Transcript of Bill Maher apology for calling Sarah Palin the C-word

I didnt ask if they were both media personalities...everyone on TV or Radio are media personalities but they are not the same. Howard Stern is not taken as seriously as an NPR host.

Now you're just being stupid and saying anything to defend Limbaugh. Alice Cooper is the same as Joel Orstien? Stop playing yourself

Keep spinning, ClosedCaption. :eusa_whistle:

It's okay...God still loves you.

Like I said, stop playing yourself, you're making yourself look bad saying a Honorary Member of the GOP is the same as a Comedian with no ties to the Dems.

No one believes you...hell even you dont believe you. Thats why you gave up defending and turned on the snark :thup:

So you didn't quote my entire post? Interesting...says a lot about a person that needs to spin. :eusa_whistle: Like I said, everything has been addressed in our earlier posts...go back and refresh that memory of your, Closed Caption.
I'm going to give you the last word as I know you'll jump on it. I have other things to do than go in circles with you. have a nice day, ClosedCaption. :eusa_angel:
Calling any woman a slut, whore, bitch, c-word is low class and disrespectful and say's far more about the person making the comment than it does the person they are talking about. Now if you have no problem with this type of language used against women when it comes from your side of the political aisle fine but don't suddenly take offense when it come from the other side of the aisle if you are only offended by this type of stuff when it comes from those you disagree with then your not really offended by it at all.
Keep spinning, ClosedCaption. :eusa_whistle:

It's okay...God still loves you.

Like I said, stop playing yourself, you're making yourself look bad saying a Honorary Member of the GOP is the same as a Comedian with no ties to the Dems.

No one believes you...hell even you dont believe you. Thats why you gave up defending and turned on the snark :thup:

So you didn't quote my entire post? Interesting...says a lot about a person that needs to spin. :eusa_whistle: Like I said, everything has been addressed in our earlier posts...go back and refresh that memory of your, Closed Caption.
I'm going to give you the last word as I know you'll jump on it. I have other things to do than go in circles with you. have a nice day, ClosedCaption. :eusa_angel:

Ohhhh Edited Post oh god! Switching the subject and making thinly veiled insults wont work either.

Everyone in the media is not the same, if they were you would be able to explain it instead of clicking "respond" typing a paragraph then hitting "submit reply" and the post is about how you dont have time to explain.

Riiiight :lol:
It's amazing how the left thinks that they can just make anything up that they want to.
so you dont see a difference between a pay for audience and a public audience?

You really can't understand this?
im asking a questions to provide your opinion of the situation.

why do you people on the right always avoid answering questions directly?

We don't. We expalin, you guys can't understand the basic concept and you claim we never answered. It gets tiring after a while, having to explain basic stuff over and over again.
The problem is that Rush claims the title for himself, and a great portion of conservatives in the country continue to support him. If Rush is not some kind of leader amongst the GOP and the conservative movement in this country, then they should be rebuking his claims to be. When Michael Steele claimed to be the leader of the GOP, he was essentially booed off the stage. And Rush was leading the charge.

No that is a pretty stupid post. Do you really believe that or are you just arguing for the sake of arguing?
The problem is that Rush claims the title for himself, and a great portion of conservatives in the country continue to support him. If Rush is not some kind of leader amongst the GOP and the conservative movement in this country, then they should be rebuking his claims to be. When Michael Steele claimed to be the leader of the GOP, he was essentially booed off the stage. And Rush was leading the charge.

No that is a pretty stupid post. Do you really believe that or are you just arguing for the sake of arguing?

Again, if Rush was the 'leader of the GOP' by self proclamation and/or default, how is it that Bob Dole was the nominee in 1992? Rush was dead set against that. How is it that John McCain was the nominee in 2008? Rush was dead set against that too. How is it that so many Republicans joined Ross Perot's camp and supported and voted for him? There was almost nobody Rush came down harder on than Perot. Didn't like anything about him.

Rush Limbaugh is a radio talk show host who has enjoyed impressive ratings and has been an amazing success story for going on three decades now. He actually blazed the way for and put conservative talk radio into the mainstream. And though of course his ratings have declined a bit as dozens, maybe hundreds of other talk shows jumped on that band wagon, he has remained impressively at the top all this time.

Sure the GOP has appreciated his support and have applauded him for it and also accepted it when he has criticized the GOP or different Republicans. The GOP is a bigger tent and much more tolerant of differing opinions than what the Democrats are these days. And sure the Democrats hate him with a passion because heis so successful and supports the GOP and conservatism in general. But they love it when he or any other prominent conservative is critical of the GOP or a Republican and scramble it get that posted on message boards. Almost as much as they love it and scramble to make as much hay out of it as they can when he puts his foot in his mouth which, given his huge exposure, is inevitable from time to time.

It is really unfortunate that years and many thousands of hours of extemporaneous radio and television commentary, speeches, and other public appearances that have added to the national debate on just about every issue that exists can be negated by one stupid, ill advised extemporaneous quip about one liberal activist appearing before Congress.
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The problem is that Rush claims the title for himself, and a great portion of conservatives in the country continue to support him. If Rush is not some kind of leader amongst the GOP and the conservative movement in this country, then they should be rebuking his claims to be. When Michael Steele claimed to be the leader of the GOP, he was essentially booed off the stage. And Rush was leading the charge.

No that is a pretty stupid post. Do you really believe that or are you just arguing for the sake of arguing?

Are you kidding me? Are you really trying to deny that it happened? The whole fiasco ended with Steele saying Rush was "a national conservative leader, and in no way do I want to diminish his voice."

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