TRANSCRIPT: Trump Foreign Policy Speech

Well, if I said we are sending 500,000 troops who will stay at least 20 years, do you know where they will attack first from that info?
Obviously not, but it does give the American people an idea of what the potential cost in blood and treasure will be. Trump believes the American people are not worth that knowledge!!!
No but they'll know a shit load of warfighters are on the way and they will be staying for a long time. Wake up Ed. We will wage an unconventional war on these clowns. Thats how you win and how you win fast
If you think carpet bombing their families will defeat ISIS you are as crazy as Trump!
Dude who said anything about carpet bombing?
So how do you suppose Trump will kill the families of ISIS, and don't deny Trump said that he would do just that.
Quit with the straw men. BTW he didn't say he was going to kill them, he said he was going to go after them. There's a huge difference.

I'm all for going after them. Fill GITMO with them and squeeze every one of them for any iota of information they have then let them play soccer with the other terrorists for the rest of their lives.
I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......


What happened to taking ISIS’s oil?

Lame Duck President Obama has prohibited even bombing the trucks carrying oil because there might be someone, not an ISIS fighter, DRIVING THE TRUCK.

I give Obama no chance of winning in 2016.

What happened to Trump’s plan to take ISIS’s oil?
Let me say, I have never been excited about Donald Trump as president. I was looking to find something to disagree with in this speech. However, not only did he address all the issues regarding foreign policy that I wanted to hear about, it turns out that Trump's foriegn policy appears to be in line with mine.

you must be in the ron paul camp like me.
He really didn't say anything.
"However, unlike other candidates for the presidency, war and aggression will not be my first instinct. You cannot have a foreign policy without diplomacy. A superpower understands that caution and restraint are signs of strength."

Gold right there

They all contain diplomacy and all of the foreign policies have been about promoting American interests.

He is also contradictory and a little confused. For example, North Korea.

If all we are looking for are some feel good phrases.......he's got it. However, if we are looking for real insight then it is missing here and there will be no change.
He really didn't say anything.

And has yet to do so.

I like reading some of the stuff he has on his website. I think there was great information on his immigration reform. He went further than all other candidates except Bernie Sanders on issues. Sanders has legislation under his belt and he is a straight shooter.
He really didn't say anything.

And has yet to do so.

I like reading some of the stuff he has on his website. I think there was great information on his immigration reform. He went further than all other candidates except Bernie Sanders on issues. Sanders has legislation under his belt and he is a straight shooter.

My thing is, Trump came out pretty much doing a 180 on every opinion he has now. He was to cozy with the establishment he so loathes at this time, the interview with the times, his campigan manager going on like he did with the GOP, all that.
He really didn't say anything.

And has yet to do so.

I like reading some of the stuff he has on his website. I think there was great information on his immigration reform. He went further than all other candidates except Bernie Sanders on issues. Sanders has legislation under his belt and he is a straight shooter.

My thing is, Trump came out pretty much doing a 180 on every opinion he has now. He was to cozy with the establishment he so loathes at this time, the interview with the times, his campigan manager going on like he did with the GOP, all that.

Trump negotiates for a living. He's not going to read Dr. Seuss to folks. He has done a 180 on a few things. That said, much of the crap thrown at him is out of fear and that speaks volumes.
He really didn't say anything.

And has yet to do so.

I like reading some of the stuff he has on his website. I think there was great information on his immigration reform. He went further than all other candidates except Bernie Sanders on issues. Sanders has legislation under his belt and he is a straight shooter.

My thing is, Trump came out pretty much doing a 180 on every opinion he has now. He was to cozy with the establishment he so loathes at this time, the interview with the times, his campigan manager going on like he did with the GOP, all that.

Trump negotiates for a living. He's not going to read Dr. Seuss to folks. He has done a 180 on a few things. That said, much of the crap thrown at him is out of fear and that speaks volumes.

I only consider the things that are in his own words. I don't care about the alleged stuff. Trust me, Hillary's hit machine will have plenty to say there. Nope, I take issue with his policiy changes and so on. I take issue with the people he pals around with and owes favors to. George for one loaned him a butt load of money for Trump tower. Who else loaned him money and is he beholden to them?
He really didn't say anything.

And has yet to do so.

I like reading some of the stuff he has on his website. I think there was great information on his immigration reform. He went further than all other candidates except Bernie Sanders on issues. Sanders has legislation under his belt and he is a straight shooter.

My thing is, Trump came out pretty much doing a 180 on every opinion he has now. He was to cozy with the establishment he so loathes at this time, the interview with the times, his campigan manager going on like he did with the GOP, all that.

Trump negotiates for a living. He's not going to read Dr. Seuss to folks. He has done a 180 on a few things. That said, much of the crap thrown at him is out of fear and that speaks volumes.

I only consider the things that are in his own words. I don't care about the alleged stuff. Trust me, Hillary's hit machine will have plenty to say there. Nope, I take issue with his policiy changes and so on. I take issue with the people he pals around with and owes favors to. George for one loaned him a butt load of money for Trump tower. Who else loaned him money and is he beholden to them?

