Transcript of Bill Maher apology for calling Sarah Palin the C-word

But Rush was able to call her a slut. But people are able to respond. Is that the problem? The response Rush got? I can't help it if the Right wants to ignore those on the left who call out Maher or Ed on their words. (kinda like ignoring the Muslims who condemned 9-11, for the R-right they don't exist).

Yeah, I can link right to a post by Decepticon showing just how the leftists "called out" Maher and Schultz....

Rush spews his venon daily for hours without end. Ed has an hour a day. Maher has an hour each week. I'm not a regular viewer/listener to any of them.

It's different - ed and bill serve the party, Rush is an infidel.....

So what, Decepticon used his freedom of speech. I'm sure I could find some individuals post that call the President all kind of nasty names.

Bill is actually the infidel. I don't know what, if any, religion Ed or Rush is. Rush serves his party too. What's your point?
How exactly is Bill Maher supported by the taxpayers? Does he use the PUBLIC AIRWAVES? No...he does not. He's on HBO. Where only people who WANT to watch him, can.

Does not Rush use MY PUBLIC AIRWAVES?
Yes...yes he does and as such is subject to the federal licensing program of the FCC.

Who pays for for the hidden charges in the Cable Bills? Ever wonder why quality of service goes down while cost rises? Wait, you can't check, the Government Surcharges are hidden. Maher should not even be compared to Rush, he has not earned it. He is a hack.

Rush has paid his dues, worked his way up to the top, in every way. Advertising pays for all of those licensing fee's, or haven't you noticed? Or maybe you are confusing Commercial Radio with NPR?

What FCC Rules has Rush broken???

hidden charges? you must be one of those retards who thinks your cheerios are full of secret messages only for you.

Or, maybe, I am right.

Although 96.2 percent of Americans have the ability to access phone service, funding to companies that support the USF high-cost component has grown from $2.6 billion in 2001 to a projected $4.5 billion in 2011. This subsidy exists despite the fact that wireless service could more efficiently provide service. According to FCC Chairman Genachowski’s remarks on October 6, 2011, the USF is wasteful and inefficient, paying some companies almost $2,000 a month for a single home phone line.

The FCC also included in its order and report reforms to the ICC program, which are the charges one carrier pays to another when originating, transporting, or terminating a call or other telecommunications traffic. Established before the era of long distance competition in the marketplace, the ICC is filled with inefficiencies and opportunities for waste. The rates are billed at a charge per minute, and are overseen at the interstate level by the FCC and the intrastate level by the states. Reciprocal compensation is applied to calls that begin and end within the same local calling area. Increased strains on the ICC program have developed as consumers increasingly utilize options such as voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) technology, wireless communications and bundled services.

Rules have been included in the ICC provisions of the CAF plan to address issues with artificially inflated traffic volumes and missing identifiers for intercarrier billing information, both of which have created payment problems within the program. According to the CAF executive summary, the FCC plans to adopt into the ICC program a national “bill-and-keep” framework similar to that used by wireless telephone industry, which should reduce billing problems generated by the current system.

Reforms of both the USF and ICC are urgently needed, as both programs have encountered numerous problems with waste and abuse. The CAF program continues using the funding stream provided by the USF fund to provide telephone communications to rural and underserved areas of the country, and expands the USF’s reach to deploy broadband communications to these areas and other locations as part of the administration’s National Broadband Plan.

However, even with these much-needed reforms, the cost for the USF program, which should be eliminated instead of expanded, is ultimately born by the taxpayers. Even without the funding provided by the USF program, the rigorous market-driven competition that is occurring in the telecommunications industry, particularly wireless, will address access and pricing problems. The provision for access to advanced services across the nation without a phase-out plan for the CAF program raises the specter of further expansion of universal service, fostering a continuation of this hidden and unnecessary tax and regulatory scheme.

Connect America Fund: Continuing the Universal Service Fee with No End in Sight
Your perception is misguided."I was speaking to the perception that Rush is some kind of leader of the GOP"

My perception of what?

but you do indoctrinate well from the leftwing echo chamber's talking points. :lol:

What are you talking about? :cuckoo:

I highlighted your words for you, and yes, I know you don't know what I'm talking obvious as it is. You're didn't have a chance to understand. ITM.
But Rush was able to call her a slut. But people are able to respond. Is that the problem? The response Rush got? I can't help it if the Right wants to ignore those on the left who call out Maher or Ed on their words. (kinda like ignoring the Muslims who condemned 9-11, for the R-right they don't exist).

