TRANSCRIPT: Trump Foreign Policy Speech

I was being a facetious ;)

You can't telegraph your attack plans. We spend millions on something called Intel, why should we allow IS to turn their TV's on, only to get FREE intel? "Momar! Turn the channel to CNN! Trump said on Twitter that he is outlining the US and its allies attack plans on CNN!!!!"
We never give our attack plans, Trump is just lying so he doesn't have to admit he has no plan. Saying we will send 10,000 troops or 100,000 troops for 10 years or 100 years does not give away our attack plan.


Seriously. How do you know such?
Well, if I said we are sending 500,000 troops who will stay at least 20 years, do you know where they will attack first from that info?
Obviously not, but it does give the American people an idea of what the potential cost in blood and treasure will be. Trump believes the American people are not worth that knowledge!!!
No but they'll know a shit load of warfighters are on the way and they will be staying for a long time. Wake up Ed. We will wage an unconventional war on these clowns. Thats how you win and how you win fast
If you think carpet bombing their families will defeat ISIS you are as crazy as Trump!
Dude who said anything about carpet bombing?

Unconventional warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thats because he's going to wait for the US Military/Allies to put together a detailed outline of their attack plans to drop onto the battlefield so that IS can study it and prepare a defense silly.
Do you really think they do that? :cuckoo:

In reality he hasn't the foggiest idea how to defeat an idea.
I was being a facetious ;)

You can't telegraph your attack plans. We spend millions on something called Intel, why should we allow IS to turn their TV's on, only to get FREE intel? "Momar! Turn the channel to CNN! Trump said on Twitter that he is outlining the US and its allies attack plans on CNN!!!!"
We never give our attack plans, Trump is just lying so he doesn't have to admit he has no plan. Saying we will send 10,000 troops or 100,000 troops for 10 years or 100 years does not give away our attack plan.


Seriously. How do you know such?
Well, if I said we are sending 500,000 troops who will stay at least 20 years, do you know where they will attack first from that info?
Obviously not, but it does give the American people an idea of what the potential cost in blood and treasure will be. Trump believes the American people are not worth that knowledge!!!

I must have missed it, where did Lame Duck President Obama tell us what the MASSIVE COST of Obamacare was going to be? Did he NOT tell us that every family was going to save $2,500 AND if they liked their plan, they could keep it, and if they liked their doctor, they could keep them as well?

What were the SPECIFICS President Obama gave us when he was running for President?
I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......


Long on rhetoric, short on details. Trump always evades they question on bringing jobs back, why ? When pressed on his mexican wall, he deflects, why? All he is is a pretty package, and if you really look, that's all he has ever been. Who will he sue when Putin tells him to get bent? What will he do when Apple laughs in his face and his stupid tax's just getting added to the cost of an iPhone or mac? I plan on reading it more because I really want to believe trump will do okay, but so far all we get to see is the package the product comes it. No reason why it's better then everyone else's ? All the message board slug fest aside, what (other then using a teleprompter and not saying lying ted) what makes trump so good?

He has real EXECUTIVE accomplishments and the position of President, in our country is an EXECUTIVE position. Please observe the three branches of government.

Why are you concerned about taxes? I've not seen you railing about the massive taxes enacted by Obamacare are you?

It's a penalty, not a tax. And trump wants to keep Obamacare, he just wants to rename it trumpcare. Trump has gotten by by knowing people. By hobnobing with the political elite, one of which he thinks he can beat in a general election for president. A candidate who already has half the country voting for them. Yet, he says again and again everything will be okay, he just said it with out being a moron. Trump is not more then Barry Goldwater. He sounds good, he is pissed, but in the end he will lose. He will congratulate his friend Hillary and hopefully the folks don't get fooled again.
I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......


he's delusional
Do you really think they do that? :cuckoo:

In reality he hasn't the foggiest idea how to defeat an idea.
I was being a facetious ;)

You can't telegraph your attack plans. We spend millions on something called Intel, why should we allow IS to turn their TV's on, only to get FREE intel? "Momar! Turn the channel to CNN! Trump said on Twitter that he is outlining the US and its allies attack plans on CNN!!!!"
We never give our attack plans, Trump is just lying so he doesn't have to admit he has no plan. Saying we will send 10,000 troops or 100,000 troops for 10 years or 100 years does not give away our attack plan.