George's bank? He's pals with all of them. He said initially he was one of the people that bought politicians and he knows how the game is played and he has. The guy is a bona fide member of the elite squad. He is pals with all of them.

It's not just Hillary's hit machine. It's the GOP and the money that is backing some of them. The division in the US is like a game between billionaires. The initial attraction of Trump was that he had decided to make this move directly rather than funding candidates. It was more of an in your faces thang.
And has yet to do so.

I like reading some of the stuff he has on his website. I think there was great information on his immigration reform. He went further than all other candidates except Bernie Sanders on issues. Sanders has legislation under his belt and he is a straight shooter.

My thing is, Trump came out pretty much doing a 180 on every opinion he has now. He was to cozy with the establishment he so loathes at this time, the interview with the times, his campigan manager going on like he did with the GOP, all that.

Trump negotiates for a living. He's not going to read Dr. Seuss to folks. He has done a 180 on a few things. That said, much of the crap thrown at him is out of fear and that speaks volumes.

I only consider the things that are in his own words. I don't care about the alleged stuff. Trust me, Hillary's hit machine will have plenty to say there. Nope, I take issue with his policiy changes and so on. I take issue with the people he pals around with and owes favors to. George for one loaned him a butt load of money for Trump tower. Who else loaned him money and is he beholden to them?

George's bank? He's pals with all of them. He said initially he was one of the people that bought politicians and he knows how the game is played and he has. The guy is a bona fide member of the elite squad. He is pals with all of them.

It's not just Hillary's hit machine. It's the GOP and the money that is backing some of them. The division in the US is like a game between billionaires. The initial attraction of Trump was that he had decided to make this move directly rather than funding candidates. It was more of an in your faces thang.

Have to agree, but it doesn't make me feel any better about Trump. Not the guy I want at all and I have zero faith, but alas, my denial must come to an end. He is our guy. So, in November I will go and vote for him and really really hope he beats Hillary.
America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.
"America First" the slogan coined by 1940s Nazi sympathizers.


America First Committee, founded in September 1940.
America First Committee Original Four Principles:
  1. The United States must build an impregnable defense for America
  2. No foreign power, nor group of powers, can successfully attack a prepared America
  3. American democracy can be preserved only by keeping out of the European war.
  4. "Aid short of war" weakens national defense at home and threatens to involve America in war abroad.
I like reading some of the stuff he has on his website. I think there was great information on his immigration reform. He went further than all other candidates except Bernie Sanders on issues. Sanders has legislation under his belt and he is a straight shooter.

My thing is, Trump came out pretty much doing a 180 on every opinion he has now. He was to cozy with the establishment he so loathes at this time, the interview with the times, his campigan manager going on like he did with the GOP, all that.

Trump negotiates for a living. He's not going to read Dr. Seuss to folks. He has done a 180 on a few things. That said, much of the crap thrown at him is out of fear and that speaks volumes.

I only consider the things that are in his own words. I don't care about the alleged stuff. Trust me, Hillary's hit machine will have plenty to say there. Nope, I take issue with his policiy changes and so on. I take issue with the people he pals around with and owes favors to. George for one loaned him a butt load of money for Trump tower. Who else loaned him money and is he beholden to them?

George's bank? He's pals with all of them. He said initially he was one of the people that bought politicians and he knows how the game is played and he has. The guy is a bona fide member of the elite squad. He is pals with all of them.

It's not just Hillary's hit machine. It's the GOP and the money that is backing some of them. The division in the US is like a game between billionaires. The initial attraction of Trump was that he had decided to make this move directly rather than funding candidates. It was more of an in your faces thang.

Have to agree, but it doesn't make me feel any better about Trump. Not the guy I want at all and I have zero faith, but alas, my denial must come to an end. He is our guy. So, in November I will go and vote for him and really really hope he beats Hillary.

I'm not voting for him.
Trump kicked the shit out of the rest of the GOP field and half the media, you go boy! :rock:
Was that when he said that "our allies are freeloaders" and predicted that our allies he just insulted will respect us again?

Or was it when he said, "weaponry is the single biggest problem we have today in the world," and that we must build new weapons with money we haven't got?
Trump kicked the shit out of the rest of the GOP field and half the media, you go boy! :rock:
Was that when he said that "our allies are freeloaders" and predicted that our allies he just insulted will respect us again?

Or was it when he said, "weaponry is the single biggest problem we have today in the world," and that we must build new weapons with money we haven't got?

What exactly are you blabbering about lib? Never mind, turn your computer off and go look for a job.
Trump kicked the shit out of the rest of the GOP field and half the media, you go boy! :rock:
Was that when he said that "our allies are freeloaders" and predicted that our allies he just insulted will respect us again?

Or was it when he said, "weaponry is the single biggest problem we have today in the world," and that we must build new weapons with money we haven't got?

What exactly are you blabbering about lib? Never mind, turn your computer off and go look for a job.
TRUMP: Our allies must contribute toward the financial, political and human costs of our tremendous security burden. But many of them are simply not doing so. They look at the United States as weak and forgiving and feel no obligation to honor their agreements with us.