Yeah, I can link right to a post by Decepticon showing just how the leftists "called out" Maher and Schultz....

Rush spews his venon daily for hours without end. Ed has an hour a day. Maher has an hour each week. I'm not a regular viewer/listener to any of them.

It's different - ed and bill serve the party, Rush is an infidel.....

So what, Decepticon used his freedom of speech. I'm sure I could find some individuals post that call the President all kind of nasty names.

Bill is actually the infidel. I don't know what, if any, religion Ed or Rush is. Rush serves his party too. What's your point?

Rush serves his concept of what he thinks the Republic should be. Nothing wrong with that. There are issues where I both agree and disagree, which is only normal. Still, his positions, generally have weight, o one degree or another, and are worth learning from. That is also how things should be. Confusing the Messenger with the message, is a mistake we are all sometimes guilty of.
False equivalency.

And Sarah Palin IS a XXXX.

I wonder what the Sledbilly Bimbo did with all that PAC money?

Bill Maher is a comedian and the Democratic party does not embrace him as a spokesperson, unlike the addled-brained Republicans who worship Mr. LimpBalls.

Symantics...isn't it? :cuckoo:

LOL! Weak defense....Lush and Maher are nothing alike other than being Guys. The fact that you can only find comedians to compare to Rush is a sad way tho
Poor ClosedCaption...

Being a fucking hypocritical idiot comes so natural to him....

I wonder what the Sledbilly Bimbo did with all that PAC money?

Bill Maher is a comedian and the Democratic party does not embrace him as a spokesperson, unlike the addled-brained Republicans who worship Mr. LimpBalls.

Symantics...isn't it? :cuckoo:

LOL! Weak defense....Lush and Maher are nothing alike other than being Guys. The fact that you can only find comedians to compare to Rush is a sad way tho

Let me know when Bill Maher becomes a comedian, Okay?
His opinions on politics and religion are nothing more than being a political activist.

But...thanks for playing anyways. :eusa_angel:
Taking a Wild Guess, I presume you do not approve of him.

"Do not approve" of him? Well, that's a vague statement to make. I don't approve of using fire crackers in back yards. But I don't see what "do not approve of him" has to do with whether or not the perception of Rush as some kind of leader of the GOP is warranted.
Taking a Wild Guess, I presume you do not approve of him.

"Do not approve" of him? Well, that's a vague statement to make. I don't approve of using fire crackers in back yards. But I don't see what "do not approve of him" has to do with whether or not the perception of Rush as some kind of leader of the GOP is warranted.

I was being Civil and Polite, obviously a waste of time. You are a Jackass sometimes Inthemiddle. It is clear that you are not a supporter of Rush. Clearly, he is not a Leader of the GOP. Clearly he has a very large influence on many of It's Membership. Your word games are unnecessary.
Symantics...isn't it? :cuckoo:

LOL! Weak defense....Lush and Maher are nothing alike other than being Guys. The fact that you can only find comedians to compare to Rush is a sad way tho

Let me know when Bill Maher becomes a comedian, Okay?
His opinions on politics and religion are nothing more than being a political activist.

But...thanks for playing anyways. :eusa_angel:

Let me know when Rush has the same occupational title as Maher, okay?

His opinions on politics are nothing more than being a agitator and a comdian

Thanks for playing...
LOL! Weak defense....Lush and Maher are nothing alike other than being Guys. The fact that you can only find comedians to compare to Rush is a sad way tho

Let me know when Bill Maher becomes a comedian, Okay?
His opinions on politics and religion are nothing more than being a political activist.

But...thanks for playing anyways. :eusa_angel:

Let me know when Rush has the same occupational title as Maher, okay?

His opinions on politics are nothing more than being a agitator and a comdian

Thanks for playing...
That's a real weak defense, sheesh. :lol:
There isn't that much difference between the two, except for the media in which they pander to.
Maher was supported by the dems when he called Sarah the C-word and Rush is supported by the repubs when he called Sandra a slut. This is where the rubber meets the road....that's why I posted that it was symantics. It isn't anything more than that.
So spin it anyway you like still will be what it is.
Let me know when Bill Maher becomes a comedian, Okay?
His opinions on politics and religion are nothing more than being a political activist.

But...thanks for playing anyways. :eusa_angel:

Let me know when Rush has the same occupational title as Maher, okay?