Seriously. How do you know such?
Well, if I said we are sending 500,000 troops who will stay at least 20 years, do you know where they will attack first from that info?
Obviously not, but it does give the American people an idea of what the potential cost in blood and treasure will be. Trump believes the American people are not worth that knowledge!!!

I must have missed it, where did Lame Duck President Obama tell us what the MASSIVE COST of Obamacare was going to be? Did he NOT tell us that every family was going to save $2,500 AND if they liked their plan, they could keep it, and if they liked their doctor, they could keep them as well?

What were the SPECIFICS President Obama gave us when he was running for President?


If Trump wins, we are invading Iraq...again.

Happy days are here again!
We never give our attack plans, Trump is just lying so he doesn't have to admit he has no plan. Saying we will send 10,000 troops or 100,000 troops for 10 years or 100 years does not give away our attack plan.


Seriously. How do you know such?
Well, if I said we are sending 500,000 troops who will stay at least 20 years, do you know where they will attack first from that info?
Obviously not, but it does give the American people an idea of what the potential cost in blood and treasure will be. Trump believes the American people are not worth that knowledge!!!
No but they'll know a shit load of warfighters are on the way and they will be staying for a long time. Wake up Ed. We will wage an unconventional war on these clowns. Thats how you win and how you win fast
If you think carpet bombing their families will defeat ISIS you are as crazy as Trump!
Dude who said anything about carpet bombing?
So how do you suppose Trump will kill the families of ISIS, and don't deny Trump said that he would do just that.

Seriously. How do you know such?
Well, if I said we are sending 500,000 troops who will stay at least 20 years, do you know where they will attack first from that info?
Obviously not, but it does give the American people an idea of what the potential cost in blood and treasure will be. Trump believes the American people are not worth that knowledge!!!
No but they'll know a shit load of warfighters are on the way and they will be staying for a long time. Wake up Ed. We will wage an unconventional war on these clowns. Thats how you win and how you win fast
If you think carpet bombing their families will defeat ISIS you are as crazy as Trump!
Dude who said anything about carpet bombing?
So how do you suppose Trump will kill the families of ISIS, and don't deny Trump said that he would do just that.
Quit with the straw men. BTW he didn't say he was going to kill them, he said he was going to go after them. There's a huge difference.
Quit with the straw men. BTW he didn't say he was going to kill them, he said he was going to go after them. There's a huge difference.
Quit with the bullshit.
Trump said he would "TAKE THEM OUT," and he wasn't talking about on a date to Mar-a-Lago!

“And the other thing is with the terrorists, you have to take out their families. They, they care about their lives. Don’t kid yourself. But they say they don’t care about their lives. You have to take out their families.”
Best foreign policy I've heard proposed ever and I've been paying attention since Eisenhower was campaigning for the Republican nomination.

However I disagree with Trump on one major point:

He said Iran must not be allowed to have nuclear weapons.

Iran is a sovereign nation. It is not a state (as within The United States). Unless a sovereign nation has voluntarily subjected itself to a treaty banning anything it should have no obligations as whether to have or not have anything it desires.

Now using a nuclear weapon against some other nation - that's a pig of a different odor and something over which to get upset.

But to have? None of our business - no matter how much we might dislike it.

I know, risky, but there is no such thing as "just a little bit sovereign".

Hey, how'd you leftists like it if Russia were to tell America it was not allowed to have nukes? If you were in control would you suck it up and hand 'em over?

Oh, wait.....yeah............probably you would!

As Mr. Trump said, Iran must not be allowed to have nuclear weapons. Look at the nightmare we have in North Korea with a total man/boy idiot starving his people in order to build a nuclear arsenal.

What you are proposing is that if an individual does not agree to follow the laws of the land, it is okay for them to take the money they need from banks...or you for that matter. There is an International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. That has been in effect since 2005.
I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......


What happened to taking ISIS’s oil?
I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......


Long on rhetoric, short on details. Trump always evades they question on bringing jobs back, why ? When pressed on his mexican wall, he deflects, why? All he is is a pretty package, and if you really look, that's all he has ever been. Who will he sue when Putin tells him to get bent? What will he do when Apple laughs in his face and his stupid tax's just getting added to the cost of an iPhone or mac? I plan on reading it more because I really want to believe trump will do okay, but so far all we get to see is the package the product comes it. No reason why it's better then everyone else's ? All the message board slug fest aside, what (other then using a teleprompter and not saying lying ted) what makes trump so good?

