBLIC AIRWAVES? No...he does not. He's on HBO. Where only people who WANT to watch him, can.

Does not Rush use MY PUBLIC AIRWAVES?
Yes...yes he does and as such is subject to the federal licensing program of the FCC.
" "

and there ya have it. Didn't he give Obama a little pocket change recently? Nice. :clap2:

Or, you could learn to deal with Sarcasm and Context. That would save allot of bandwidth. Hint. Try learning what you need to know from the Source. It won't kill you, only make you stronger.

What are you talking about? Did I say anything about Rush's comments regarding Sandra Fluke? I was speaking to the perception that Rush is some kind of leader of the GOP.

Hint. Rush claiming the Title for Himself. Grow up. Rush is a Talk Show Host. The best of the Best, at what he does. Context, Inthemiddle, is everything.
Maher does not have sponsorship. Rush does. If Rush did not have sponsorship, he wouldn't have apologized to begin with.

Not sure I agree with either premise. Maher is sponsored by the Tax Payer, though only God knows why.

Rush, tripped up, slightly, though nothing in comparison to what has been done to him over the Decades.

How exactly is Bill Maher supported by the taxpayers? Does he use the PUBLIC AIRWAVES? No...he does not. He's on HBO. Where only people who WANT to watch him, can.

Does not Rush use MY PUBLIC AIRWAVES?
Yes...yes he does and as such is subject to the federal licensing program of the FCC.

Who pays for for the hidden charges in the Cable Bills? Ever wonder why quality of service goes down while cost rises? Wait, you can't check, the Government Surcharges are hidden. Maher should not even be compared to Rush, he has not earned it. He is a hack.

Rush has paid his dues, worked his way up to the top, in every way. Advertising pays for all of those licensing fee's, or haven't you noticed? Or maybe you are confusing Commercial Radio with NPR?

What FCC Rules has Rush broken???
Hint. Rush claiming the Title for Himself.

And does the GOP support of reject this? If they reject it, why do they continue support him? Why did they not boo him off the state the way Michael Steele was? The man was the chairman of the RNC, for crying out loud. He certainly had a far better claim than Rush. But the GOP put their support behind Rush to boo Steele off the stage. That is why the perception exists. If the GOP doesn't want Rush to be their leader, then they need to stand up to him and rebuke him for taking such positions. Not pat him on the back and say "I'm with ya!" when he goes after the chairman of the RNC.
Hint. Rush claiming the Title for Himself.

And does the GOP support of reject this? If they reject it, why do they continue support him? Why did they not boo him off the state the way Michael Steele was? The man was the chairman of the RNC, for crying out loud. He certainly had a far better claim than Rush. But the GOP put their support behind Rush to boo Steele off the stage. That is why the perception exists. If the GOP doesn't want Rush to be their leader, then they need to stand up to him and rebuke him for taking such positions. Not pat him on the back and say "I'm with ya!" when he goes after the chairman of the RNC.

You realize that the Blue Blood Segment of the GOP feels about the same about him as you do, right?
Or, you could learn to deal with Sarcasm and Context. That would save allot of bandwidth. Hint. Try learning what you need to know from the Source. It won't kill you, only make you stronger.

What are you talking about? Did I say anything about Rush's comments regarding Sandra Fluke? I was speaking to the perception that Rush is some kind of leader of the GOP.

Your perception is misguided....but you do indoctrinate well from the leftwing echo chamber's talking points. :lol:

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