His opinions on politics are nothing more than being a agitator and a comdian

Thanks for playing...
That's a real weak defense, sheesh. :lol:
There isn't that much difference between the two, except for the media in which they pander to.
Maher was supported by the dems when he called Sarah the C-word and Rush is supported by the repubs when he called Sandra a slut. This is where the rubber meets the road....that's why I posted that it was symantics. It isn't anything more than that.
So spin it anyway you like still will be what it is.

So Rush and Maher are the same then, right? Now squirm your way out of answering..g'head
I was being Civil and Polite

And so was I.

obviously a waste of time.

:confused: Why you mad?

You are a Jackass sometimes Inthemiddle.

Civil and polite really that hard for you that it only lasts a few minutes? I don't see why this discussion had to turn nasty. I was being entirely sincere.

It is clear that you are not a supporter of Rush.

No, I'm not. Neither am I a supporter of of alot of people. But that's a very different thing than disapproving of someone. And disapproving of a person is also a different thing than disapproving of certain actions they may have committed. Of course, you can be a supporter of someone, and disapprove of certain actions. Or you can not support someone, and approve of certain things they do.

Clearly, he is not a Leader of the GOP.

I wouldn't say "clearly." Because clearly, many people perceive him as such. And I've explained that at least part of the reason for this is because when Rush Limbaugh blasted the Chairman of the RNC, claiming the title for himself, the majority of GOP were right there, backing Rush up. As George Will has explained earlier this week, the actions of the top GOP leaders in Congress show that they are afraid of Rush. So it would seem that even if Rush is not officially the leader of the GOP, he certainly enjoys a great deal of de facto power over it.

Clearly he has a very large influence on many of It's Membership. Your word games are unnecessary.

I'm not playing word games. I'm trying to keep this focused on what I said in the first place regarding the perception that Rush is in charge of the GOP. As I've already said, whether or not I approve of Rush has no bearing on why that perception exists.
Let me know when Rush has the same occupational title as Maher, okay?

His opinions on politics are nothing more than being a agitator and a comdian

Thanks for playing...
That's a real weak defense, sheesh. :lol:
There isn't that much difference between the two, except for the media in which they pander to.
Maher was supported by the dems when he called Sarah the C-word and Rush is supported by the repubs when he called Sandra a slut. This is where the rubber meets the road....that's why I posted that it was symantics. It isn't anything more than that.
So spin it anyway you like still will be what it is.

So Rush and Maher are the same then, right? Now squirm your way out of answering..g'head

eh, yeah, they are. :confused:
Both are media personalities. What kind of squirming were you thinking of?
That's a real weak defense, sheesh. :lol:
There isn't that much difference between the two, except for the media in which they pander to.
Maher was supported by the dems when he called Sarah the C-word and Rush is supported by the repubs when he called Sandra a slut. This is where the rubber meets the road....that's why I posted that it was symantics. It isn't anything more than that.
So spin it anyway you like still will be what it is.

So Rush and Maher are the same then, right? Now squirm your way out of answering..g'head

eh, yeah, they are. :confused:
Both are media personalities. What kind of squirming were you thinking of?

I didnt ask if they were both media personalities...everyone on TV or Radio are media personalities but they are not the same. Howard Stern is not taken as seriously as an NPR host.

Now you're just being stupid and saying anything to defend Limbaugh. Alice Cooper is the same as Joel Orstien? Stop playing yourself
So Rush and Maher are the same then, right? Now squirm your way out of answering..g'head

eh, yeah, they are. :confused:
Both are media personalities. What kind of squirming were you thinking of?

I didnt ask if they were both media personalities...everyone on TV or Radio are media personalities but they are not the same. Howard Stern is not taken as seriously as an NPR host.

Now you're just being stupid and saying anything to defend Limbaugh. Alice Cooper is the same as Joel Orstien? Stop playing yourself

Everything has been addressed in our prior posts. I'm not going to go around in circles with you. Keep spinning, ClosedCaption. :eusa_whistle:

It's okay...God still loves you.
eh, yeah, they are. :confused:
Both are media personalities. What kind of squirming were you thinking of?

I didnt ask if they were both media personalities...everyone on TV or Radio are media personalities but they are not the same. Howard Stern is not taken as seriously as an NPR host.

Now you're just being stupid and saying anything to defend Limbaugh. Alice Cooper is the same as Joel Orstien? Stop playing yourself

Keep spinning, ClosedCaption. :eusa_whistle:

It's okay...God still loves you.

Like I said, stop playing yourself, you're making yourself look bad saying a Honorary Member of the GOP is the same as a Comedian with no ties to the Dems.

No one believes you...hell even you dont believe you. Thats why you gave up defending and turned on the snark :thup:

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