He has real EXECUTIVE accomplishments and the position of President, in our country is an EXECUTIVE position. Please observe the three branches of government.

Why are you concerned about taxes? I've not seen you railing about the massive taxes enacted by Obamacare are you?

It's a penalty, not a tax. And trump wants to keep Obamacare, he just wants to rename it trumpcare. Trump has gotten by by knowing people. By hobnobing with the political elite, one of which he thinks he can beat in a general election for president. A candidate who already has half the country voting for them. Yet, he says again and again everything will be okay, he just said it with out being a moron. Trump is not more then Barry Goldwater. He sounds good, he is pissed, but in the end he will lose. He will congratulate his friend Hillary and hopefully the folks don't get fooled again.

Sorry, as you should know, Justice Roberts of the Supreme Court, said that the "penalty" was indeed a tax and therefore, constitutional.

You conveniently dodged all the other millions in taxes contained in Obamacare. Why? Are you unaware of them or do you chose to pretend they do not exist?
I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......


What happened to taking ISIS’s oil?

He evolved. You will be seeing allot of that as Hillary climbs the stairs past him to the Whitehouse.
I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......


What happened to taking ISIS’s oil?

Lame Duck President Obama has prohibited even bombing the trucks carrying oil because there might be someone, not an ISIS fighter, DRIVING THE TRUCK.
I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......


Long on rhetoric, short on details. Trump always evades they question on bringing jobs back, why ? When pressed on his mexican wall, he deflects, why? All he is is a pretty package, and if you really look, that's all he has ever been. Who will he sue when Putin tells him to get bent? What will he do when Apple laughs in his face and his stupid tax's just getting added to the cost of an iPhone or mac? I plan on reading it more because I really want to believe trump will do okay, but so far all we get to see is the package the product comes it. No reason why it's better then everyone else's ? All the message board slug fest aside, what (other then using a teleprompter and not saying lying ted) what makes trump so good?

He has real EXECUTIVE accomplishments and the position of President, in our country is an EXECUTIVE position. Please observe the three branches of government.

Why are you concerned about taxes? I've not seen you railing about the massive taxes enacted by Obamacare are you?

It's a penalty, not a tax. And trump wants to keep Obamacare, he just wants to rename it trumpcare. Trump has gotten by by knowing people. By hobnobing with the political elite, one of which he thinks he can beat in a general election for president. A candidate who already has half the country voting for them. Yet, he says again and again everything will be okay, he just said it with out being a moron. Trump is not more then Barry Goldwater. He sounds good, he is pissed, but in the end he will lose. He will congratulate his friend Hillary and hopefully the folks don't get fooled again.

Sorry, as you should know, Justice Roberts of the Supreme Court, said that the "penalty" was indeed a tax and therefore, constitutional.

You conveniently dodged all the other millions in taxes contained in Obamacare. Why? Are you unaware of them or do you chose to pretend they do not exist?

I am aware of them. Had to pay them. Trump likes Obama care and will tweak a thing here and there to make it trump care, but other then that will not get rid of it. He has even said as much.
I've linked the full transcript below. Below is a lead in:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you, and thank you to the Center for the National Interest for honoring me with this invitation.

I would like to talk today about how to develop a new foreign policy direction for our country – one that replaces randomness with purpose, ideology with strategy, and chaos with peace.

It is time to shake the rust off of America’s foreign policy. It's time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold.

The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle. My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make.

America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.

But to chart our path forward, we must first briefly look back.

We have a lot to be proud of. In the 1940s we saved the world. The Greatest Generation beat back the Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists.

Then we saved the world again, this time from totalitarian Communism. The Cold War lasted for decades, but we won.

Democrats and Republicans working together got Mr. Gorbachev to heed the words of President Reagan when he said: “tear down this wall.”

History will not forget what we did......


What happened to taking ISIS’s oil?

Lame Duck President Obama has prohibited even bombing the trucks carrying oil because there might be someone, not an ISIS fighter, DRIVING THE TRUCK.

Or that the oil will get on the ground. Dude is such a failure.
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