In NATO, for instance, only 4 of 28 other member countries, besides America, are spending the minimum required 2% of GDP on defense.

We have spent trillions of dollars over time – on planes, missiles, ships, equipment – building up our military to provide a strong defense for Europe and Asia. The countries we are defending must pay for the cost of this defense – and, if not, the U.S. must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves.

TRUMP: Our nuclear weapons arsenal – our ultimate deterrent – has been allowed to atrophy and is desperately in need of modernization and renewal.

HABERMAN: Would you, you were just talking about the nuclear world we live in, and you’ve said many times, and I’ve heard you say it throughout the campaign, that you want the U.S. to be more unpredictable. Would you be willing to have the U.S. be the first to use nuclear weapons in a confrontation with adversaries?

TRUMP: An absolute last step. I think it’s the biggest, I personally think it’s the biggest problem the world has, nuclear capability. I think it’s the single biggest problem. When people talk global warming, I say the global warming that we have to be careful of is the nuclear global warming. Single biggest problem that the world has. Power of weaponry today is beyond anything ever thought of, or even, you know, it’s unthinkable, the power. You look at Hiroshima and you can multiply that times many, many times, is what you have today. And to me, it’s the single biggest, it’s the single biggest problem.
My thing is, Trump came out pretty much doing a 180 on every opinion he has now. He was to cozy with the establishment he so loathes at this time, the interview with the times, his campigan manager going on like he did with the GOP, all that.

Trump negotiates for a living. He's not going to read Dr. Seuss to folks. He has done a 180 on a few things. That said, much of the crap thrown at him is out of fear and that speaks volumes.

I only consider the things that are in his own words. I don't care about the alleged stuff. Trust me, Hillary's hit machine will have plenty to say there. Nope, I take issue with his policiy changes and so on. I take issue with the people he pals around with and owes favors to. George for one loaned him a butt load of money for Trump tower. Who else loaned him money and is he beholden to them?

George's bank? He's pals with all of them. He said initially he was one of the people that bought politicians and he knows how the game is played and he has. The guy is a bona fide member of the elite squad. He is pals with all of them.

It's not just Hillary's hit machine. It's the GOP and the money that is backing some of them. The division in the US is like a game between billionaires. The initial attraction of Trump was that he had decided to make this move directly rather than funding candidates. It was more of an in your faces thang.

Have to agree, but it doesn't make me feel any better about Trump. Not the guy I want at all and I have zero faith, but alas, my denial must come to an end. He is our guy. So, in November I will go and vote for him and really really hope he beats Hillary.

I'm not voting for him.

I'm not voting for Hillery. I consider that a start.
Trump negotiates for a living. He's not going to read Dr. Seuss to folks. He has done a 180 on a few things. That said, much of the crap thrown at him is out of fear and that speaks volumes.

I only consider the things that are in his own words. I don't care about the alleged stuff. Trust me, Hillary's hit machine will have plenty to say there. Nope, I take issue with his policiy changes and so on. I take issue with the people he pals around with and owes favors to. George for one loaned him a butt load of money for Trump tower. Who else loaned him money and is he beholden to them?

George's bank? He's pals with all of them. He said initially he was one of the people that bought politicians and he knows how the game is played and he has. The guy is a bona fide member of the elite squad. He is pals with all of them.

It's not just Hillary's hit machine. It's the GOP and the money that is backing some of them. The division in the US is like a game between billionaires. The initial attraction of Trump was that he had decided to make this move directly rather than funding candidates. It was more of an in your faces thang.

Have to agree, but it doesn't make me feel any better about Trump. Not the guy I want at all and I have zero faith, but alas, my denial must come to an end. He is our guy. So, in November I will go and vote for him and really really hope he beats Hillary.

I'm not voting for him.

I'm not voting for Hillery. I consider that a start.

I'm not voting for her either.
I only consider the things that are in his own words. I don't care about the alleged stuff. Trust me, Hillary's hit machine will have plenty to say there. Nope, I take issue with his policiy changes and so on. I take issue with the people he pals around with and owes favors to. George for one loaned him a butt load of money for Trump tower. Who else loaned him money and is he beholden to them?

George's bank? He's pals with all of them. He said initially he was one of the people that bought politicians and he knows how the game is played and he has. The guy is a bona fide member of the elite squad. He is pals with all of them.

It's not just Hillary's hit machine. It's the GOP and the money that is backing some of them. The division in the US is like a game between billionaires. The initial attraction of Trump was that he had decided to make this move directly rather than funding candidates. It was more of an in your faces thang.

Have to agree, but it doesn't make me feel any better about Trump. Not the guy I want at all and I have zero faith, but alas, my denial must come to an end. He is our guy. So, in November I will go and vote for him and really really hope he beats Hillary.

I'm not voting for him.

I'm not voting for Hillery. I consider that a start.

I'm not voting for her either.
I would like to believe Trump is NOT a warmonger. He did say this yesterday...

“Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction,” Trump said. “The best way to achieve those goals is through a disciplined, deliberate and consistent foreign policy."

We know Hillary is a warmonger (well some of us know this fundamental truth), so that alone should disqualify her.

War is ALWAYS the health of the State.

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